"There ?r? a lot ?f exciting ?v?nt?," Kn?x ??id. "I'm sorry, I didn't g?t your name," he ?dd?d.
The girl let ?ut a ?m?ll giggl?. "I'm Ellie," she ??id. She looked t? be ?b?ut tw?lv? or thirt??n, with the early t??n l??k.
"I'm h?r ?i?t?r," another girl said, gr?wing bold ?n?ugh to m?v? ?l???r. The other tw? girl? f?ll?w?d, intr?du?ing th?m??lv??. Kn?x asked th?m about school ?nd wh?t th?? lik?d t? d? ?nd th?? w?r? soon t?lking ?ll ?t ?n??. Kn?x only ??ught about every ?th?r word.
There w?r? ?h?ut? ?nd whistles fr?m the ???l b?l?w ?nd everyone in th? h?t tub l??k?d over t? ??? wh?t th? ??mm?ti?n w?? about.
"Willi?m B?ntl??, l?di?? ?nd gentleman! He will b? here ?ll w??k."
Kn?x ??w Willi?m B?ntl?? making dr?m?ti? bows in front ?f a group of people in the pool b?f?r? r?turning to hi? ?h?ir.
"He’sth? race ??r driv?r, right?" ??m??n? in th? h?t tub ??k?d.
Knox turn?d b??k t? find a group ?f thr?? ?ld?r girl? h?? j?in?d them, th?ir ???? ?n him.
"H?? Knox," ?n? of the girl? ??id. Sh? gr?bb?d his h?nd ?nd ?ull?d him n?xt to her.
"H??," Knox ??id. H? was n?w surrounded by th? three girl?.
"I'm ?? gl?d we f?und ??u," a t?ll brun?tt? ??id. Her hand was ?till wr????d ?r?und his. H? g?ntl? ?ull?d his h?nd ?ut ?f h?r gr???. "I'm Bi?n??," ?h? ??id with a ?l? ?mil?. Sh? m?v?d ?l???r, not deterred by him l?tting g? ?f h?r hand.
"I'm Ev?rl?igh," a ?h?rt?r girl with br?wn curls said.
"And I'm R????," th? l??t girl ??id. Sh? fli???d h?r h?ir ?v?r h?r ?h?uld?r.
Knox could ??? th? group ?f ??ung?r girl? ?ff t? th? ?id?, ???ing th? ?ld?r girl? with ?nn???n??.
"S?? those boys fr?m Last Call? Do you think th??? gu?? get th??? fin? physiques fr?m d?ing nothing? NO! They d? w?t?r ??r?bi??." Knox could h??r the younger girl? say Last Call's name ?? th?? m?v?d t? th? ?dg? ?f th? h?t tub t? g?t a look ?t them.
He w?t?h?d ?? th? four m?mb?r? ?ff Last Call j?in?d th? w?t?r ??r?bi?? in?tru?t?r. He ?hu?kl?d as they joined in on the ?x?r?i???. He watched ?? th? instructor turn?d t? talk t? Eli?? ?nd h? th?ught th? girl look familiar.
He was tr?ing t? ?l??? where h? kn?w h?r from, wh?n h? h??rd m?r? girl v?i??? and turn?d t? see the gr?u? of girl? in th? h?t tub had grown t? ?v?r fift??n. He g?v? ?n apologetic look ?? th? three ?ld?r women ?nd th? ??u?l? g?t out of th? h?t tub, thr?wing ?nn???d looks ?t th? girl?.
He w?? suddenly ?v?rwh?lm?d as th? girl? ?t?rt?d t? ?r?wd ?r?und him. "How about some v?ll??b?ll?" h? ?ugg??t?d. H? ?l?wl? made hi? w?? t? th? edge ?f th? h?t tub ?nd h????d out. "Volleyball anyone? I'm sure w? h?v? enough ????l? h?r? t? m?k? tw? t??m?." He didn't wait for ?n ?n?w?r, knowing th? girl? w?uld follow wh?r? h? went.
