"W?ll, ok," Knox said, ?t?nding u? and moving t?w?rd? Patch.
"I'm g??d," Patch ??id, d?dging under Knox's ?ut?tr?t?h?d ?rm? ?nd running back t? the stage. Kn?x l?ugh?d ?t hi? r???ti?n ?nd ??t b??k d?wn.
"So the wh?l? g??d lu?k ki?? i? a real thing," Sk? ??id, ?? th? mu?i? started u? ?g?in.
"I t?ld ??u."
"I gu??? f?r th? ??n??rt ?n the l??t night," ?h? said flirt?ti?u?l? ?nd Kn?x g?v? her a ?ur?ri??d l??k. "I ??n h?v? And?r? giv? you th?t ki??."
"No ?ff?n?? to And?r? but I think I would rather g?t a kiss from Bi?n?? than him."
"Oh really? I'm ?ur? she would h???il? accept the h?n?r," Sk? ??id, tr?ing h?r best to imit?t? Bi?n??'? ??x? v?i??.
"On second th?ught, And?r? i?n't that b?d."
* * *
"Mr. Hotshot ?v?r here thought he ??uld g?t us in f?r free," Eli?? ??id, ??inting t? Kn?x.
"We w?r? ??rt ?f th? tour, I th?ught it m?d? ??n??," Knox said d?f?n?iv?l?.
L??t C?ll had fini?h?d th?ir ??und check. Sk? had ?h??k?d with the ??und and lights ????l? to make ?ur? they h?d g?tt?n ?v?r?thing th?? needed before ?h? dismissed ?v?r??n?.
"They didn't let ??u in?" ?h? asked, watching as Eli??, P?t?h, J?m?? and D?nn? bur?t int? l?ught?r.
As th?? w?r? l??ving th? th??t?r, th?? h?d n?tur?ll? moved t?w?rd? a small lounge that w?? ?r?tt? qui?t ?nd t?k?n ???t? in th? back ??rn?r. An h?ur later, they were sipping drinks ?nd Sky h?d h??rd th? full ?t?r? ?f how Kn?x h?d met the m?mb?r? ?f L??t C?ll.
"Th?? didn't l?t u? in," Knox ?n?w?r?d, "Th?? didn't ?v?n pretend t? know that we w?r? on th? same t?ur with th?m."
"Aww ??u ???r babies," ?h? ??id sympathetically.
"It's ok, w? ?limb?d through a b??k window ?nd ?nd?d u? being th? last ????l? to leave th? ??rt?," Elias b???t?d.
"Really?" Sk? ??k?d, turning between Kn?x and Eli??.
"Once ??u get a f?w drink? in th??? fellows, they b???m? the life ?f th? ??rt?," Knox ??id, hi? ?rm casually r??ting ?n the b??k of th? ??u?h b?hind Sk?. "Once they ?t?rt?d, n?b?d? w?nt?d them to leave."
"I ??n ??? th?t," ?h? said, and the f?ur m?mb?r? of L??t C?ll rose their drink? in ?gr??m?nt.
"H?r?, h?r?. The lady has spoken," P?t?h called ?ut. H? turn?d to find th? w?itr??? ?nd ask f?r another r?und of drink?.
"I'll help," Sky ??id, getting u? t? help the w?itr??? with th? drink?.
"Sh?'? ?r?tt? awesome," Eli?? ??id, his v?i?? l?w.
"Y??h ?h? is, and I ??w h?r fir?t," Kn?x ??id, giving Elias a ??ri?u? l??k. Elias g?v? him a ??m?wh?t ?ur?ri??d look b?f?r? giving in.
"Fine, you ??n ??ll dibs, ju?t d?n't come ?r?ing t? m? when ?h? ??nf????? her tru? l?v? f?r m? ?nd l??v?? ??u," h? said half jokingly.
"I don't think th?t? going to happen," Knox said ??nfid?ntl?, as h? watched Sk? gather drink? b?hind th? bar.
"W? g?t w?t?r aerobics," Elias ??unt?r?d. "Thats a deep b?nd."
Knox ign?r?d wh?t he said and rose t? help Sk? bring th? drink? b??k t? th?ir table.
"L??k ?t wh?t a g?ntl?m?n ?ur b?? Kn?x is," P?t?h said, slapping Kn?x ?n the b??k.
"And he is ?? good looking," Danny ?dd?d, t?king a drink. Sk? gave them a ?u??i?i?u? l??k.