Page 77 of Deals and Daggers

But that moment of weakness had passed.

“Go,” I said, stepping back and breaking the storm of tension between us. “Have fun.”

She stared at me a moment longer, disbelief hanging from her features. “Right. Great. That’s just great, Alek.” She turned to walk up the steps that led to the lake house.


“Don’t bother,” she said, holding her hand up to cut me off. “We both know you have too many secrets swarming beneath those eyes. Why bother lying for this…” Her brows furrowed. “Whatever the hell this is.”

And then she left, walking back inside to dance with Natalie.

Well, that did not go as planned.

“You handled that horribly,” Salem’s voice rang out behind me. I spun around to find her standing at the bottom of the steps, a beer can in her gloved hand. “Am I the only one with wits in this family?”

I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands into my black jean pockets. “I did not ask for your input.”

“Maybe not, but you sure as hell need it.” She sauntered forward. “Tell me, when did you become a total idiot, brother?”

My lips curled into a sneer. “Stay out of this.”

The smirk on her face disappeared. “You might be a demon dealing with a lot right now, but so is Lyra. And whatever you think you’ve got going on, I can guarantee you, she’s got more.”

“You can’t possibly know that.”

“Think about it. It wasn’t that long ago that she was trapped in her psycho mother’s basement with chains. This is all new to her, Alek. She thought she could trust you, and you’re pulling away. How do you think that makes her feel?”

“This isn’t a fucking therapy session, Salem.”

I turned to walk away, but she grabbed my jacket and pulled me back. “Don’t be stupid, Alek. Lyra’s special. She’s important. She might be half a demon and half a powerful goddess, but she’s also a fucking girl. Stop acting like an asshole. Whatever shit you’ve got going on, handle it or tell her the truth.”

I yanked myself from her grip, but she was already turning around, walking back toward the edge of the lake.

Salem was wrong. Lyra wasn’t just a girl. She was powerful and strong and honest. She was good. She was pure.

Maybe she didn’t feel that way at times, especially now that she knew she was half demon, but I saw it.

Lyra would be the one to save us all. If I got any closer, I could ruin it.



He was not happy to see me. He spent the last few days avoiding me and running off every chance he could get. Why would he want to see me here?

I let Natalie’s drink burn the tightening in my chest, attempting to wash away those stupid emotions I had absolutely no interest in feeling. I was stupid to come here. A downright fool.

Alek was right. Things were different now.

Between the veil, Wrath’s reappearance, my own father, and my half-demon heritage, I wasn’t the same Lyra that Alek fell for.

Hell, he wasn’t the same Alek, either. Though I couldn’t quite put my finger on what exactly changed, on where we went wrong.

“Forget about it,” Natalie yelled over the booming music.

I suddenly had flashbacks of us dancing together at Night Raven that first night I met Alek, before my life changed forever. I had so much fun that night; I had been completely lost in the music, in the euphoria, in the freedom.

I wanted to feel that again.