“You don’t have to keep watching. Once the face recognition software detects anyone, it will alert you, and I’ve connected it to your email which will ping your phone.”

This had me setting the computer down, still wanting to watch, but I knew I couldn’t put full focus on this. Especially when it would tell me on its own. I needed to keep my eye on the prize.

“What about getting into their servers?” I asked Screech. My only way out was diving back in. I had to get control of everything. My life depended on it.

He blew out a long breath then shook his head. “I’ve made a few contacts to see if they can help. Once I hear back from them, I’ll let you know. But as of right now, no. They have them locked down tight.”

“I need them buried and gone. Can’t I just blow up the building?”

He chuckled. “Too many civilians. Maybe one of their homes, but if we blow the building, all the information within those walls will be gone too. I’m tryin’ to get in there, Nyx. Hard to do when everything is locked tighter than a nun’s pussy.”

This had me chuckling. “Such a great visual. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Three months and I feel like we’ve gotten nowhere,” I grumbled, laying back in the chair. “How does someone hide all his fucked up shit so well? There has to be a way in. This is a good start, but…”

“You’re away from them; why not just live your life, Nyx? Let it go.”

Fire burned my veins. “Let it go. Are you fucking kidding me? They will never let me go.Milesis the reason my mother killed herself. He’s the reason she couldn’t look me in the eyes.Milesand his sons are the reason I have to keep hiding because if they find me, Screech… If they find me, they’ll do more than just kill me.”

“Are you ever going to tell me the story?”

My head shook. “The less you know about that, the better. It isn't something I want to dredge up.” Not to mention, I didn’t want anything to happen to Screech.

“Got it.” His face softened. “I’m here for you, though. No judgments, no questions. I accept anything you want to give me, Nyx.”

This was Screech, unconditional acceptance. While I appreciated it, the closer I let him get, the more I put him at risk.

Hands to the top of my head, I growled low. “Any movement on the money?” I asked Screech, looking up at the ceiling.

“Nothin’s moved. Why don’t you let me drain it, and you move far away and start a new life?”

He didn’t get it. Yeah, he had his hardships in life, but he also had two loving parents who still came to his place and cleaned for him from time to time. Even made him meals. I’d never met them, but Screech loved them and didn’t hide it.

Turning my chair fully to him and resting my elbows on my knees, I said, “Screech. You’re a good man. Appreciate you more than I’ll ever be able to repay, but no. Touching it without him paying for what he’s done doesn’t feel right.”

“Get that, but damn, woman, that many zeros are hard to pass up.”

“He has something on it. I know he does, and he’s waiting for me to touch it just to get his hands on me. Not doin’ that. It’s nothing more than bait, and I refuse to bite.” The mere thought of what they all wanted from me had my heart racing. “I’d better go. I’ve gotta go home and get ready for work.”

Hated being a bitch, but I couldn’t have this same conversation over and over again. I knew the money was mine. Miles knew it was mine. He was a cobra waiting to strike, but I was going to be a damn panther and claw his eyes out.

“Sorry, Nyx. I know I shouldn’t bring it up. I just hate seeing you so tied up.”

“Appreciate that.”

“And sorry I didn’t have more for ya,” he responded as I put my computer and binder in my bag then rose.

“The cameras are great, Screech. More than I could’ve hoped for. And that clip of the crest was the icing for the day. We’re gonna take this win today because we don’t have many of them. Thank you.”

He rose from the chair, and my gaze had to go up and up. “Anything, Nyx.”

Giving him a soft smile, I turned, gathered my things, and left.

So many questions and not enough answers.

Milesneeded to be killed along with his three sons.