I lean forward, trying to get a look at the coin before Stella can change the result. By the sudden paleness of her face and the way her hand is struggling to hold up the tiny coin, I already know the result, but I want to be certain.
“Tails,” she says, shaking her head in disbelief.
It is indeed tails, which means I have won. I smile to myself, leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest. I raise an eyebrow at her as she looks at me. “Better think of a safe word now.”
She puts the coin on the bed beside her and closes her eyes for a moment. I try to read her expression, but it’s impossible. Her face is blank.
When she opens her eyes, she cocks her head to the side and smiles. “My safe word is stop. Simple enough.”
“That’s fair,” I reply, hardly believing my luck. Most women would back out of a deal they lost, especially one so degrading, but Stella is sticking to it so far, and I have to admit I’m impressed. She’s a fighter, if nothing else.
“Be gentle, though. You’re a lot bigger than me,” she says, making her voice meek and soft. She’s like a little bunny, trying to convince the wolf in front of her to play nice.
I rub my chin, looking her over and trying to decide where to start. This has to be gradual, nothing too extreme at first, just to see how she does. Once I’ve found her boundaries, then the fun really begins.
“Come,” I say, finally deciding on my first move. “Stand here in front of me.”
She gets up from the bed slowly, her legs wobbling as she tries to appear confident. Her back is straight and her eyes are on mine, but her cheeks have gone from a waxy white to bright pink again.
“Don’t be shy, darling. I won’t bite… yet.”
She shuffles toward me, her large eyes never leaving mine. A shimmer of guilt makes its way into my heart, but I push it out just as quickly as it arrives. I won’t let morals ruin my evening.
I won Stella, fair and square.
“Kiss me,” I demand, placing my finger under her chin and tilting her head up.
Her eyes widen, but she leans forward, silently obeying my command. Her lips are like rose petals, and the moment mine make contact with them, my body explodes with a hunger unlike anything I’ve felt before. It takes everything in me not to toss her onto the bed and claim her without warning.
I slip my tongue into her mouth, tasting the sweetness she has to offer. Her body surrenders to me as she sinks further into the kiss, and I can feel incredible warmth radiating off her naked body, far hotter than the sauna we shared.
My cock is already aching in my pants to be released, tugging against the tight fabric to get to Stella. Her bare skin teases me, promising pleasures beyond what should be possible for a person to provide.
But Stella is not just a person to me. She’s an angel, a goddess with a shimmering aura of perfection, and even though I’m not the first man she’s been with, I know I’m the first monster.
That little shimmer of guilt comes back as we break from the kiss, and I see the awe in her eyes. I’m going to ruin her so badly that I almost want to quit now before I taint her with my sin.
The devil in me won’t allow it, though, so I press on.
“You taste like candy,” I purr, running my hand down her arm. I can feel the goosebumps on her skin, and it serves to excite me further. Every atom in my body is jumping around like I’m eighteen again, unable to control the way I move or talk.
Stella looks me deep in the eyes, her lips parting, and she leans in. “Then kiss me again.”
I move down, but before our lips make contact, there’s a chime from inside my nightstand. It’s faint, but in the utter silence of the room, I can make it out clearly. I’m inclined to ignore such interruptions, but that chime is important. It means someone needs my urgent attention.
I tear myself away from Stella, cursing under my breath as I charge toward the nightstand. I tear the drawer open, flinging the entire thing out onto the floor. Cash and jewelry fall onto the carpet, along with the emergency contact phone.
I pick it up, tempted to crush it in my hand for ruing my evening. Instead, I answer it, pressing it hard against my ear. “What is it?” I growl.
“Sir, Chekhov is missing.”
I groan. “He’s supposed to be missing. I told him to fuck off and leave me alone for the night.”
“Sir, we can’t get in contact with him. He was supposed to arrive on the deck this evening to prepare the cargo for deployment on the island, but he’s late over half an hour.”
“Okay,” I reply dryly, trying to keep the panic hidden from my voice as I look over at Stella. She looks worried, and that’s not good. She was in the mood for romance just a moment ago, and it’s going to take me ages to work my way back to that level of passion.
And that’s only if I don’t have to leave to find Chekhov and strangle the bastard. I told him to leave me alone, not to abandon his job and jump overboard.