“I’ve got mics,” Micah said, moving to his SUV, grabbing a small bag, and coming back to us. “Put them in your shorts. Preferably not by your dick since I’d like to use them again one day.”
A chuckle escaped me. “I’ll be sure to rub it on my balls.”
“You do know you’re not supposed to wear underwear?” Phoenix tossed in. “Those boys will be freeballin’.”
There were chuckles as I pulled out my phone and searched for the closest public bathroom. “Come on,” I told Cooper. “Let these guys give each other shit.”
Cooper chuckled. Luckily a public bathroom was in walking distance, and we did what we needed to do.
After dealing with the catcalls from the men, Cooper and I rode to the place, got off with our ball, and made our way down the beach, looking for the blue umbrella.
There were several of them. Like thirty maybe.
“You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” Cooper said low.
My phone chimed in my pocket, and I pulled it out. It was a text from Micah…
“White fringe. Yellow patch on right side.”
I showed it to Cooper. “Thank fuck.”
It was easy to find with the yellow patch, and we made our way. I had a farmer’s tan from wearing t-shirts on my bike. Rarely was I shirtless. What the fuck ever.
“I can’t believe I’m out here without my cut,” I said to Cooper.
“No shit,” he said low. Working so hard, dreaming about that piece of leather, well, being without it now didn’t feel right. It was a second skin for me along with my fucking gun.
“Go,” I called out as Cooper ran down the way a bit, and I tossed the ball in a perfect arch.
Ax and I were known to throw the ball around from time to time, and I wasn’t bad.
Back and forth, I kept looking in my peripheral vision. The man relaxing under the umbrella looked like he was sleeping. If he didn’t get off his ass soon, this fucking ball would be up his ass. He was pushing his fucking luck as it was. Ravage didn’t play these fucking games. The ice he was on was thin as fuck. Cop or not.
The beach was littered with people. We had to move a bit closer just to get a small path to throw the ball.
As time ticked by, my patience was going with it.
Not even the women in bikinis caught my attention. The women tried, but neither Cooper or I acknowledged them.
What the fuck was that about?
My cock didn’t rise with all the free flowing pussy around. Fuck.
One thought of Nyx and my cock started to stir.
Fucking hell. I knew what that meant.
“All the documentation I have is on the flash drive under my towel.” A voice came from the chair, but I didn’t acknowledge him. “I’ve been on him for years. Fuckin’ kill him for me.”
Then he got up, dusted off his swim trunks, and went into the water.
I nodded to Cooper, who immediately came. Reaching down under the towel, sure enough a flash drive was in a Ziploc bag. I grabbed it, put it in my pocket, and we headed out.
Had no clue what the fuck all of that was about. Guess the fucker was really paranoid.
This shit had better be fucking good for all this monkeying around. Ravage didn’t do this shit. We got in, got what we wanted by whatever means necessary, and moved on. Playing games in the sand wasn’t our style, but it seemed that lately we were doing everything differently than ever before.
For the first time, I wanted more than anything to just get on my bike and ride home.