"I ?v?r??w your Q&A," the gu? ??id. "I'm Andrew."
"Thats right, Andr?w," Knox ??id."S?rr? about th?t. I've met so m?n? people ?n th? ?rui??."
"It'? no problem," Andrew said.
H? l?d Kn?x t? the front of th? lounge. Knox l??k?d ?r?und ?? h? followed Andrew ?nd ???tt?d B?? ?nd J????, cruise w?rk?r? he had m?t b?f?r?, but h? couldn't ??? Sk?.
"Ev?r??n? will h?v? a notepad ?nd ??n. Th?r? ?r? tw? rhyming di?ti?n?ri?? ??r r?w," Andrew explained.
"That ??und? good," Knox said. H? di?tr??t?dl? looked ?r?und th? l?ung?.
"If th?r? is ?n?thing ?l?? ??u n??d, ju?t l?t u? kn?w," Andr?w ??id. "Th? l????n will ?t?rt in fifteen minutes. I ?m sure ????l? will ?t?rt showing u? ???n."
Tru? t? Andr?w'? words, girl? ?t?rt?d ??ming into the l?ung? ?nd t?king seats. The rows ?l????t to Kn?x fill?d up fast. Kn?x w?? still l??king ?r?und for Sky wh?n Andr?w let him kn?w it was time t? begin.
"H?? stranger," And?r? ??id. He nudg?d Sky ?? ?h? ?t??d in the buff?t lin?.
"Str?ng?r? And?r?, I ??w you ???t?rd?? m?rning," she ??id. She ??????d eggs on t? her plate.
"I know," h? ??id. H? ?ut in line b?hind her ?nd added his ?l?t? t? her tr??. "I ju?t didn't ??? ??u f?r dinn?r or u? ?n d??k. Wh?r? w?r? you?"
"I h?d ?n ??rl? dinn?r b???u?? I was doing stuff f?r L?ui?. Th?n I w?? in th? th??t?r last night, w?rking with th? ?r?w and b?nd? on th? fin?l ??n??rt," she explained. She ?dd?d b???n t? both h?r? and And?r?'? ?l?t?.
"Thanks," he ??id, adding a f?w extra ?i???? t? hi? plate. "Y?u w?r? with th? b?nd??" And?r? gr?bb?d two ?u?? ?f orange juice as he f?ll?w?d her t? a t?bl? ?nd ??t down.
"Kn?x was th?r??"
"H? w??. H? i? performing th? l??t night."
"Y?u tw? ???m to b? h?nging out a lot lately." Anders ?t?r?d at h?r. Sh? tri?d to k??? h?r face n?utr?l ?? ?h? m?t And?r? ?t?r? but ?h? ??uld feel a ?mil? tr?ing t? break thr?ugh.
"And?" she ??k?d.
"You ju?t let m? kn?w if my ?un?hing services ?r? n??d?d." He pounded his fist int? hi? h?nd.
"We've b??n ?v?r thi? ?lr??d?. I lik? him Anders," ?h? admitted. She realized thi? w?? the fir?t time she h?d ?dmitt?d it t? ?n??n? ?th?r then Knox.
"R??ll??" h? asked. He ?ut d?wn hi? ?u? of ?r?ng? jui?? and focused ?n h?r.
"Yeah," ?h? said with a smile. "He m?k?? m? l?ugh ?nd wh?n w? hang ?ut, h? isn't Knox H?milt?n th? pop ?t?r."
The w?rri?d fr?wn on Anders's f??? ????d u?. "That d???n't sound so b?d."
"It? ??tu?ll? quite nice."
"S?, I don't g?t to ?un?h th? guy?" he grumbl?d.
"F?r right n?w, no. But if h? tri?? t? ?ull any ??? ?t?r ?r??, you'll be th? fir?t ??r??n I t?ll."
And?r? perked u? ?t that. "I'm h???? f?r ??u Sky," h? ??id. H? g?v? h?r a l?ving slap ?n the b??k. "Ju?t be careful."
"And?r?, I t?ld ??u..." she ?t?rt?d t? say.
"I m??n L?ui?," And?r? ??id, ?utting h?r ?ff. "Everyone seems fine with Kn?x h?nging ?ut with u? ?t night, ju?t make ?ur? ????l? d?n't find ?ut it? more th?n him ju?t h?nging ?ut."
Sk? smiled ?t his protective ?id? ?nd r??liz?d h? was right. Sh? ??uldn't im?gin? anyone directly t?lling L?ui? but it might ?li? ?ut unint?nti?n?ll? and she didn't want tr?ubl?.