Stella seems to know more about it than I do, however. She stands up, cursing under her breath as she goes toward the window to look outside. “That moron… I told him to leave me alone,” she says.
I jump to my feet, my heart slamming in my chest. “Who is it?” I ask, already reaching for the gun tucked in my pants.
“Don’t do that,” Stella warns, holding out her hand to stop me. “It’s… Tyler. He’s not going to be dangerous, but he shouldn’t be here. God, I hate that idiot.”
Heat burns in my throat as I realize what this is about. Tyler has come to try to get Stella back, but he’s about to run into me instead.
And I’ll break every bone in his miserable body for what he did to my precious girl.
“I’ll deal with this,” I growl, charging toward the front door.
“Yuri, don’t!”
It’s too late. I’m already outside, blinded by rage as I charge up to Tyler. He’s standing by his car, a smug look on his face and a bundle of roses in his hands. I find it laughable that he thinks a gesture like that would be enough to win Stella back.
He’s about to find out the hard way that he’s lost her forever.
“Came to see someone?” I bark, walking up to him with my fists balled tightly.
He leans back, surprised by my sudden appearance. “I’m here for Stella,” he says, his voice shrinking as I stop mere inches in front of him. “She’s back from her trip, I assume… But who are you?”
Before I can speak, Stella’s voice comes loud and clear from behind me. “He’s my fiancé. Now get the fuck out of here before I call the police.”
A nervous laugh escapes Tyler’s mouth, like he thinks this is a joke, but when he looks back up at me, his laugh vanishes. His eyes grow wide, and he shakes his head. “You can’t be serious.”
Stella comes up beside me, holding out her hand to show off her engagement ring. It sparkles so bright that Tyler has to squint his eyes to look at it. His eyes grow wide again as he looks back up at us.
“If I see you again, Tyler, I will kill you,” I say flatly. “Don’t try my patience.”
He steps back, opening the door of his car. It’s obvious that he’s terrified, but he’s still trying to talk to Stella. “Baby, come back to me. This isn’t right. You’re just having a fling with some… I don’t even know who this is. Some nightclub bouncer or something?”
“My name is Yuri, and you will leave in five seconds, or I will end your life.”
Stella squeezes my arm. “Let me talk to him. Just for a second, so he knows it’s over.”
I shrug, but I keep my eyes glued to Tyler. One wrong move, and I’m going to attack him. I have no problem beating his head against the driveway for trespassing. He’s already been told to leave.
The pie waiting for me inside is the only thing keeping me from lurching at him right now. I don’t want to ruin such a nice lunch with Stella’s mother over some creep who will probably drive home crying after he gets turned down for good.
All I have to do is keep an eye on him.
Stella stands just in front of me, using me as her protection as she points a finger at Tyler. “You have no right to come back here after what you did. I moved on, and I suggest you do the same.”
“You haven’t moved on. It’s…” He lowers his voice, scared to anger me. “It’s just a rebound.”
“A rebound?” she asks, her voice rising in a hysterical way. “A rebound doesn’t end in a wedding and a baby.” She places her hand on her belly.
Tyler’s pretty-boy face scrunches up in confusion. “You’re… pregnant?”
“Bred by the alpha,” I blurt, unable to contain myself. “Not much you can do about it now, loser.”
Stella jabs her elbow into my stomach, but not hard enough for it to really hurt.
Meanwhile, Tyler looks like his head is about to explode. I can see it all behind his eyes – fear, fury, confusion, jealousy, self-pity. He’s the perfect mixture of everything that’s wrong about modern men, but I’m grateful he exists. Without him, I’d have never found Stella.
Tyler jumps out from behind the car door, throwing up his fists like he’s a boxer.
This punk is really looking to get his ass kicked.