"T? da," Marcos said. He took th? ??mbr?r? fr?m Knox and ?ut it on.
"M?gnifi??!" Sk? ??id.
"Look ?t th???," Kn?x said. H? f?und mini?tur? sombrero h?t? ?n the table.
"Th??? ?r? f?r hamsters," Sky ??id. "Th?? t?k? th?ir sombrero w??ring v?r? ??ri?u?l? here."
"I think I'll get ?n?." Kn?x r???h?d into th? b??k???k slung ?v?r Marcos's ?h?uld?r.
"Uno ??rf?v?r," ?h? said to th? m?n b?hind th? t?bl?.
"H?w much i? it?" Kn?x asked.
"Here ju?t giv? m? this." Sh? ?ull?d a five d?ll?r bill ?ut ?f hi? w?d ?f cash ?nd h?nd?d it t? the m?n. Th? m?n g?v? them a big ?mil? ?? they left, ?h?wing hi? fr?nt r?w of t??th with ??v?r?l mi??ing.
"N?w, ??u ??n take a bit ?f M?xi?? h?m? with you," ?h? ??id, as they l?ft the tent.
They ?nt?r?d a wide circular ??urt??rd, a l?rg? f?unt?in in the middl?. There w?r? kids kicking a ball ?r?und. A middl? aged m?n ?ff t? the ?id?, strumming an ?ld guit?r, ?nd several m?n ?nd women l?ung?d lazily around him.
"What tim? i? it?" Kn?x ??k?d.
She gl?n??d down ?t her w?t?h. "Alm??t ?n?. W? ?h?uld probably head back ???n."
"D??? th? ?hi? l??v? that early?" h? ??k?d.
"No, but I h?v? t? get b??k t? w?rk."
Th? kid? ki?king the b?ll ?r?und n?ti??d them. Th?? r?n ?v?r, ??lling ?ut Sk?'? n?m?.
"Holá ?hi???," she ??id, ?? th? kid? ?r?wd?d ?r?und them. The kid? ???k? qui?kl?, f??t?r th?n Sk? ??uld und?r?t?nd but ?h? knew what th?? w?nt?d. Sh? r???h?d int? h?r backpack and pulled ?ut ??m? colorful ????r.
"Wh?t'? that for?" Kn?x ??k?d.
"The fir?t time Anders ?nd I ??m? here the kid? w?r? fascinated by u? b???u?? w? l??k?d diff?r?nt, ?????i?ll? And?r? with his bl?nd? hair," ?h? ??id. She b?nt d?wn ?nd ?t?rt?d t? fold th? ????r. "W? made th?m ????r ?ir?l?n??. N?w, ?v?r? tim? I ??m? b??k, I m?k? th?m paper airplanes."
He watched as she f?ld?d th? ????r, then ??nt it ??iling thr?ugh th? ?ir. The kid? ?h???d ?ft?r it.
"C?n I h?v? a ?i????" h? asked. She handed him a piece. H? kn?lt down ?nd ?t?rt?d to fold. Sh? w?t?h?d as h? f?ld?d th? paper ??v?r?l times b?f?r? h? ?r?du??d a f?n?? paper ?ir?l?n?.
"I'm impressed," she said. Sh? t??k th? ?l?n? ?nd examined it.
"I'm something ?f an ?m?t?ur ????r airplane folder."
"You're a f?m?u? rock star ?nd you ??n f?ld f?n?? paper ?ir?l?n??. H?w d? you k??? th? girl? away? Oh wait...you ??n't," ?h? joked.
Th? kid? came b??k ?nd ?r?wd?d ?r?und Knox, spotting th? ?l?n? in his h?nd. H? ??nt the ?l?n? fl?ing ?nd th? kid? ?h???d after it.
Kn?x jumped d?wn from the ??rt fir?t wh?n th?? got b??k t? ??rt. He grabbed hi? wallet fr?m th? b??k???k and w?nt t? ??? th? driv?r.
"H?w mu?h?" h? ??k?d. Th? m?n ?tudi?d him f?r a moment. Knox ??uld ??n?? Sky ??ming ?v?r, but ?h? h?d ?lr??d? paid f?r t?? much and h? w?? determined t? pay for the rid? back.
"Twenty dollars," th? gu?? ??id.
Kn?x was a littl? ?ur?ri??d it was so mu?h, but h? handed him th? m?n??.
"How much did he ?h?rg? you?" Sky asked as th?? w?lk?d b??k t? th? ??rt ?ntr?n??.
"Twenty, and here, d?n't say n?," he said. He tri?d t? giv? h?r a tw?nt? d?ll?r bill. Sh? stuck h?r h?nd? in h?r pockets ?nd r?fu??d t? t?k? th? m?n??. "Sky, ??u ??id f?r lun?h and f?r th? rid? there. L?t m? ??? ??u b??k."