Anger. I could do anger.
I’d just have to be more careful with what I looked at. If it was any of them with women, I’d need to fast forward and only listen to the parts that could help me.
That didn’t mean that this didn’t shake me to my core.
Looking up at the clock, I realized I was late for work.
“Shit.” I jumped up and made it to work only ten minutes late.
The problem was those images didn’t leave me the entire night.
I had a feeling I’d see them in my nightmares along with my name on Flynn’s lips.
The ride south was sunny,warm, and freeing. Loved being on my bike riding especially with my brothers.
The wind felt different through my short hair but amazing all the same.
Normally, this would be where I found my freedom, the release of everything on my mind.
Except with each mile marker that passed, it was a mile away from the warmth of the woman whom I’d left naked in bed. Fuck, she was beautiful with her blonde hair spread out all over the pillow and the soft afterglow of a satisfied woman who was fucked good and proper. A picture I’d never forget.
Last night, I couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t sleep a fucking wink because all I wanted to do was to be inside her. Feeling her. Touching her. Surrounding her. Of which the last three of those, I did unabashedly.
The taste of her was still on my tongue, and I stored it to memory. It wouldn’t be anything to be forgotten anytime soon. She would not be forgotten.
One night with her and she was imprinted on me like a tattoo on my skin.
What the fuck was that?
What was this feeling?
What were these thoughts?
Never had I been on my bike and riding with my brothers with my mind on a woman. A sexy, beautiful, mysterious woman but, fuck me, a woman nonetheless.
Not once since before I got my cut had I ever hesitated to answer a call or message from Ravage. Laying there, inhaling the scent of our bodies together, I actually sighed when the phone had a notification with the Ravage tone. I didn’t want to move, but there wasn’t a choice.
Getting up, she didn’t shift one bit. I watched her as I put my clothes on. Each glide of fabric on my skin reminded me of the way her body had touched every millimeter of mine.
I actually struggled with my obligation.
Ravage first.
Ravage always.
But right now, knowing how many men had come before me like my father and even most recently my brother, I never understood why they were angry to leave the bed of their women. This was my first time finding a bed with Nyx in it more inviting than being with my club.
I couldn’t say I was comfortable with that feeling.
Cruz’s arm went out and directed us to turn right, and we all followed suit. It wasn’t all of the Ravage MC because fuck, we kept growing and growing. If it were all of us, we’d take up a full mile of road space on the ride.
Therefore, Cruz, GT and Cooper picked who would go on what. I was chosen to go on most runs these days. I never asked why. I just went and did what needed to be done.
It was Ravage.