Sh? ?x??rtl? m?v?d through th? bu?? bu?tl? ?nd didn't mi?? a step with th? ship's ?w??. It f?lt lik? a ?i??? of h?r h?d b??n absent during h?r tim? on l?nd, but she h?d f?und it now th?t th?r? w?? w?t?r rising ?nd f?lling b?n??th her f??t.
She dropped h?r b?g? in th? ??rn?r ?f the bu?? ?ffi?? ????? ?nd h??d?d towards the d??k in th? b??k. J?hnn? h?d th? purest l??k ?f b?r?d?m ?n his f??? until h? ??w h?r. Hi? ???? w?nt big in ?ur?ri?? and h? ?t??d u? ?bru?tl?.
"Bennett! Y?u'r? back. The rum?r? w?r? tru?," he ?h?ut?d.
"It would ?????r th?t w??," she ??id.
When ?h? reached hi? d??k, he ?tr?t?h?d out his arms ?nd ?ull?d h?r into a tight hug.
"I h?v? mi???d you so, ??, ?? mu?h!" h? ??id.
"I mi???d ??u t??, J?hnn?."
Sh? tried to ?ull ?w?? but h? kept h?r pinned against his ?h??t.
"I mi???d ??u m?r?."
Sh? fin?ll? br?k? free and gave him a scrutinizing look.
"Whats u??" ?h? qu??ti?n?d. "What did you ??r?w u??"
He ?hrugg?d ?nd g?v? her ?n innocent l??k, but ??m?thing didn't ?dd u?. Out of all ?f h?r co-workers, J?hnn? had b??n th? most un?ff??t?d b? h?r l??ving. When she had t?ld him, h? h?d ?l????d hi? hands together ?nd th?nk?d the h??v?n? that he w?uldn't h?v? to ?ndur? h?r ?inging ?n? l?ng?r. Sh? h?dn't im?gin?d her r?turn w?uld have ?u?h a ???itiv? ?ff??t on him.
"Y?u did ??m?thing," ?h? ??id, ??ntinuing to ?tud? him.
"You ??t like I ??n't do m? job," h? ???ff?d. "Some ?f u? ?r? ??tu?ll? committed to what w? d?."
Sh? g?v? him a fl?t look whil? h? looked th?r?ughl? pleased with his j?k?. Sh? im?gin?d this w?? ju?t the ?n? of th? jabs she w?uld h?v? to ?ndur? for ditching the ?rui?? ?hi? for touring with Knox.
"And yet, in the ???r ?in?? I have been g?n?, it d???n't ???m lik? ??u h?v? im?r?v?d ?t all," ?h? ??id.
H? grinn?d ?t th? insult. "I did mi?? ??u B?nn?tt. N? one in?ult? m? like ??u d?."
Sh? l?ugh?d. "Now that I b?li?v?. But I ?till d?n't b?li?v? ??ur fir?t ?t?t?m?nt. What m??? did ??u m?k? that I h?v? to clean up?"
H? g?v? an offended scoff but qui?kl? dr????d th? l??k.
"Fin?. I missed making you giv? L?ui? m? bad n?w?. Everyone kn?w? ??u are one of hi? f?v?rit??."
Sh? smiled kn?wingl?. "That m?k?? more sense." She n?dd?d towards th? d??r b?hind the d??k. "C?n I see him?"
J?hnn? m?v?d aside. "G? right ?h??d. H?'ll b? h???? to ??? you." A? ?h? ???n?d th? d??r, h? qui?kl? added, "Al??, t?ll him thr?? fl?w?r d?liv?ri?? didn't m?k? it, I'm g?ing ?n break."
He shouted th? l??t words over hi? ?h?uld?r ?? he r?n fr?m the ?ffi??. Sk? r?ll?d h?r ???? at hi? dramatic ?xit and ?t????d int? L?ui?'? ?ffi??.
Th? ????? w?? just ?? ?h? had l?ft it, and ?h? sighed h???il?. Sh? t??k a ???t ??r??? fr?m L?ui? ?nd was met with his ???th?ti? smile.
"Hi?? b???," she said, ?r???ing h?r f??t ?n hi? d??k.
"N?," h? ??id, ?nd she qui?kl? removed h?r f??t, but didn't l??? h?r ?mil?.
"Aww, ??u missed m?," she ??id. "You're t?? sweet. N?w, l?t'? n?t g?t ?ll ?m?ti?n?l. I'm b??k. No need to ?h?d t??r?."
Hi? look f?ll fl?tt?r. "I d?n't kn?w wh?t t??? of ship ??ur b?? b?nd b??fri?nd ran, but l?t m? r?mind you th?t thi? is business. This i?n't some rock ?t?r ??rt? t?ur. W? actually w?rk h?r?."
Sky ?mirk?d. L?ui? w?? ?n ?x??rt in a lot ?f thing?, but ??? culture was not ?n? ?f them. Sh? n?dd?d ??ri?u?l?.
"All work, no ?l??," she said, ?utting on an ?x?gg?r?t?d fr?wn. "Sign m? u?."