Rhys stood stock still, body taut. Only his arm came out and punched Ryker in the shoulder.
The movement made Ryker take a step back, and he grabbed his arm. “Fuck, man. Why so brutal? I’m not the one fuckin’ your daughter.”
“Keep it up,” Rhys warned.
“Okay. All these fuckers can do their family drama,” Brewer, the Vice President of the Rebellion chapter said, moving to start shaking hands.
After Brewer was Wrong Way and Phoenix.
Wrong Way was their numbers man, and I didn’t know what the fuck Phoenix was. As he shook hands with Ryker, they reminded me of each other. Both crazy as fuck.
Nox, Crow’s blood and club brother, greeted Crow and the rest of them. I shook their hands and was ready to get down to work. Sooner we did this shit, the faster I could get back to Nyx.
“Fuck, I missed the intros.” Micah who just got out of his mammoth of a machine came to do his hellos.
Seven of us from Sumner here. Four from Rebellion.
See why we didn’t bring all of Sumner? Fuck, we’d be everywhere.
“What do ya got?” Cruz asked Crow.
But it was Brewer who handed Cruz a manilla envelope. “Not much.”
It was Crow who spoke. “Came down last night. Ex-wife and kid live at 9835 Styles Lane. They have a mortgage in both Roger and the ex, Erin’s names. Which doesn’t make sense considering he paid cash for the house in Sumner.”
Fuck no that didn’t make sense at all.
Why would he leave his child and baby momma with a payment every month while he lived free? He was a bigger dick than I’d originally thought.
“That’s fucked up,” Cooper growled, probably thinking along these same lines.
“Yeah. He does make the payments, though, through direct deposit. His banking information is there, but all it shows is his check from the police job and bills going out. Nothing unusual at all.”
“Fuck. How does one not have a footprint? Everyone has a fuckin’ footprint,” Micah growled.
“You haven’t seen how my woman, Hayden, works,” Wrong Way said with a smirk. “She’s a fuckin’ genius at hacking and usin’ the black web.”
“And that means?” Micah asked.
“The ex-wife doesn’t have her shit as tight as it looks like Roger does.”
“I hadn’t gotten that far yet,” Micah said low. He wasn’t used to someone finding out shit before him. He was taking this a bit too hard.
He was a proud man.
But weren’t we all. Micah needed to let Deke and I help him more.
“I fucked her last night,” Phoenix said out of the blue.
“Come again?” Cruz asked, obviously not getting it like the rest of us. Who just blurted that kind of shit out?
“The ex-wife. She got a text from one of her friends,” Phoenix started with a smirk.
“That was me,” Wrong Way put in.
“Tellin’ Erin to meet her at the bar. Friend didn’t show, I swooped in. She was lookin’ to fuck. Kid wasn’t at the house, so it worked well. I made sure to put on a good show for the camera in the bedroom. Which I don’t think she knows is there, but I spotted it quickly. No doubt from the ex-husband.”
“What’d ya find out?” Cooper asked.