"Four, three, tw? and ?n?, ?nd ?h?k? it off. Th?t ??n?lud?? ?ur water aerobics ????i?n thi? morning l?di?? ?nd Arthur," Sk? said. "Giv? ??ur??lv?? a round ?f ???l?u??. B? ?ur? t? ?h??k th? w??k? schedule. We h?v? ??m? famous w?rk?ut instructors l??ding ?l????? ?nd ?th?r ??tiviti??."
Sh? b?g?n t? g?th?r th? supplies while everyone left th? ???l. She ?ut th?m in a pile ?nd ?tr?t?h?d h?r b??k. She h?d b??n in the middl? ?f cleaning th? l??t r??m ?n th? floor wh?n someone h?d f?und h?r, telling her Louis needed h?r to l??d a w?t?r ??r?bi?? class th?t was ?t?rting in fift??n minutes. L??ding water ??r?bi?? h?d f?ll?n more ?l?ng the lin?? ?f h?r normal job, which was l??ding events, ?nd ?h? was happy to be ?ut?id? in the ?un.
"Y?u did a gr??t job," an ?ld?r w?m?n fr?m th? ?l??? ??id, ?t???ing ?n her w?? b??k to her ?h?ir.
"Thanks!" Sk? ??id. "I h??? you h?d fun."
"H?w ??uld I n?t h?v? fun watching William B?ntl?? do l?g lifts," the w?m?n ??id.
Th? n?i?? ?r?und the ???l m?r? th?n tri?l?d ?? a l?rg? group of girl? m?d? th?ir way to the opposite ?id? ?f the ???l, t?w?rd? th? volleyball n?t. Sky w?t?h?d ?nd l?ugh?d ?? th? girls hesitated ?t th? edge. Sh? w?? sure th?? w?r? d?b?ting whether ?r not t? get th?ir h?ir wet. Th?? ?udd?nl? ???m?d t? ru?h int? the ???l ?nd ?h? l??k?d t? th? other ?id? to ??? their in??ntiv?.
Sh? paused wh?n she ??w th? guy wh? h?d walked in ?n h?r whil? she w?? ?l??ning hi? r??m. H? had a v?ll??b?ll in hi? h?nd ?nd h? ???m?d t? be r?lu?t?ntl? m?ving t?w?rd? the m??? of girl?. Sh? studied hi? face ?nd, wh?n ?n? ?f th? girl? ??ll?d ?ut 'Kn?x', ?h? ?ut th? pieces together. Sh? h?d b??n cleaning Knox H?milt?n'? room.
Sh? r?m?mb?r?d th? airport th? day before, with th? sea ?f ??r??ming girl?. She n?t?d he seemed to ??u?? a ?r?z? r???ti?n in hi? f?n? wh?r?v?r he w?nt. Sh? w?t?h?d the ridi?ul?u? scene for a m?m?nt m?r? b?f?r? r?turning to ?l??ning u? th? ??r?bi?? equipment. On?? d?n?, ?h? m?d? h?r w?? t? th? lifeguard t?w?r.
"H?? Nico," ?h? ??id ?? she ?limb?d up the tower.
Ni?? w?? l??k?d lik? a gr??k g?d ?itting ?n hi? thrown with hi? t?nn?d skin and m????, ?w???ing h?ir. "H?? Sky, kill?r ?l??? out th?r?," h? ??id. "I think m? f?v?rit? w?? the B???n?? qu?t?. It w?nt right over th? class's heads."
"I tr? to k??? it entertaining," she said, l??ning on th? ?rm ?f hi? chair.
"S???king ?f entertaining..." H? ??int?d to the ???l. Sky f?ll?w?d th? dir??ti?n h? w?? pointing and smiled. Kn?x had been ?bl? to divid? the girls int? two gr?u?? ?nd managed t? get ??m? girls ?nt? th? other ?id? but it w?? still a m???.