“What’s wrong?” Raid asked as I moved to his side, seeing the man who came to get Raid last night at the party and took him away, leaving me with the ol’ ladies. He looked nothing like he did last night. Scraggly and disheveled. I was pretty sure he hadn’t slept for quite some time. He definitely needed a break from whatever was keeping him awake.

“Need you,” he told Raid. He looked at me and then down at my hand with the gun. “At least she’s smart.”

That was a nice compliment and made my lip tip.

“Give me five,” Raid told him. “Come in and…”

Micah shook his head. “Gotta get back. Talk about it when you get to the clubhouse.”

“Got it,” Raid said as Micah turned on his heel, and Raid shut the door. He didn’t wait for me as he rushed into the bedroom and put on the rest of his clothes. He sat on the bed and laced up his boot. “Gotta go. Club needs me.”

“Of course,” I responded. He tied the last boot, stood, and came right to me, wrapping me in his arms.

His kiss was hard and deep. When he pulled back, I felt myself wanting to follow him. “We’re not done talkin’, but I gotta go. I’ll call you.”

Then he was gone. I rushed to the door, set the security, and locked it.

Resting my back to the door, I slid down until my ass hit the floor.

I’d almost told him. Almost gave more of my past than I’d intended when I first started talking. Stupid. What was I thinking? It wasn’t safe.

He already knew too much.

Maybe it was divine intervention that Micah showed up when he did. Maybe that was my sign I should keep my mouth shut.

My heart ached and burned. I couldn’t tell him anymore. I couldn’t risk it.

My phone pinged in the other room, and I got up to get it.

Grabbing it and turning it face up, my hand trembled and caused my phone to fall to the ground with a thump. I scrambled to pick it up and hit the play button.

“Little Cami. You put cameras in? I admire your tenacity and ability to get into so many of my places without being seen. Impressive. Don’t you worry. We’ll be together soon.” Then the screen went blank, my “uncle’s” voice and face cut off.

Did he know where I was? How did he find out? What did he know? Shit!

If he did, I needed to be prepared. That meant I need to talk to Screech.

Hell would freeze before I lived the life I had before. I’d die if I must as long as they came along for the ride.

This was me, nothing good could touch me. Tainted, blackened, burdened and burned, this moment was my reminder … I was and would always be safer alone.



Enteringthe lair at the clubhouse, Micah’s Tahoe was inside, all the doors and trunk open with all the computers getting pulled out for action. It was as if we were under attack, going to war, and he was getting the bat mobile ready to go.

What in the fuck did I miss from leaving late last night to now?

It appeared the computer screens were as I'd left them, and security feeds were playing, showing all the areas of the clubhouse and our businesses.

Deke was sitting at the long table in the middle of the room with a bright light over it. He had the laptop from hell that almost burned our system and was unscrewing the back.

Yeah, something had definitely happened.

Micah was in the back of his trunk, pulling out the equipment he had in there. I moved to him. “What’s goin’ on, man?”

“Chief dickhead has officially showed himself in Sumner. Pulled me over near Nyx’s house. Lights flashing and all,” Micah started unplugging machines from the inside of his Tahoe. I swore the thing had its own server.