In the middle of the room, surrounded by all the wedding guests, was a giant three-level cake, but it wasn’t a traditional style white wedding cake decorated with a bride and groom topper. It was a birthday cake, in a fun rainbow swirl pattern, with a giant firework-type cake topper.

The guests surrounding the cake broke out in a chorus ofhappy birthday.

Tears welled in Libby’s eyes and her heart pounded rapidly.

One by one, she took in her friends. Almost everyone important to her was there, singing at the top of their lungs, complete with genuine grins on their faces. Even the bride and groom were crooning, they may have even sung the loudest.

“And many more,” Landon hadn’t let go of her hand, and threaded his fingers through hers.

“Ohmygod, thank you. I’ve never had a true birthday celebration like this.” Without any reservation, she reached up on her tiptoes and kissed Landon, not holding back in the least. “This is truly the best day ever.”

“I’m so glad you decided to move to Cheshire Bay, and Sylvia took you in.”

“Ohmigod, Sylvia.” She shrieked and covered her mouth. “She should be here.”

The one person who had helped her the most, gave her a place to live and took her under her wing was needed. It wouldn’t be right to not have her present.

“Yes?” Sylvia stepped out from behind the crowd of people.

Libby released Landon’s hand and danced over to her makeshift mom.

“There was no way you was getting a birthday cake that I didn’t have a hand in baking.” The ample woman wrapped her strong arms around the young lady. “Happy birthday, Libby.”

Champagne glasses were passed around and a couple of servers filled them up.

Eric lifted his glass. “To family and the friends who became family. Happy New Year everyone.”

“Happy New Year.”

A cacophony of tinkling glasses filled the space amid a chorus of well-wishes.

Libby stepped back a little and took in her new extended family; something she’d been craving for a while.

She glanced at Eric, her boyfriend’s younger brother, who stood beside his wife, Lily. Lily, the celebrator of half-birthdays, an event Libby was suddenly looking forward to, cradled her two-month-old baby girl. Beside her was her sister, Mona, who was dancing with the love of her life Jesse. Wedding bells rang, but there was no rush, and they were both content to raise Jesse’s little girl part-time. Mona loved being a bonus mom to Sarah.

The music played on, and the couples linked together.

Mia and Zachary, who arguably owned the best property in Cheshire Bay, were the poster children for a true happy ever after – swaying together and gazing into the other’s eyes. It was comfortable and natural. A goal everyone should aspire to have and be a part of.

Erin was tipping back the champagne, laughing, and touching David’s chest as Vera danced on David’s feet. The beautiful start of many happy moments stretched ahead for them.

Adam and Summer were eating a slice of rainbow cake, her head occasionally resting against his shoulder as they watched the crowd intermingle. She was taking the first quarter of the year off to settle her finances with the market, prep for the busy summer season, and most importantly of all, move in above the bookstore with Adam and start their lives together.

Chloe, who had moved in with Benjamin officially before Halloween, was happier than she’d ever been. If any couple in Cheshire Bay won an award for most romantic, it was those two. Every week it was always something; a surprise bouquet at the clinic, a weekend getaway to Victoria or Seattle, or random little love notes hidden in the morning’s coffee cup.

Then there was Amber and Antonio, the richest couple and yet, also the couple who kept things low-key. He didn’t wave around his wealth, except for the lavish wedding and surprise birthday celebration they just put on. They hadn’t yet tied the knot, but with a baby on the way, who knew? They were both very much in love and although Antonio’s work took him away for a large portion of time, he was transitioning to an international office he’d set up in Vancouver – an easy flight away. As international as he was, they had decided they would spend their days in Cheshire Bay. In addition to the new baby coming in the summer, they had Iris and Holden, and with Holden leaving for six months, Amber wouldn’t want her to be alone. No one did. Iris had come so far, and her mental health was so much better. Plus, everyone absolutely adored her and loved being in her company.

There was no doubt, Iris and Holden were the couple who would outshine the others; truly, they were two pieces of a puzzle completing each other. And as they fed each other birthday cake instead of wedding cake on their wedding day, they laughed and shared the day with a new baby for Mitch and Cedar, and a twenty-second birthday for Libby, and never once complained about the spotlight shifting because life was a blessing, and everyone got their happy ever after. What could be more perfect than that?