They l?un?h?d into a di??u??i?n ?b?ut ?t??k? as the f??d ?rriv?d but w?r? cut ?h?rt when Bi?n?? ?h?ng?d th? ?ubj??t, ?l??rl? annoyed with th? w?? th? ??nv?r??ti?n w?? going. The r??t of the m??l ??n?i?t?d m??tl? ?f Bi?n?? t?lling Kn?x about her lif? ?nd inviting him ?l?ng t? everything. Telling him h?w he w?uld l?v? the sunsets fr?m the deck ?f their ???ht.
A? ?v?r??n? r??? fr?m th? t?bl?, Kn?x b?g?n his g??db???. Hudson m?nti?n?d th?? ?h?uld ??ntinu? their t?lk about bu?in??? ?t ??m? ??int. They all ?t?rt?d t? slowly w?lk t?w?rd? th? ?xit di??u??ing where th?? w?r? headed n?xt. Kn?x br?k? ?ff and qui?k?n?d his ?t??.
"Walk me t? th? theater?" Bianca ??k?d. Sh? ?li???d h?r h?nd int? hi?. "Th?? are showing ??ur ??n??rt d??um?nt?r?."
"I'm actually headed thi? w??," h? said, ??inting ?v?r hi? shoulder. "But I ?m ?ur? I will see ??u around. H?v? a goodnight Bi?n??."
H? took h?r h?nd, that w?? in his, ?nd gave it a quick ki??. H? w?lk?d away, knowing that the ki?? ?n the h?nd h?d ?tunn?d h?r ?nd w?uld k??? h?r from f?ll?wing him.
H? h?d returned t? his r??m r??d? t? quickly ?h?ng? wh?n C?lvin h?d stopped him. For ?n h?ur th?? h?d gone over th? d?t?il? ?f th? n?xt d??'? excursion. Marcos had giv?n him a rund?wn ?f th? security measures.
By th? time Knox h?d fin?ll? b??n able t? ?h?ng? ?nd get to the gym, it w?? l?t? but th? b?nu? w?? th?t th? gym w?? m?r? lik?l? t? b? ?m?t?. H? h?d hi? mu?i? ?n full v?lum? ?? he ran and w?? ?t?rtl?d t? ??? ??m??n? climb ?n t? th? tr??dmill n?xt to him.
He bri?fl? gl?n??d ?v?r. A girl w?? g?tting on the tr??dmill, h?r m?k? up and fancy hair ?l??hing with h?r tin? ?h?rt? ?nd sports br?. Knox n?dd?d ?nd r?turn?d his g?z? ?ut th? wind?w, trying t? make it clear h? wasn't going t? t?lk.
H? w?t?h?d through th? wind?w'? reflection ?? th? g?m filled with m?r? ?nd m?r? girl?. H? acted ?? if he didn't notice, but ?l?w?d th? treadmill. With?ut m?king ??? contact, h? walked over to get a ?u? ?f w?t?r. H? ??uld feel ?ll the girl? eyes ?n him. C??u?ll? w?lking t?w?rd? th? d??r, h? left th? gym, taking off hi? headphones.
"Knox!" one ?f the girls ??ll?d after him.
H? ?r?t?nd?d not t? hear and m?v?d to th? ?t?ir? qui?kl? g?ing u? a fl??r. Th? l?v?l up w?? th? first fl??r of r??m? ?nd Kn?x h??d?d towards ?n? ?f the h?ll?.
"Knox, wh?r? ?r? ??u g?ing?" a girl ??k?d, ?? th?? f?ll?w?d him.
"M??b? this is the way t? hi? r??m!" ?n?th?r girl ??id, h?r v?i?? ??unding excited.
Th?t id?? ???m?d t? encourage th? girl?. Kn?x ??uld h??r their v?i??? ri?ing. H? ?ut d?wn a hallway, hoping h? was f?r ?n?ugh ?h??d they didn't ??? him. His h??rt ??nk wh?n h? h??rd one ?f th? girls l??ding th? w??.
Hi? mind r???d, trying to find a w?? out ?f this situation. H? ??uld k??? wandering the h?ll?, but he w?uld probably get l??t. H? didn't want t? m?k? a wrong turn and ?nd u? circling back to th? girl?. H? fr?z? when he h??rd v?i??? coming in front of him. H? ??uldn't t?ll if it w?? a gr?u? ?f girl? from th? g?m, but it was definitely girls.
He w?? tr????d ?t th? ??rn?r ?f th? h?llw?? wh?n he turn?d ?nd ??w the d??r to a r??m ?lightl? ?j?r. He th?ught it over for a second b?f?r? h? ?li???d in?id? and ?hut the d??r. Ex?l?ining th? ?itu?ti?n t? one ??r??n w?uld be easier than f??ing tw? groups ?f m?rging girl?. M??b? there w??n't even ??m??n? in?id? Kn?x ?r???d. He ?t????d furth?r int? the small room with a d?ubl? b?d taking u? m??t of th? ?????.
"Hey, I'll b? right out," a girl's voice ??ll?d out fr?m b?hind a d??r. Knox fr?z?. "We're d?finit?l? ?t???ing f?r ??ff?? b???u?? I ?m r??d? t? f?ll ?n my face tir?d."
Kn?x ??nt?m?l?t?d ???ing ??m?thing, but hadn't landed on ?n answer before the door ???n?d ?nd a girl ?t????d ?ut. Th?? w?r? both ?il?nt f?r a moment. H? was surprised th?t ?h? looked f?mili?r. He w?? trying to ?l??? th? girl when a ?m?ll smile ?l???d across h?r f???.
"Wh?t are ??u doing?" ?h? ??k?d.
"S?rr?, I..."
Sh? ?ut him ?ff, r?i?ing her hand. "Look, I r??ll? ???r??i?t? ??ur ?nthu?i??m but thi? is t?? far. Thi? is m? room. I'm g?ing t? ??ll ???urit?. Don't m?v?," she ??id. Sh? r???h?d f?r th? ?h?n? on th? desk.
A? th? w?rd? l?ft h?r m?uth it ?li?k?d into place. Knox remembered wh?r? h? h?d ???n her. Sh? h?d b??n th? girl in her r??m ?nd th? ?n? b? th? ???l.
"Hil?ri?u?," h? said. H? kn?w that she had u??d the w?rd? h? h?d ??id when he had w?lk?d in ?n her in his r??m. Th? girl ?t????d ?nd l??k?d ?t him.
"I d?n't think finding a strange man in m? r??m is hil?ri?u? ?t ?ll," ?h? said with a slight smirk, ?r???ing h?r arms.
"Look, you d?n't understand. Th?r? w?r? girl? f?ll?wing m?. Th?n th?? w?r? ??ming fr?m b?th sides. I didn't kn?w wh?t to d? and ??ur d??r was open," Kn?x ??id.
"Sounds t?rrif?ing," ?h? ??id.
"W?ll ??u were the ?n? who left your door ???n."
"S? thi? is m? f?ult?" th? girl asked. "D? ??u ?ft?n find ??ur??lf w?nd?ring int? r??m? because th? d??r i? ???n? I should d?finit?l? n?tif? ???urit?." Sh? r???h?d for the phone ?g?in.
"I w?uldn't b? th? ?nl? one wh? ?nd?d u? in someone ?l??'? r??m today," Kn?x ??id.
Th? girl paused. "I w?? ??tu?ll? d?ing my j?b. I w?rk on th? cruise ?hi?."