Page 41 of Deals and Daggers

I was out of options.

I turned on my heel and ran.

“Get her!” someone yelled from behind. A few more shouts rang out, which only fueled my legs to sprint faster and faster away from the house and into the forest.

Away from Theia.

Away from the demons.

Away from the trap.

I ran and ran and ran as quickly as I could, even though I knew I wasn’t going to get far.

There were a dozen demons following me now, maybe more.

I heard them approaching over my pounding heart, my panting breaths.

The demons were gaining on me, only a few feet behind my heels as I pounded the ground, turning onto the dirt road that led us here and darting down the path, not caring that I had no idea where I was headed. Not caring that even if I managed to make it out of here, make it away from these demons that chased me, I would be stranded in the middle of the forest with absolutely no clue where I was.

I felt it in the air before I felt the hand clamp down on my skin, gripping my elbow with teeth-clenching pain and spinning me backward so hard my feet flew out from under me.

I crashed to the ground. The demon chasing me threw himself on top of me. He did not try to be gentle; he did not care if he hurt me.

Someone laughed in the background, the sound cruel and menacing.

I thrashed and thrashed. There was no way in hell I was giving up that easy, no way I was going to come this far without fighting for my life to get out of this damn situation.

“What’s the matter?” The demon above me caught my wrists and pinned them to either side of my head. “Not enjoying your stay here? Maybe we can help you have a little more fun.”

The way his eyes raked down my body in the darkness sent an enraged chill of disgust through me. I would die before I let this pervert touch me.

But his weight on top of me pinned me to the cold dirt.

That’s when I saw the headlights.

They were so far in the distance at first that I thought I had imagined them, had made them up in my mind to distract myself from whatever was about to happen on that abandoned front yard.

But the lights grew brighter and brighter, the car speeding down the road, snapping sticks and cutting through branches with the engine roaring through the silent forest.

The car roared as it came closer, my assailant freezing above me as we all looked into the forest, watching the lights illuminate our surroundings.

My head rested right next to the dirt road. So close, in fact, that as the car sped forward, my hair was whipped across my face by the fierce breeze.

Then I felt it—that tiny thread inside of me pulling, sparking to life.

I let my head rest against the dirt, let my eyes flutter close as the car screeched to a halt.

I didn’t have to look to know who had come for me.

The sound of the car door being thrown open sliced the air, followed by a slew of curse words from the demons surrounding me.

“Don’t move,” the one pinning me to the ground hissed before jumping to his feet.

I blinked my eyes open in the darkness, already knowing what I would find.

Alek stood in front of his car, chest rising and falling with anger, the same rage that fueled my soul and sent flares of heat down my body.

I didn’t have time to process what happened next.