My breathing caught, and I quickly turned my head, my hands gripping the steering wheel. Heat flooded me at the memories of his gun and the look of desire in his eyes.

Shaking my head, I got the hell out of town.

Yeah. I was on Raid’s radar.


What did that actually mean?



Fuck yeah.I saw her. The wind blowing that sexy blonde hair all over, sunglasses that covered those eyes that drew me in, and her focus directly on me.

It wasn’t a brother. It was like she knew exactly who I was, not confusing me with any of the others riding with me. Even my twin. Surprising because most couldn’t tell us apart except for the scar and hair.

She saw something last night that I’d killed others for less before, but with her, that urge to kill didn’t hit.

Unfortunately for her, she knew some of Ravage’s business, and as long as she kept her sexy, pouty lips shut, I wouldn’thaveto put that bullet in her brain.

Sure, she intrigued me like a puzzle waiting to be put together, but that didn’t mean for one second that I wouldn’t take her out if I needed to.

Ravage always came first.

I’d give my life to protect my club. Or hers if need be.

We rode in formation with Cruz at the front, GT at his left, and Cooper at his right. The rest of us were behind in order of rank of when we joined the MC.

Loved riding like this. Seeing my brothers all around me. I’d never known a time when I couldn’t put my trust in the men around me. Some were blood, but all were brothers. Family.

Ravage had been my home since I came screaming like hell into this world, according to my mom. Always knew I’d be part of this club. Never once did I think I’d be anything but a brother of the Ravage MC. Any other life wasn’t in the cards for me.

This club was family in every way that mattered.

I wasn’t fucking stupid. The shit we did wasn’t safe by any means. The gun in my holster I’d had since I was a teenager. Not carrying it was unacceptable. It was an extension of me. It wasn’t a cookie cutter life one saw on television. But it was mine.

I’d never change my life or my lifestyle. This was what I was born to-do.

Cruz held out his right arm and we followed, turning in the parking lot of the block building on the outskirts of Sumner. It was ours and secure, but why this meeting had to be so hush, I didn’t fucking know. But I was sure we’d figure it out soon enough.

Parking, we all got off our bikes and wrapped around, listening to Cruz.

“Let’s get this shit over with.”

“What are we walkin’ into exactly?” Buzz, my father, asked. We were called to this meeting rather abruptly, and Cruz didn’t give us the rundown of what exactly we were doing. This led me to believe that he didn’t see any danger for us because he wouldn’t put us in a position like that.

That much was fact.

“Mayor Corbon. Says he has information for us. Don’t know what. Wouldn’t tell me over the phone, the fucker,” Cruz answered then moved to the door. “He’s not one to call a meet, though, so figure it’s worth the time.”

Ax and I stepped in front of Cruz out of habit, opening the door and checking for any problems just as a precaution. Seeing the Mayor with a folder in his hands and no one else in the vicinity, I nodded to Cruz who we all followed in after GT and Cooper.

The place was musty, having a stale smell, and hadn’t been used in quite some time. Being on the outskirts, no businesses wanted to establish here anymore. Therefore, we used it from time to time. Why this was so important to not do it somewhere else, I had no fucking clue, but it must be something the mayor didn’t want anyone to know he had contact with us about.

Floors were covered in a light dust, and a few windows allowed sunlight in. The space was open with only pillars holding the ceiling up sporadically throughout. The old warehouse had been gutted years ago.

The mayor, John, walked toward us.