Page 56 of Deals and Daggers

I spun around, looking for the body that matched the voice, looking for some sort of massive demon or evil spirit to attack me, to slice a sword into my gut, to bring on this death that was promised on this side of the veil.

Still, I saw nothing.

“Who’s there?”

Again, nothing.

The seemingly windless forest around me changed. The air twirled and whipped my hair across my face with a howl that grew and grew and grew.

I was not afraid. I would not allow myself to succumb to that fear that threatened to take everything, threatened to pull me under with its sharp claws and never release, never let me breathe again without its presence.

I whipped my head around, looking for anyone who might be in the forest, anyone who might want to kill me.

We were in the veil now. The possibilities were not only limited to the living.

The wind roared, breaking twigs and bending branches for as far as I could see.

“Hello?” My voice shook as I called out into the shadows.

Just when I thought I had totally lost my mind, a woman appeared before me. She looked like my mother, with long, beautiful white hair and powerful eyes.

But she also looked… different. Wiser.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am the Goddess of Light,” she answered.

I hesitated. “But my mother is the Goddess of Light.”

The woman laughed quietly, warm and comforting. “Yes, but I am the original, darling. I am your ancestor.”

The original?

“We don’t have much time,” she pushed. “I came here to tell you that you are special. You are the one who is going to make things right again.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do,” I explained. “I came here to fix all of this.”

She smiled. “Not just now. You are both light and dark, just as any goddess should be. You must accept this first, and then you can accomplish what you most desire.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“I wish I could explain more, darling, but there isn’t time.”

Light flickered. The solid woman before me faded.

“Help me!” I answered. “Help me close the veil!”

“It will all be right soon. Just hold on.”

Her figure began to disappear. I looked down at my hands, realizing the small wound from earlier now overflowed with red liquid.

I collapsed to my knees.

My blood dripped.

And dripped.

And dripped.