I smile. "It's one night. Brick and I will keep the bed warm for you."

"What's my boy doing?"

"Your boy? Did you just claim my cat?"

"He's our cat now, Dimples. Hate to break it to you, but I've been bribing him to the Darkside since I met him."

"Noah!" I cry, curling up on the couch. "You have to stop feeding him so much. He's on a diet."

He makes a static sound. "What's that? I can't hear you."

"I'm so telling the vet that you're overfeeding him," I vow through laughter.

"Snitches get spankings, Dimples."

"That's not how that saying goes."

"It is now."

Someone says something in the background, and Noah curses. "I gotta go, baby. Coach wants us on the ice to warm up before we load up the bus."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"I'll call you later. Behave."

He disconnects before I can tell him that I do what I want. I fidget with my phone for a minute before dialing Nash's number.

"Aspen?" He sounds groggy. "Is everything okay?"

"Crap. I forgot how early it still is," I say apologetically. He's two hours behind me. It's not even five in the morning there. "I'll call you back later."

"It's fine. I'm up, baby sis. What's going on? Shouldn't you be elbow-deep in pastry dough right now?"

"I'm taking a few days off."


"You don't have to sound so surprised."

"You love your job. You never take time off unless you're sick or you're flying out to visit."

"I do so take time off," I protest.


Brick lifts his head to glare at me, almost as if agreeing with Nash.

"Whatever," I mumble to both of them.

"You're at Noah's again."

How does he possibly know that?

"How do you possibly know that?" A frown tugs at my lips. "Did Noah tell you?"

"No, you just told me." Nash sighs heavily. "You spent the night with him."

"Maybe," I whisper.