Chapter 8
There was no mistaking it like I’d done with the mother’s ring—the huge round solitaire diamond on a platinum band, with smaller diamonds on either side, could be nothing but an engagement ring. Weston hadn’t asked the big question yet, but I was ready to scream out my answer. The moment was perfect, and I loved him even more for including our beautiful baby boy in it.
“How about it, beautiful? You ready to make honest men of Carter and me? Or do you want to continue living in sin and shocking the hell out of our new neighbors?”
“I don’t know,” I drawled. “I kind of like all the sin we have going on around here.”
His heated eyes swept down my body, sending shivers along my spine. “You can be damn sure your new husband won’t shirk his duties when it comes to sinning.”
“My new husband, huh?” I narrowed my eyes and raised a brow. “It sounds to me like you’ve already decided what my answer is going to be.”
“It’s the only answer I’m willing to accept,” he murmured, leaning over Carter until his lips were less than an inch from mine as he stared into my eyes. “I love you. You love me. We both love Carter, and I’m doing my best to make sure he gets a baby brother or sister soon. Seems to me like there’s really only one answer to give.”
“You love me?” I gasped, tears filling my eyes at finally hearing those three little words from his lips.
“Hell yes, I love you, and I’ll spend every day of our lives together showing you exactly how much if you’ll just put me out of my misery and tell me you’ll be my wife.”
“Well when you put it that way, I guess I’d better say yes.”
He captured my lips in a kiss which was interrupted when Carter let out a cooing sound from between us.
“That’s our little cock-blocker,” Weston groaned, pulling away from me to lift Carter from the bed.
“Just think, if you knock me up again right away, we’ll have twice as many children to interrupt us,” I giggled, following after them.
“I’m an operations officer for the CIA, I think I can maneuver around as many kids as we decide to have when it comes to getting inside your sweet pussy.”
“Promises, promises.”
“One I can guarantee I’ll keep as soon as this little cock-blocker is asleep.”
Weston fulfilled his promise seven hours later, lifting me off the couch and carrying me to our bedroom as soon as he’d gotten Carter down for the night.
“How about I show you exactly how much I love you?” he breathed out as his lips trailed down my neck.
I slid my arms down his chest and yanked his shirt up and over his head.
“You better be careful or else I might drop you,” he warned.
“Oh, please,” I laughed. “You’d never do any such thing.”
He responded by tossing me onto our bed. “I think I just did.”
“Dropping me onto the mattress doesn’t count.” He followed me down and hovered over me. I reached out and traced one of his newer tattoos, a leaf right over his heart. He’d told me about the ones on his knuckles that he’d had to get as part of some kind of rite of passage with the criminal organization he’d gone undercover in while he’d been gone. But he hadn’t explained the leaf yet. “You never did say why you got this one.”
“I wanted you inked on my skin, and this was the only way I could think of that wouldn’t lead to any questions about you or having them assume it had anything to do with a woman at all.”
I flattened my palm on his chest. “Me?”
“It’s not just any leaf. It’s from an aspen tree.”
“I can’t believe you did this for me,” I breathed out, amazed once again by the proof of how much he’d carried me with him while he’d been gone.
“Do you like it?”