I lift my hand to his pants again, popping open the button and unzipping his fly. It doesn’t take much to get his pants down. His erection is already trying to push them out of the way, so they drop to his feet with relative ease.
He steps back, kicking them behind him and looking down at me with his hands on his hips. “Kiss me again, darling.”
I begin to stand, but a strong hand forces me back to my knees. “I never said on the lips,” he growls.
I look at the bulge in his black briefs, intimidated by the size just as much as I’m excited by it. I wouldn’t be able to fit something like that inside of me. There’s just no way. Tyler was bigger than average, but he wasn’t that big.
Yuri pushes his hips out again, bringing his package to my face. I can feel the heat radiating off it, the power that’s packed behind the silky black cotton. I close my eyes, leaning in and planting my lips on his erection.
All the synapses in my brain light up like fireworks, working quickly to drive fluid down between my thighs. Yuri’s large hand cups the back of my head, pressing my face harder into his erection until I’m barely able to breathe.
He lets go after a few seconds, and I fall back on my hands, looking up at him with a scowl. “Be gentle,” I warn.
“I’m not in the mood,” he replies with a smirk.
“Then I’m not in the mood for any of this,” I say, but the wetness between my thighs tells an entirely different story.
Yuri cocks his head to the side, studying me for a moment as though he’s trying to see inside my head. He wants to know whether I’m actually opposed to his roughness, or if he can break through my combativeness and gain ultimate submission from me.
I hate to admit that it’s the latter. I’ve always been submissive. I just use a resilient attitude to hide it from people who’d take advantage if they knew.
But Yuri sees right through it, grabbing my head again as he steps toward me and shoving his erection into my face. He rubs it against my lips, pressing himself into me until I feel the dampness of his precum on my nose.
I slap his thigh as he steps away, and he laughs. “Feisty girl.”
I shuffle over to him on my knees, grabbing his cock in my hands until I feel his balls. Then, I squeeze hard.
“Yeah, I’m feisty. Get used to it,” I say, grinning up at him.
He jumps back, letting out a yelp. “Calm down. I was just messing around.”
“Mess around enough and you’re going to get yourself in trouble,” I warn.
“No more than I’m already in, it seems.”
I raise an eyebrow, climbing to my feet. I feel a little more confident now that I’ve set some boundaries. He can play, but he’s going to have to be respectful if he wants me to go all the way with him.
“Tell me about Chekhov,” I say as he peels down his underwear. I try to ignore the enormous python he’s just revealed, but it’s difficult to keep my eyes off it.
“He was pushed overboard by an unidentified woman. Dead as a doornail, I’m afraid,” he replies.
My jaw drops. “You’re joking?”
“I wish I was, darling.”
“That’s… horrible!” My head is spinning now, but I’m not sure if he’s joking or not. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a riddle, and he’s doing very little to help me make sense of it.
“Chekhov was a good man. Didn’t deserve that, but we’ll get to the bottom of it.”
I feel sick to my stomach. It’s been a common occurrence on this cruise, but this time it’s not from the movement of the ocean.
“How can you think about sex when your friend is dead? Aren’t you going to call the police or something?” I ask, my voice thin and dry. I swallow, but it doesn’t help.
“I’m a fucked-up person, as you’ll soon discover,” he replies flatly. “And this is my last chance to enjoy some time with you before everything falls apart.”
I still don’t understand, but something about the way he’s talking makes me fear for his life. He’s acting like he’s the one who killed Chekhov, and he’s about to be arrested and sent to prison for the rest of his life. I guess I should be flattered he wants to spend his last moments as a free man with me.
At the same time, I don’t want to be used like that. As turned on as I am by Yuri’s advances, this feels wrong.