Page 15 of Deals and Daggers

“We need some answers,” Alek started. “Why were you working with Marcus in the first place? What did he offer you?”

Narcissa smiled snidely. “Why would you think he offered me anything?”

Alek leveled her with a serious look. “You’re a witch. You have loyalties to nature. You wouldn’t disrupt the balance for nothing. Did you know there would be consequences? Did you know the veil would not close once we opened it?”

Something flashed beneath her features, but she quickly hid it.

“No,” she replied. “But I’ve barely slept since that night. I’ve been diving into my research, learning as much as I can about the veil. When you’re ready to ensure that veil stays shut, I’ll be ready.”

Then, just as quickly as she arrived, she was gone. Her black skirt whirled behind her as she rushed out the door and disappeared around the side of the building.

“Wow,” I sighed. “I hope that was worth the drive over here.”

Wrath and Alek glanced at each other. What were they expecting, anyway? Narcissa clearly had her own motivations for being involved with the veil. We couldn’t trust her simply because she agreed to meet us at a café.

Natalie leaned forward. “Okay, someone better tell me what the hell is going on.”



“Why do I feel like I’m being initiated into a cult?” Natalie asked as she finished applying her bright red lipstick.

I watched her in admiration as the color painted her lips perfectly. “Because you are,” I said. “This isn’t a decision to take lightly, Nat. You’ll be in this life permanently.”

She put the lid back on the red tube and turned to me. “If you’re tied to this life, then so am I.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Really?” I asked, and she nodded. “So, this has nothing to do with a certain brother who is clearly head over heels for you?”

Natalie had been talking about becoming part of the Night Ravens continuously for the last week. That, and the fact that Wrath tended to appear anywhere she went, made me think there was more than one reason she wanted to become part of the demon legion.

“Absolutely not!” She spun around with a hand over her chest and her jaw hanging open. “I cannot imagine you’d assume such a thing!”

“Oh, right. I forgot you would never do anything irrational for a boy.”

Natalie smiled as she approached, moving to sit beside me on the large silk bed. I’d spent weeks at Alek’s house, and I still hadn’t gotten used to the luxury.

Natalie seemed to fit in perfectly, though. She spent a lot of time with me here, and if she wasn’t with me, she was with Wrath or Salem.

I had to admit; I was more than happy to keep this part of my past with me. I needed Natalie for my sanity; I was afraid I would forget who I was if it weren’t for her.

She pulled my hands into her lap as she sighed. “We spent our entire lives thinking that demons were horrible people. We grew up learning not to trust them, that they would kill and manipulate and cheat.”

“I remember,” I whispered, recalling the dozens of stories Theia had told me of the evil demons that lurked in the shadows.

“I want to learn the truth for myself, Lyra. They see me. They actually understand…” She cleared her throat and shook her head. “I never really fit in with the world of the goddesses, anyway. They’re too perfect.”

I snorted a laugh. “Perfect. That’s an interesting word for it.”

She squeezed my hands. “You know what I mean. Besides, you already did the blood bonding. Why shouldn’t I?”

“I had no idea what I was getting into! Alek had to bite me, or one of those other demons would. It was terrifying and traumatic.”

Nat shrugged, that same mischievous smile spreading over her lips. “Doesn’t sound too bad to me. Things clearly worked out for you.”

“Natalie!” I shook her hands. “This is serious!”

Her eyes softened as she looked at me, finally letting me see a small piece of the real Natalie that hid behind red lipstick and bouncy hair. “I know it is, Ly. This might seem like a rash decision to you, but I’ve thought this through. The Night Ravens need our help, and I want to be there for them. I want to be there for you.”