Page 88 of Deals and Daggers

“Damn,” she sighed. “I knew he was a freak, but a blood drinker?”

“This is serious, Natalie!”

“You’re right, you’re right. But surely there’s an explanation for this, right? I mean, he didn’t start acting all crazy until recently.” Her lips thinned.

“Until I pulled him back from the veil. That’s when it all started.”

“He doesn’t suspect you know anything?” Natalie questioned. “They didn’t hear you listening to them?”

I shook my head. “No, I ran away as soon as Wrath offered his own blood to subdue the cravings.”

Natalie was already walking, pulling me along with her to the back of the lake house. “Come on,” she insisted. “I’m tired of these secrets. You don’t deserve any of this, Ly. It’s time we get some answers.”

The brothers didn’t hear as we stormed down the steps of the lake house. Hell, they didn’t even notice us as we marched up to them on the sandy beach. Wind streaked through my hair, blowing it back from my face as we approached the waves.

“So, this is what you’ve been hiding?” Natalie yelled.

Alek jumped away from Wrath, both of them spinning to face us.

“I knew you were hiding something,” she pushed. “I just didn’t think it was this shady.”

Alek’s eyes immediately found mine, searching my face. I had nothing to say to him. Hell, I didn’t know where to start.

He had been keeping this from me this entire time. Suffering alone. Suffering in silence.

“Lyra, it’s not as bad as you think,” he tried weakly.

“It’s pretty fucking bad, Alek!” Natalie interrupted. She stepped in front of me, putting a barrier between Alek and me.

I was grateful for it.

“We can figure this out!” Wrath promised.

“Yeah, we sure as hell can! Starting with a trip to visit that witch you three know so much about. I can’t believe you’ve been walking around like this, Alek. You fucking knew better!”

Natalie was pissed off, and she had the right to be. I was her best friend, and Alek swore he would never hurt me.

But this? My chest tightened and cracked entirely. This was a whole different type of hurt.

“I’m going to fix this,” Alek mumbled. I still felt his eyes on me, even as I ripped my gaze away and stared into the dark lake. “Fuck, nobody wants to fix this more than I do!”

“Then get in the car,” Nat yelled. “We’re going to find that witch.”



This was my own personal hell.

It was bad enough that Natalie and Wrath tagged along. Natalie seeped with hatred, like she could hardly be in the same room as me. Not to mention the stream of comments she sent in Lyra’s direction.

Like I needed any more hints on how fucking pathetic this all was.

But Lyra’s silence was the worst part. She sat directly behind me in the back seat of Wrath’s car, but I could feel her fuming.

I understood her anger. The secrets, the lies, the sneaking around. I would do anything to fix this, to get things back to normal with her.

Lyra had my heart. She owned me. She ruined me.