Things are different now, of course, but not in the way I had hoped when I was younger. I thought I’d be buying my parents a house on the beach, but all I was able to do was pay for dad’s mahogany casket when he died. Mom is fine these days, living off a retirement fund that was meant for two, but I know she’s lonely. I don’t visit her often enough. I didn’t even tell her I was going on a cruise.
Fuck, now I’m feeling guilty. I’m supposed to be relaxing.
I refocus my brain on thinking about nothing, which is much harder to do than it sounds, but just as I’m able to sink into the feeling of thoughtlessness, the door to the sauna opens.
And I smell coconut and spices.
I don’t want to open my eyes. Maybe it’s a dream, and if I ignore Yuri, he’ll disappear.
“What a coincidence.” His deep voice rumbles through me like the engine of a muscle car.
Fuck, he’s really here.
I open my eyes and sit up as he’s taking a seat across from me. For a second, I think I’m hallucinating when I see his bare thighs on the bench and realize he’s completely naked.
My eyes are drawn to the enormous python that lies dormant between his legs, resting atop its two generously sized eggs. I’m suddenly quite dizzy, even though I haven’t been here for long enough to break a significant sweat.
“Why are you naked?” I ask as I tear my eyes away from his massive package.
He leans back on the bench, his long arms spanning the entire length of it. He parts his legs slightly, relaxed and confident in his nudity. “You’re supposed to be naked, darling. It’s a sauna.”
“One, don’t call me darling, and two, no, you’re not supposed to be naked,” I reply.
He shrugs. “Maybe you’re just too shy.”
“I’m not shy. I’m modest.”
He tosses his head back and laughs. “Not in that bikini, you’re not.”
I move my hand over my breasts, but he’s not even looking at them. He’s so self-absorbed. I bet he jerks off to himself in the mirror.
“Regardless of your opinions, you still need to wear something in here. This isn’t a nudist cruise,” I warn.
He closes his eyes, ignoring me as he soaks up the heat in the dimly lit room. It gives me a moment to explore his body with my eyes, going over every precious detail of his perfect physique.
Yuri is spectacularly well-built, and considering how much older he is than me, I almost can’t believe he’s real. There’s very little fat over his muscles, just enough to be healthy. His abs are prominent, and his chest is so broad I could lie down and sleep on it.
A feel a stir in my belly, something akin to nerves but much warmer, when I look down at Yuri’s genitals again. He’s doing nothing to hide them, not even closing his legs, and they’re hanging down with such a heavy weight and power.
I don’t know how to describe it, but his cock has presence.
I feel my nipples get hard beneath my hands, and I move them away in shame. I shouldn’t feel this way about him. I know he’s up to no good, and it’s obvious that he followed me to the sauna.
And now he’s sitting there all sweaty and naked, reclining like he just came in from mowing the grass.
What’s worse is I can imagine him doing that, coming home and demanding a cold beer and a blowjob for doing something he’s supposed to be doing, anyway. Tyler used to act like that. He’d do basic chores and then start asking for things in return.
The memory is enough to turn me off from Yuri, if only for a moment. I close my eyes, lying back down on the bench and pretending he isn’t there. If he doesn’t get the reaction he’s obviously hoping for, he might leave.
But he doesn’t. The heat just keeps growing, and it quickly becomes obvious he’s trying to outlast me.
It’s not fair, of course, because I’ve been in here longer than he is, but when I look at him, I see a smirk on his face. He’s messing with me. He’s always messing with me, and now I’m going to have to boil in here until one of us dies of a heat stroke.
“Maybe you want to get drinks after this,” Yuri says after a few minutes of dead silence.