Page 93 of Perchance To Dream

"N?w, how ??n I help Mr H?milt?n?" L?ui? ??k?d. H? f?ld?d hi? h?nd? on the d??k in fr?nt ?f him and l??n?d f?rw?rd.

H? h??it?t?d for a second. "I just w?nt?d t? confirm that the ?r?w f?lt ?r???r?d f?r the final ??n??rt and wh?th?r th?? h?d ?n? questions f?r m?," Knox ??id. It w?? a stupid qu??ti?n but h? hadn't known wh?t ?l?? t? ???.

"We ???r??i?t? your th?r?ughn???. I will t?u?h b??? with th? crew ?nd m?k? sure ?v?r??n? feels ?r???r?d," L?ui? ??id.

"Gr??t," Kn?x ??id. H? r??? and offered L?ui? hi? hand ?g?in. "Th?nk? for taking ??r? ?f th?t."

"It w?? m? ?l???ur?," Louis ??id. He g?v? Kn?x a firm handshake and a curious l??k. "Just ?? ??u kn?w, th?r? has b??n a change r?g?rding th? ??r??n ?v?r???ing the ??n??rt. But, I am confident th? replacement will b? ?bl? to h?ndl? the j?b. I'm sure you completely understand th? im??rt?n?? ?f ?t??ing f??u??d ?n ??ur j?b."

Kn?x w?? t?k?n aback b? L?ui?'? words. "Oh, wh?t happened?" He ??k?d ???u?ll?. H? tri?d t? ??t as if h? w?? b?r?l? interested in the inf?rm?ti?n. H? searched Louis's face, hi? w?rd? t?lling him h? kn?w more then h? w?? l?tting on, but he ??uldn't pick up ?n ?n?thing.

"Th? previous w?rk?r ?v?r???ing th? ??n??rt asked t? b? m?v?d t? ?n?th?r j?b," L?ui? said. H? m?v?d t? ???n th? d??r f?r Knox. Knox hide hi? ?h??k as h? said goodbye and could see Louis ?tud?ing him as h? u?h?r?d him ?ut ?f th? office.

Kn?x w?? ?bl? t? act n?rm?l as he made hi? w?? fr?m th? ?u?t?m?r ??rvi?? desk t? wh?r? M?r??? w?? waiting f?r him, even th?ugh his mind was racing. Sk? h?d asked t? b? m?v?d to another j?b? Sh? didn't w?nt t? ?v?r??? the final ??n??rt ?n?m?r?? Did th?t m??n ?h? didn't w?nt t? ??? him ?n?m?r??


"J?hnn?'? daddy, was taking him fi?hing, when he was ?ight ???r? ?ld," Sky ??ng ?ut with a heavy country twang.

"What is with ??u ?nd singing songs t? m?," Johnny asked, gl?ring ?t h?r sitting ?t the d??k ??r??? fr?m him.

"It's n?t m? f?ult ??ur n?m? i? u??d in ?? m?n? ??ng?. T?? b?d ??ur n?m? i?n't Frank. I don't think there are any songs that use th?t n?m?," Sk? said. "Although your n?m? w?uld be Fr?nk ?? you'd h?v? t? liv? with that."

"I'm ?ur? there ?r? ?l?nt? ?f people wh? ?r? n?m?d Frank and liv? fine liv??," he ?rgu?d ?nd th?n shook hi? h??d, r??lizing h?w ridi?ul?u? the argument w?? t? begin with.

"And J?hnn? said Take Jimm? Johnson, t?k? Tommy Th?m???n, t?k? m? b??t fri?nd B?," Sk? ??ng, ??ntinuing th? song. "N?w th?r? is a gr??t n?m?, Jimmy J?hn??n. Y?u ??uld ??ll him Jim John."

"Th?t? ?n ?wful n?m?."

"Y?u ??uld ??ll T?mm? Thompson T?m T?m. M? ??u?in, Mi? has a ??t n?m?d Tom Tom," Sk? mused.

"Thats riv?ting," Johnny ??id fl?tl?. Sh? ?ull?d h?r??lf fr?m h?r th?ught? ?nd gave him a ?h?rming smile.

"Y?u more of a dog person?"

"I'm m?r? of a 'shut up ?nd d? m? work' kind of ??r??n."

"Did ??u ??ri?u?l? just ??? th?t?"

J?hnn? tri?d to ign?r? her l?ughing by f??u?ing on th? w?rk in fr?nt of him.

"Johnny Parker ?it? in hi? n?tur?l h?bit?t, t??ing ?w??, kn?wing th?t th? f?t? ?f th? w?rld r??t? ?n him ??m?l?ting th? f?rm? ?n hi? d??k," Sk? said in a horrible Australian ????nt.

"Wh?t is with you t?d???" He gave h?r a weird look.

"No amount ?f di?tr??ti?n fr?m hi? ?nn??ing coworkers ??n break J?hnn?'? concentration," ?h? ??ntinu?d. H? ?mil?d ?t h?r, tr?ing t? fight b??k the laugh.

"Y?u'r? ?? ?tu?id."

Sky ?mil?d and r?turn?d back t? h?r work. "W?ll, wh?n you ?r? ?tu?k filing ??m?l?int? f?r f?ur h?ur? ??u g?tt? d? ??m?thing."

"Bennett!" L?ui? b?rk?d, ?ti?king his h??d ?ut ?f hi? ?ffi??. Sky jum??d ?nd w?? ?n h?r feet b?f?r? she r??liz?d what ?h? was d?ing.

"What's u? boss?" she ??k?d with a ?tr????d smile, tr?ing t? counter th? deep fr?wn ?n L?ui?'? f???.

"Th?? need ?n ?xtr? hand d?wn in cleaning, g?," h? said, di??????ring b??k into his ?ffi?? ?nd slamming th? d??r b?f?r? ?h? ??uld respond.

"Someones in a b?d mood," Johnny qui?tl? sung out.