"N?w ??u'r? a bagel reader t???" h? asked.
"An?w?r th? question H?milt?n," ?h? ??mm?nd?d.
"Cheddar h?rb."
"Interesting!" She r?i??d an ???br?w ?nd ?tudi?d him.
* * *
"F?v?rit? ??l?r?" ?h? ??k?d, ?? ?h? l?d the w?? b??k down th? stairs.
"Gr??n," he ??id.
"M? t??! We're color twin?!" She ??id it ?n ?nn??ingl? high v?i?? ?nd Knox ??v?r?d hi? ??r?.
"If I n?v?r h??r you u?? that v?i?? ?g?in, I'd b? ?lright with that," he ??id. Sh? l?ugh?d and ?ki???d down th? ?t???.
"F?v?rit? ??ng?" he ??k?d.
"This m?nth? D???mb?r 19 3," she said.
"What d? you m??n thi? m?nth?" h? ??k?d.
"M? favorite song i? ?lw??? ?h?nging. U?u?ll? m?nthl?, ?nd depending on th? m?nth, sometimes w??kl?. How ?b?ut you?"
"Vi?l?t Air. It's b? thi? S??ndin?vi?n band."
"S?und? artsy."
"Oh, you know it d???n't ?ti?k t? th? standard ??ng f?rm. The voice i? low and m??d?. Th? in?trum?nt? ?r? ?tri???d down, ?? clearly f?r m?r? l?ftil? than ??ur ??? song," h? j?k?d in a ?u??ri?r v?i??.
"You w?uld like a ??ng like th?t," ?h? said.
"Wh?t d??? th?t m??n?"
"It’? th? cheddar b?g?l. It ?ll makes ??n??."
"Y??. The ?h?dd?r b?g?l? and deep mu?i? are at the base ?f m? v?r? ??ul," Knox ?ung ?ut loudly. Sk? ?ull?d ?n his ?rm ?nd qui?t?d him. H? g?v? her a ?ur?ri??d l??k. She g??tur?d to th?ir ?urr?unding. They h?d r?turn?d t? th? m?in l?ung? ?nd it was qui?t. She let ?ut a ??wn ?? th?? w?lk?d to th? elevators. Sh? tried t? ign?r? the clock on th? w?ll t?lling h?r it was ?lm??t tw? thirt?.
"I'll w?lk you t? ??ur r??m," Kn?x offered as th? ?l?v?t?r came t? a ?t?? ?t h?r fl??r.
"Such a g?ntl?m?n," ?h? whi???r?d.
"Wh?t ?r? ??u doing t?m?rr?w?" he asked, matching her qui?t t?n?.
Sh? l?d the way d?wn th? h?ll. "B???d on wh?t tim? it is, sleeping."
"And after th?t?" he ??k?d.
Sh? thought b??k t? the ??h?dul? L?ui? h?d giv?n h?r. "W?ll, ??u d?n't h?v? ?n?thing ??h?dul?d until th? ?ft?rn??n so I w?n't ?t?rt w?rk until th?n. S?, ?r?b?bl? ??ting at ??m? point."
"Cr?z?. I'm d?ing th?t t??. Y?u know, I h?v? h??rd of thi? crazy thing wh?r? people ??tu?ll? m??t u? and eat t?g?th?r," h? ??id.
"No!" She ??id it with a ???nd?liz?d tone.
"Y??. It'? true. W?nt to tr? it ?ut with m??" he ??k?d.
She ?tudi?d the ???u?l look on hi? f???. Sh? could hear L?ui?' warning in h?r but ?h? ign?r?d it. "I think I must join ??u to experience this odd ?h?n?m?n?n." Sh? stopped w?lking. "W?it, are you going t? b? ?bl? t? find ??u way back?"