“There’s nothin’ here.” Deke came through. “Fuckin’ searched and nothin’. He has to have another place.”

“The fucker had an encryption on his computer, but I was able to download it onto a drive. It’ll be a fuckin’ pain in the ass, but I’ll get in it.” Micah was pissed. Deeply pissed.

“So this entire thing was a waste of time?” Deke growled.

“Nope.” Cooper chimed in. “Put in cameras of our own. Attached them to the ones that were already here so they wouldn’t be detected.”

“Why didn’t you just hack theirs?” Ax asked.

“Because they are locked with the system. Until we figure it out, we won’t have access to them. Since right now there’s nothin’ here, it’s not worth the manpower to come back and install my own shit. Just did it now. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he ordered. “More secure and less risk to be found out.”

“I will find somethin’ or I’ll fuckin’ grab the fucker and take him to the pit and make him talk,” Micah growled low. Yeah, he was not happy being blocked out of something. Now it was a challenge. A huge one that I’d help in any way I could.



My entire body ached,and it wasn’t from the shift at Bimbo’s. It was from that insanely hot asshole who tried to fuck me in the bathroom. And my stupid ass for almost letting him.

What was I thinking?

The front light of my home was on and the inside was dark. Hitting the remote to the garage, I pulled in after it opened and parked. Hitting the close button, I waited until it was fully shut, leaving only the light from the garage opener filling the space.

My eyes searched the space to find no one there.Hewasn’t here.

Sighing deeply, I grabbed my bag, pulled out my keys, and exited the car, then walked to the door and unlocked it.

As soon as the door opened, I felt it. The hair on the back of my neck rose.

Something wasn’t right.

It was in the air. This place had always been safe for me, and right now horns blared alerting me of danger. My hackles were up, I was in fight or flight mode, and I wasn’t ready to flee.

Did he find me? Or his horrible spawn?

How? They couldn’t have. I’d been so careful. My only slip-ups had been the past few days. Everything Screech and I had been up to was buried. At least that was what Screech told me. And I had to believe him. Please, God, let me believe him.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my handgun. Learned a long time ago how to work it. I could take it apart and put it back together again with my eyes shut. It was so ingrained in me. Small and compact, I always had it in my bag. I had spent enough time using it that it was a part of me, like an extra hand. Hesitation had been burned out of my system.

Not that anyone in my “new” life knew it. I always had it on me, just hidden very well. At the bar, it was within reach. Not that I expected anything to happen where I couldn’t protect myself at Bimbo’s. My purse had a secret compartment where I could pull it out without taking my purse off my shoulder. My car had a caddy for it too. Never was my piece out of reach.

Hell, I had a weapon of some sort everywhere. From knives to brass knuckles to a keychain with a stick that came to a point with these grips that made it perfect to take out an eyeball if necessary. I had an escape tactic for every situation. Some plans only got me to safety, while others ended my opponents, whoever and wherever they might be. Mentally, I had calculated every scenario possible.

Part of me screamed to just go back out to the car, get in, and drive far away.

I’d been running for so damn long. Hidden. Nonexistent.

The other part saidfuck them. This could be my opportunity to take them out, hide the bodies, and be able to breathe the rest of my life.

In that split moment, the latter won, and I let the feeling flow through my body, my adrenaline fueling me.

Looping the strap of my bag over my head, I kept the gun steady in my right hand, while reaching over with the left to flick on the light.


Moving through the small space, I flicked on the light to the kitchen, nothing. Bathroom … it felt warm as if someone had taken a shower. What the fuck?

Someone was here.