Page 41 of Baby for the Bratva

This can’t be happening to me. The cruise was supposed to be relaxing, an opportunity to enjoy myself without the man who made me miserable for so long. Tyler was the worst choice I ever made in a partner, but somehow, I’ve picked a man even worse on the rebound.

What the hell is Yuri doing, going out there with a rifle strapped to his back? Is he more dangerous than I thought, a mass shooter waiting to be triggered by a phone call, or is he some kind of secret agent, waiting to spring into action and save the day?

I doubt he’s either, but then I’m confused as to what he’s doing. I’m supposed to wait here for him to return, and he claims he’s going to send someone to the room to watch over me.

I laugh to myself as I pass the room in my little black dress. There’s no way I’m letting another man into this room. I’d be better off running to Molly for safety. At least she doesn’t stare at me with those hungry beast eyes like Yuri does.

Once again, I’ve been shown that trusting him was a bad idea. I guess it’s good that this happened before we went too far, because I would feel awfully weird about sleeping with a psycho killer.

Or a cop. If he’s a cop, it would kind of make more sense, but I’m not keen on playing strip poker and becoming a plaything for law enforcement. The power dynamic there is a little creepy.

I just can’t imagine Yuri being a cop. Who would he be working for, and why is Chekhov so important?

I have to assume everything he’s told me is a lie, and I won’t know the truth until I confront him. There’s not much for me to go on, but I might be able to get some clues by searching his room.

If he thinks I’m going to sit on his bed and wait patiently for his return, he’s dead wrong. I’m getting to the bottom of this mess, and then I’m reporting him to the cruise ship security.

It’s a damn shame, too, because he was so gorgeous I was willing to forgive just about anything he said or did up until now.

One step too far, Yuri. You really fucked it all up this time.

I venture into his closet first, digging through clothes until I arrive on a suitcase. I pull on the handle, but it’s too heavy to lift. Something inside is weighing it down, and I have a sickening feeling in my gut about what it is.

I pull the zipper, holding my breath as the contents are revealed.

More guns. So many fucking guns.

Jesus, who is this guy? Nobody needs this many weapons unless they’re running a secret gun store on the ship. I’m almost certain Yuri is a crook now, but as to the severity of his criminal behavior, I’m still not sure.

I close the suitcase and leave the closet, pulling open drawers in the hope that I find something else. Some form of ID would be nice. Then I can find out whether Yuri is even who he says he is.

An awful possibility pops into my head as I rummage through the drawers on his nightstand. What if Yuri is the one who killed the other Yuri on the boat? I can’t rule anything out, but I know those two are connected somehow. I was willing to write it off as a coincidence at first, but now that I’ve seen all these guns, there’s no way they’re not connected.

I’m starting to sweat, and it’s not even that warm in here. My search hasn’t revealed anything I didn’t already know, and my stomach is threatening to expel what I ate for dinner.

I need to sit down.

A long sigh escapes my mouth as I sink down onto Yuri’s bed. I should probably leave, but there’s simply no energy left in my body. Just walking to the door seems like a monumental task.

I fall back onto the bed, looking up at the uneven ceiling as the cruise ship rocks in the water. I can feel it moving. I thought I was used to it, but it’s making me feel sick again.

My mouth is as dry as paper when I swallow, and I sit up again. If I can make it to the bathroom to get water, I might find the energy to leave Yuri’s room and wake Molly up. I hate that I ever thought negatively about her. She was right to warn me about being careful.

I don’t think either of us would’ve expected things to get this bad, though. I don’t need condoms. I need a goddamn bulletproof vest.

I jump up from the bed, panic fueling my run to the bathroom. I stick my head into the sink, turning on the tap and lapping up the water like a dog. It’s cold and refreshing against my hot lips, and it soothes my throat like honey.

I’m panting by the time I pull away from it, water soaked into the front of my dress.

I glance at myself in the mirror before I leave. I look like I’ve just finished having sex with Yuri, but we never got that far. More disappointments on my dream cruise, and we’re not even at our first stop.

I steady myself on the doorframe before leaving. I know I’ll make it out of here, but my legs are getting all wobbly again. Sucking in a deep breath, I take my first step toward the door.

Freedom awaits, but it’s cut short by a firm knock.

Shit, who is that? Yuri wouldn’t have to knock. Could it be Molly coming to check up on me?

No, it can’t be. Yuri said he would send someone to look after me, and that’s probably him.