"Keep us posted."

I disconnect and grab my bag from Colter, slinging it over my shoulder.

"I'll call you as soon as Razor calls me," he tells me. "I'll also ask Reid to check with Wren too, see if she's heard anything." Reid's wife is a lawyer. Her brother is a judge in Silver Spoon Falls. If anyone can get me information on the shooting, she can. "Go get your girl."

I duck out of the room, jogging toward the elevator.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Atlas asks, poking his head out of Devlin's room.


"What the fuck?" Atlas steps out into the hallway behind me. "Why?"

I don't bother answering as I round the corner. Colter will fill him in. I take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. I'm too goddamn jittery to stand there patiently, cooling my heels while the elevator takes its sweet time getting to me.

Five minutes later, I'm pacing the lobby, waiting for my Uber when the doors slide open.

My gaze skims over the curvy woman hurrying into the hotel, already dismissing her as I glance back down at my phone. And then I jerk my head up, doing a double take. She looks just likeā€¦


I've officially lost it. I'm seeing shit that isn't possible. She's in Silver Spoon Falls, not Oklahoma City. Yet she's standing in the hotel lobby. What the fuck?

"Hey, Superstar," she says, smirking at me. "Did you miss me?"

I drop my bag, crossing to her in three steps.

She squeals as I lift her off her feet into my arms, crashing my mouth down on hers. Her arms twine around my neck, a soft laugh burbling from her lips.

"How are you here right now?" I ask, not entirely convinced that I'm not just imagining the whole thing. She's in my arms and she feels real, but I was in hell not even thirty seconds ago. Forgive me for doubting heaven just appeared before me.

"Did you know Giant's best friend owns a jet?" She looks at me with wide eyes. "You guys should really look into borrowing it to fly instead of using the bus. It's way faster."

"You borrowed a private jet to fly here?"

"No. Giant borrowed it to get me here." She touches my cheek, smiling. "He's outside, getting my bags."

"Giant's here?"

She nods. "Dillon thought it would be best if we left town."

"He shot someone."

Her eyes widen. "You know?"

"I've been going out of my fucking mind," I growl, scooping my bag from the floor without putting her down. I carry her toward the elevator, not giving a shit who sees us. "What the hell happened?"

"It's a long story."

"I've got time," I say, stabbing the button for the elevator.

Naturally, the doors immediately slide open.

Aspen makes a face at me.

I ignore it and stab the button for the fourth floor before backing her up against the wall. "Talk, Dimples."

"I wanted to bake so I convinced Jack to send me supplies. I guess Troy was watching the shop because he showed up in the kitchen while Giant was going pee. He tried to convince me to plead his case for him because he claims that Silar was blackmailing him and that's the only reason he was there. But when I found out why Silar was blackmailing him, I refused. He didn't like that much. I guess he decided to gamble with his life?" She shrugs before rambling on. "I'm not sure what he was thinking, honestly. But he started rushing toward me, so Giant shot him."