Sk? h?ld b??k a laugh ?? ?h? w?t?h?d his face g?t an ?n?h?nt?d l??k while h? t?lk?d. "Did ??u get t? t?lk to him?" ?h? ??k?d.
"I did. I w??n't ?ur? I was going t? be ?bl? t? b???u?? h? ?t?rt?d t? leave. But th?n h? ??m? b??k and I was ?bl? t? t?ll him h?w mu?h I ?dmir?d him."
"I h??? ??u didn't ?r?wd him. Y?ur size ??n be a little ?v?rwh?lming."
"I w?? ???l," h? r????ur?d Sky. Sh? w??n't ?ur? h? would b? able t? k??? his ???l wh?n in th? ??m? vicinity ?? William B?ntl??.
"I'm r??ll? happy you g?t t? t?lk t? him," she ??id. Sh? g?th?r?d up h?r plate and h??d?d back towards the dining r??m with And?r?.
"It was one ?f th? b??t m?m?nt? of m? life," h? ??id.
Wh?n they entered the dining area, Ni?? ??k?d And?r? ?b?ut William B?ntl??. Sky w?t?h?d as Anders w?lk?d ?ff with Nico, r????ting his ?t?r? to him.
A f?w h?ur? l?t?r, ?h? found Anders hanging out in th? main l?bb? wh?n she left Louis's ?ffi??.
"Hey, wh?t are you d?ing h?r??" ?h? asked. Sh? took a seat ?n th? ??u?h n?xt t? him.
"I th?ught I w?uld wait for ??u t? be off. Th?n w? ??uld h??d up to th? d??k t?g?th?r."
"I don't think I'm g?nn? g? u? th?r? tonight," ?h? ??id.
"Wh?t? Wh? n?t? Its ?n? ?f the last nights."
"And th?r? will b? ?l?nt? m?r? night? n?xt week."
"But thi? i? th? ??l?brit? ?rui??. Its diff?r?nt," h? said.
She thought ?b?ut it whil? And?r? g?v? h?r his b??t im?r???i?n ?f ?u??? dog ????. "Y?u ?h?uld g?," ?h? ??id, ?t?nding u? t? leave.
"With?ut ??u?" h? ??k?d.
"Yeah. I'm g?nn? ??ll it a night."
"I'll w?lk you b??k to ??ur room," he offered.
"Th?nk? but I think I'm gonna catch ??m? fr??h ?ir before I g? t? my room. Have fun," ?h? ??id. Sh? w?lk?d ?w?? before And?r? ??uld protest.
She w?lk?d thr?ugh the ?m?t? whit? h?llw?? and ?u?h?d thr?ugh th? d??r to th? stairs. It h?d b??n a l?ng day and she wanted t? clear h?r head. Her legs w?r? ?r?t??ting b? th? tim? ?h? r???h?d th? top but she ign?r?d them. She ?u?h?d th? door ???n ?nd braced ?g?in?t the wind.
Sh? ?mil?d as ?h? ?li???d ?ut ?f th? d??r ?nd walked th? few f??t t? h?r f?v?rit? spot. She sat and took a d??? br??th ?f the warm ?ir, l?ving th? f??ling ?f the air wiping around her. Sh? l??t tr??k ?f time ?? ?h? w?t?h?d th? ?hi? cut thr?ugh th? d?rk water ?nd l?t h?r mind empty ?f all her busy th?ught?.
S? maybe Kn?x didn't act ?x??tl? as she would h?v? liked. She h?d never been d?lu?i?n?l ?n?ugh t? think that ?n?thing with Knox w?uld go b???nd thi? w??k.
The f??t w??, there was one day l?ft. Th?n ?n?th?r w??k w?uld ?t?rt, with different ?????ng?r? ?nd diff?r?nt events. Her favorite ??rt ?f th? j?b w?? the ??n?t?nt m?v?m?nt ?nd change, but ?h? couldn't deny her wish that it wouldn't ?h?ng? so fast thi? week.
There w?? a l?ud b?nging noise ?nd she jum??d. Sh? watched ?? th? d??r swung ???n and someone b?r?l? ??ught it before it ?l?mm?d against the ?hi?. Sh? ?t??d and smiled. Anders didn't have t? k??? h?r ??m??n? but ?h? w??n't ?ur?ri??d h? had ??m?.
Her hair wr????d around h?r face and ?h? w?? m?m?nt?ril? blind?d as ?h? tri?d to ?u?h it b??k. Wh?n ?h? r?g?in?d h?r vi?i?n, ?h? was ?ur?ri??d t? ??? Kn?x.
"Kn?x!" Sk? ??id. Th? ?ur?ri?? w?? writt?n on her f???. "H?w did you find me?"
"And?r?," he said. Some of his w?rr? disappeared just b?ing n??r h?r.
"Oh," ?h? ??id.
"Sk?, wh?t? g?ing on?" H? m?v?d towards h?r.
"Well, I w?? sitting here ?nd th?n ??u ?h?w?d u?," ?h? said.