Page 83 of Perchance To Dream

"Oh, r??ll??" Sk? dr????d hi? hand ?nd g?v? him a ?u??i?i?u? look. He ???m?d ?ur?ri??d for a m?m?nt b?f?r? h? l?ugh?d.

"I mean out of ?ll th? fans th?t I've met," he ?l?rifi?d.

"Sure," she said ??r???ti??ll?. Sh? didn't mind wh?n h? took h?r h?nd ?g?in.

"I mean out ?f th? ?r?w I ?r?b?bl? lik? Jul?? th? b??t. Th?r? is ju?t something about h?r," h? joked.

Sk? l?ugh?d. "If Jules could h??r you, ?h? would have a h??rt attack. I th?ught ??u were going t? ??? And?r?."

"H?'? a ?l??? second."

Th?? f?ll ?il?nt as th?? continued t? w?lk. Sk? liked h?w n?tur?l it felt t? h?ld hi? hand and walk along th? b???h. Sh? was w?t?hing a f?th?r tr? t? ??nvin?? his small d?ught?r t? get in th? w?t?r when Knox ???k? u?.

"S???king ?f Anders, ??u gu?? seem pretty ?l???," h? said. H? tried to sound casual but Sky w??n't f??l?d. She turned ?nd l??k?d ?t him, trying t? r??d th? ?ubt?xt.

"Y??h, I guess. I m??n, I'm ?r?b?bl? ?l????t with him." She watched him r???t to th? words.

"H?w ?l????" he ??k?d ??uti?u?l?.

Sh? noticed th?? had ?l?w?d d?wn and w?r? taking slow ?t???. "As ?l??? ?? a brother ?nd sister. And that's all." Sh? knew this was the ?n?w?r h? w?? fishing f?r.

"It'? never b??n more?" h? ??k?d. They ?t????d ??m?l?t?l?.

"N?v?r," ?h? ??id simply. "There w??n't ?v?n ?n ?wkw?rd 'he lik?? m? but I d?n't lik? him'. From th? beginning, h?'? been lik? m? ?ld?r br?th?r and that's it."

"Well, that's ni??," Kn?x ??id with r?li?f. H? ?t?rt?d t? walk ?g?in,?ulling Sk? ?l?ng.

"How come ??u seem ?? interested in mine and And?r’? r?l?ti?n?hi??" she ??k?d.

"I find it int?r??ting when I encounter girl/boy r?l?ti?n?hi?s. M??t ?f th? time it i? h?rd t? k??? th?m platonic ?nd n?t become romantically inv?lv?d," he said in a somewhat ?tiff v?i??.

Sh? l?ugh?d. "W?ll you d?n't h?v? t? w?rr? ?b?ut And?r?. I actually kind ?f lik? this other gu?," she ??id. She watched a smile ??r??d ??r??? hi? f???.

"Oh, r??ll??" h? asked coyly.

"Y??h." She smiled ?nd l?ft it ?t that.


"H?ll? beautiful," Eli?? said, coming t? sit n?xt t? Sk? in one ?f the ?h?ir? in the front r?w ?f th? th??t?r.

"Hey Eli??," ?h? ??id with a smile. "Ar?n't ??u supposed t? b? u? on ?t?g??"

"W?ll, you ???, I usually hold th? ???t ?f l??d ?ing?r, but it ???m? like ??m??n? highj??k?d my r?l?!" Eli?? ??id outraged, ???wling at Kn?x up on the ?t?g?.

"S? h? ?t?l? your b?nd?"

"Exactly, ?nd in most ????? I would ?h?rg? u? th?r? ?nd d?m?nd th?m b??k, but it's n?t so b?d with a ?r?tt? girl t? k??? me entertained."

"Wh? ??id anything ?b?ut keeping you entertained?" Sk? ??k?d, giving Elias a mi??hi?v?u? l??k.

"Well, I was just thinking, ??u'r? g??d l??king and I'm good l??king..."

"S? w? ?h?uld play some ??rd??" Sk? ??k?d innocently, holding u? a deck of ?l??ing ??rd?.

"Ex??tl?," Eli?? ??id.

"Go fi?h?"