She plants a hand on her hip, scowling up at me. "Has anyone ever told you that you're bossy?"

"Yeah, you. Get your sexy ass in the truck, or I can put you in the truck, Trouble. Your choice."

"Fine." She stomps forward, smacking me with her laptop bag as she passes me.

I growl, dragging her body up against mine. My mouth lands against her ear. "You trying to get us arrested for public indecency? Because the more you fuck with me, the harder you make me, Leia."

"The bag slipped," she says, her voice saccharine.

I nip her ear, groaning, "Get in the truck."

She elbows me as she clambers up into the driver's seat, muttering to herself about my big, stupid truck. I chuckle, staring at her ass until she glances over her shoulder and catches me. "Stop staring at me. It's rude."

"Stop looking so fucking sexy. It's criminal."

She huffs and drops down into the passenger seat, fluffing her hair.

I climb in after her.

"Are you always like this?"

"Seatbelt, goddess." I reach across her and grab the belt before she can, carefully locking her into place. She gives me a dirty glare but doesn't try to stop me. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she loves having me in her space. I can tell by the way she trembles whenever I get close. "Like what?"


I chuckle, shifting away from her. As soon as I do, she shakes her head as if she's trying to clear it. "Am I always like what, Leia?"

"Shameless. Bossy. Like you, I guess." She leans forward and pushes the button on the glovebox. When it opens, she smiles to herself and then starts prowling through my shit.

"When it comes to you? Yes." I buckle up and then start the engine before turning back to her. She's flipping through the paperwork on my truck. "You having fun over there?"

"Just looking." She glances up at me, her gaze clear and guileless…and so full of shit it makes me chuckle. "You're due for an oil change soon."

I flick my gaze up to the sticker in the corner of my window. Shit. I am due soon.

"You checking to make sure there isn't a woman's name on any of the paperwork?"

"What? No." She scowls at me and then bites her bottom lip, rethinking her answer. "Maybe."

"There is no woman. There hasn't been a woman since college."

"Oh. Why not?"

I cock a brow. "Are you asking me why I'm not a manwhore?"

"No!" She shoves all of the paperwork for my truck back into the glovebox. "Just wondering why someone who looks like you and plays a professional sport is single." She shrugs. "It's a mystery."

"You like me." A smirk curves my lips.

"Do not."

"You do."

"No, I don't."

"Why are you single, then? You're the catch of the goddamn century."

She wrinkles her nose at me, rolling her eyes. "You're being ridiculous again."