Our physical therapist just sank any hope I had before I even knew this gorgeous little pixie existed.

What the fuck?

Chapter Three


Atlas stares at me with soulful green eyes, not saying anything for a long moment. It's unfortunate that he's a jerk because he's hot as Hades. The man towers over me like a freaking mountain casting a shadow. It's not hard to see why they put him in the goal when he's as big as he is.

I know from listening to Jordan that he's talented too. The only reason he isn't in the NHL is because he got into trouble last time he was called up. Apparently, he's kind of a crazy person.

Based on what I've seen of him, it tracks.

I'm not sure why I'm so disappointed that he slept with Hollie Janara, my best friend. I don't even know him. But I'm not just mad that he broke her heart. I'm disappointed with him, as if he personally harmed me. It makes no sense. But I haven't been able to get him off my mind since I saw him at the arena yesterday.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the fact that he slept with Hollie, either.

It's driving me crazy.

"Do you have Hollie's number, Gabbi?" he asks, leaning close to ensure I hear him over the roar of the bar. The place is packed. Then again, Bender's bar usually is when they're putting on a show. Since the band retired, it's the only place they play anymore.

I was supposed to meet Roman and Jordan—my brothers—here to negotiate Christmas plans, but they both bailed on me. I think they're trying to avoid discussing the holiday yet again. They do it every year. I don't know why they're such Grinches.


"I'd like to speak to her."

"I'm not giving out her number, Atlas."

"Fine. Then will you step outside with me and call her so I can speak with her?"

I eye him warily, not sure what he's up to, but not entirely sure I trust him, either. "Why do you want to talk to her?"

"To clarify a few things."

"Like what?"

"Like why she told you that I slept with and dumped her when we've never even dated."

Technically, she didn't tell me that he dumped her. I worked that part out for myself. Three days ago, I came home to find her sobbing on the couch. I could barely get her to tell me what happened, but she finally admitted that she was in love with someone and had slept with him, but that it was over. Getting a name out of her took everything short of an Act of Congress.

She's been miserable. It's breaking my heart for her, but she refused to confront him. So I asked Jordan if I could tag along to the arena because I intended to do it for her. I didn't expect him to get hit in the head with a puck, though. My whole plan kind of went out the window at that point.

But the universe put us in the same place tonight, so I'm seizing the moment. I can't unbreak her heart, but I can give this giant a piece of my mind on her behalf. Maybe he'll think twice before doing the same thing to some other poor girl in the future.

My stomach twists, something curiously like jealousy shooting through me at the thought of him with some other girl. No, it's not jealousy. It can't be jealousy.

Get it together, Gabbi.

"She's not a liar, Atlas."

"I'm not saying she is, beautiful. But there's been some kind of misunderstanding here that I'd very much like to clear up, considering that I've never slept with anyone, let alone our physical therapist. I don't shit where I eat," he says bluntly.

"You're a virgin?"

"Yes," he states calmly, as if it doesn't bother him at all to admit it. "I don't know what your brother told you, but not all hockey players sleep around, Temptation."

My brother didn't tell me anything. He'd prefer if we never discussed his players or anyone with a penis, for that matter. As far as he's concerned, I'll never be old enough to date. It's annoying, really. But he's been involved in the sports world for most of my life. I know how it is.