“Tyler,” I snap, cocking my head to the side. “You happy?”
“That’s a fuckboy name,” he says, leaning back and rubbing his strong chin.
I laugh. Hearing someone Yuri’s age use that term is outlandish. It’s even better that Yuri isn’t from the United States. I’m not sure where he managed to pick up that kind of slang.
“Don’t laugh,” he says, looking slightly offended. “You know it’s true.”
“Sorry, no, I’m laughing at you using the word fuckboy.”
“That’s what he is, isn’t he?”
I nod, stifling another laugh as I dab the tears from the corners of my eyes with my napkin. “Yeah, that’s right.”
“So, you should move on. No use hanging onto that guy. It’s a waste of your time,” he says, lacing his fingers together on the table like he’s my therapist.
I put my napkin down and narrow my eyes. “Who said I was still caught up on him?”
“I did.”
“Well, I’m not. I dumped him because he was cheating on me. You get over assholes pretty quick.”
Yuri’s jaw drops, and he shakes his head in disbelief. “You’re lying now. How can someone cheat on you? Impossible.”
He seems genuinely shocked, but I wasn’t when I found out what Tyler was doing. He had a history of looking at other women when he didn’t think I was watching, and sometimes he’d even do it in front of me when he knew I could see him.
“I’m not lying. He was a total asshole.”
“And he was…” Yuri taps his finger on the side of his head. “Slow?”
I laugh, blushing at his words. “Maybe a little stupid.”
“A little? To risk losing a woman like you by cheating is beyond stupid,” he says, redness rushing to his face as the volume of his voice rises in anger. “You had better not tell me his full name, because if I know, I will hunt him down and strangle him for being such a fool!”
I look around, even though I know the room is empty. “Calm down,” I say, waving my hand. “It’s not that big of a deal. Besides, if he hadn’t cheated, I wouldn’t be having lunch with you right now.”
Yuri grins, but I can see that he’s still angry. “Right, I should thank him and then fucking murder him.” He holds up his fist and shakes it, saying something in Russian that I probably don’t want translated.
“Okay, okay, relax. I’m not going to tell you his name.”
“I don’t want to know,” he blurts. “Because I would kill him. I’d break every bone in his worthless body.”
I raise an eyebrow, catching the opportunity to tease him. “You sound a bit jealous.”
“Jealous of that fuckboy? Not possible.”
I shrug. “Yeah, well, you’re getting awfully worked up when I talk about him.”
“Cheating is dishonorable. You are sooner a cockroach than you are a man if you cheat,” he growls.
Damn, he’s really passionate about this. I’m impressed by his unyielding adhesion to his values, if not a little intimidated at the same time. I get the impression that he’s not just talking about killing Tyler because he’s a cheater. The anger in his voice tells me he might actually make an attempt on Tyler’s life if they ever meet.
Obviously, I can’t let that happen. I doubt Tyler is going to show up on one of our island stops, but when we finally arrive back in the United States, I suspect Tyler will want to have the final word.
Yuri mutters something in Russian again before the waiter comes back up with two plates of lobster and a bottle of wine.