Knox ?mil?d ?nd w?v?d at the gr?u? of girl?. With a quick gl?n??, h? ??uld t?ll it wasn't solely girl? ?? there were ??r?nt? ?nd ??m? gu?? mix?d in with th? gr?u?. A few girl? r?n out fr?m th? group t? gr??t him. It f?lt lik? half ?n hour l?t?r b? the tim? he h?d m?d? the r?und? of ???ing hi ?nd giving hugs.
"Ok??, I think our wh?l? gr?u? is h?r? now. Th?nk ??u Mr Hamilton f?r j?ining u?," a t?ll gu? with brown hair ??id.
"H???? t? b? here," Kn?x ??id.
"I'm K?nn?. I will be leading thi? ?x?ur?i?n ?l?ng with Bridg?t and Sk?," he said, to the gr?u? ?t large.
"Y?u can ??ll me Bee," th? t?ll bl?nd? ??id, w?ving.
Kn?x f?lt ?n ?lb?w to his rib? ?nd l??k?d ?v?r t? see M?r??? w?ving his ???br?w? in a suggestive w??. H? ?h??k his h??d and r?turn?d hi? ?tt?nti?n t? Kenny.
"In a m?m?nt w? ?r? g?ing t? b??rd a bu? over th?r? th?t will be t?king u? t? th? Ancient Run?? whi?h i? ?b?ut a thirt? minute drive," Kenny ?x?l?in?d. "On?? ?t th? Run?? th?r? will b? a n?tiv? t?ur guid? wh? will show u? ?r?und ?nd give us a hi?t?r? ?b?ut the Run??. Thi? i? ju?t a m?rning tour so w? will b? b??k here at the d??k? b? lunch tim?. Y?u ??n either b??rd the ship th?n ?r find ??m?wh?r? fun t? h?v? lun?h ?r?und here. Y?u can ??k ?n? ?f u? f?r a ?ugg??ti?n, ?nd there i? also great ?h???ing ?v?il?bl?."
Knox paid ?tt?nti?n ?? K?nn? talked, trying to set ?n ?x?m?l?, but h? could hear th? qui?t whispers ?nd ??uld f??l th? sideways glances.
"On? m?r? moment ?nd w? ??n b??rd ?ur bu?," K?nn? fini?h?d. He turn?d t? talk with B?? and Sky.
"Wh?r? did you w?nd?r off t? last night?" Bi?n?? asked. Her v?i?? w?? l?w ?nd r???? ?? she m?v?d n?xt t? Kn?x. "I tri?d t? ??? hi t? ??u in th? g?m."
"I had t? run, I f?rg?t I h?d a..." he ??id, tr?ing t? ??m? u? with an excuse.
"H?? Knox," another girl ??id. H? turned, leaving Bianca without ?n ?n?w?r.
H? f?lt ?lightl? dizzy ?? h? turn?d tr?ing t? ??rr? ?ight diff?r?nt ??nv?r??ti?n?.
"H?v? you gu?? ?v?r h??rd ?b?ut th? time Kn?x ?lm??t didn't make it t? hi? ??n??rt in M?di??n Squ?r? G?rd?n?" M?r??? ??k?d, hi? voice b??ming above ?ll th? rest.
The qu??ti?n pulled ?ll the girl?' ?tt?nti?n. Knox w?? ?bl? to br??th? for a moment while M?r??? t?ld ?n ?x?gg?r?t?d ?t?r? ?b?ut h?w he g?t ?tu?k in tr?ffi?. He laughed along with th? girls ?? M?r??? ??un m?r? fi?ti?n th?n fact.
"Alright, we ??n h??d ?v?r t? the bus now," K?nn? ??id.
Th? gr?u? ?t?rt?d to m?v?. S?m? girls broke ?ff into gr?u?? ?? th?? made th?ir w?? t?w?rd? th? bus, whil? some hung b??k to w?lk ?nd t?lk with Knox.
"H?v? you b??n t? M?xi??n Run?? b?f?r??" a ?w??t looking girl ??k?d.
"Liz right?" Kn?x ??k?d.
"Yeah," she ??id. She ducked h?r h??d a bit, a slight blush reaching h?r ?h??k?.
"I h?v?n't d?n? ?n?thing lik? this," he ??id. "I think it i? g?ing t? b? amazing. I'm ?x?it?d t? hik? to th? top. How about ??u?"
"I'v? never done ?n?thing like thi? ?ith?r," ?h? said. "My mom lik?? ?kiing. W? u?u?ll? v???ti?n in the alps so I ?m ?x?it?d to explore th? tr??i??."
"I ??uld hardly ??ll thi? th? tr??i?? when ??u have to d??l with the n?tiv??," Bi?n?? ??id. "A private island i? th? b??t w?? to ?nj?? th? tr??i??."
Kn?x ??w Liz ?h??t Bianca a glare. H? changed th? ?ubj??t, trying to d?fu?? th? t?n?i?n.
"Wh? think? th?? ??n m?k? it ?ll th? w?? t? th? t???" he ??ll?d ?ut, ??king the group of girl? ?r?und him. Girls shouted ?ut th?ir ?n?w?r? ?nd he could ??? Liz r?l?xing.
"I bet I ??uld beat you to th? t??," Bi?n?? whi???r?d in his ear.
Kn?x u??d ?ll hi? self ??ntr?l to k??? from ?ulling away ?nd rubbing his ear, tr?ing t? rid it ?f th? tickle ?f h?r br??th. "W? will have t? wait ?nd ???," h? ??id.
As th?? n??r?d th? bu? Kn?x ??w Sk? standing b? the door gr??ting all the ?????ng?r?. H? ?t????d ??id? and ?ll?w?d all th? girl? to b??rd fir?t. He w?t?h?d ?? ?h? ?mil?d and ??id hi, ?v?iding his ????.
"Y?u didn't have t? w?it f?r m?," Bi?n?? said. Sh? t?u?h?d hi? ?rm as ?h? ?????d him t? get ?n th? bu?.
"H?? Sk?," he ??id, ?? th? l??t girl b??rd?d th? bus.