"Wanna show them h?w it'? done?" Sk? asked. Willi?m B?ntl?? l?ugh?d ?nd j?in?d in d?ing th? w?rk?ut move a f?w tim??. He g?t an ???l?u?? from the w?rk?ut ladies ?? well ?? half th? ?r?wd ?t th? pool wh? h?d b??n watching.
"William B?ntl??, ladies ?nd g?ntl?m?n," Sk? ??id. "H? will be h?r? ?ll w??k." He b?w?d ?nd returned t? hi? l?ung? ?h?ir. "Okay, l?t'? f??u?. N? beauty with?ut ??in. Pu?h those floaties ??r??? th? pool. Alright ?v?r?b?d?, g? l?ft. In the w?rd? ?f th? gr??t B???n??, t? th? l?ft, t? th? left, ?v?r?thing thing you ?wn in a box t? th? l?ft. Ok??, so th?t last ??rt i?n't r??ll? relevant... and turn! N?w, t? the right, t? the right.
"And now w? ?r? reaching ?ur final exercises, l?t'? fini?h ?tr?ng. See th??? boys from L??t C?ll," Sk? ??id. Th? four members ?f th? b?nd Last Call were heading t?w?rd? some ???n l?ung? chairs. "D? ??u think those gu?? g?t th??? fine physiques from d?ing n?thing? NO! Th?? d? w?t?r ??r?bi??. Pu?h ?u?h ?u?h. Arthur, I d?n't w?nt t? ??? you l?gging," she ??ll?d ?ut.
"L??king good l?di??... and ?ir," one of th? L??t C?ll members ??id. He ??m? t? wh?r? Sky w?? l??ding. He ?t??d n?xt t? her, mimi?king h?r m?v?m?nt.
"Look ?t hi? f?rm," ?h? ??id. "H? h?? clearly b??n doing w?t?r ??r?bi?? for ???r?."
"H?w did you know?" he ??k?d, l?ughing.
"I can ?lw??? ???t a f?ll?w w?t?r ??r?bi?? lover. Ok??, th? last stretch. Let's ??unt it d?wn together, ?ight, ??v?n..." At this ??int, the thr?? other m?mb?r? ?f the band h?d j?in?d in th? d?m?n?tr?ti?n, cheering ?n the people in the w?t?r.
"And w? ?r? done. Giv? ??ur??lf a r?und of applause," Sky ?h??r?d. "And now, th??? fine g?ntl?m?n will l??d ??u in the ???l d?wn." The one with curly h?ir didn't miss a beat,
"R???h th??? ?rm? u? into th? ?k? ?nd take a d??? breath in," he ??id, taking the ??nt?r ???t as Sk? ?t????d b??k. She w?t?h?d f?r a few minutes ?? the f?ur guys did more body ??nt?rti?n? th?n ?tr?t?h??.
"Alright, I ??n fini?h it from h?r? guys," she ??id, ?t???ing b??k in. "Give a round ?f ???l?u?? for the m?mb?r? ?f Last C?ll." The L??t C?ll members t??k dr?m?ti? b?w? b?f?r? h??ding b??k t? th?ir ?h?ir? where a ?r?wd of girls w?r? waiting f?r th?m. "Ok??, l?t'? g?t ?ur arm up ?nd ?v?r, stretching out th? right side ?nd h?ld."
"P?rf??t f?rm," Anders ??id fr?m b?hind Sk?. She smiled ?? she ?h??k h?r h??d ?nd kept l??ding th? ??r?bi? ???l down. And?r? m?t?h?d h?r movements.
"Still m?d at me?" h? ??k?d.
"Did you r??ll? come up h?r? f?r th?t or b???u?? ??u kn?w Willi?m B?ntl?? w?? h?r??" ?h? asked ?ut ?f the ?id? ?f her m?uth so h?r mi? didn't ?i?k u? h?r w?rd?.
"H?w ??uld ??u ?v?n ??k th?t? Y?u'r? m? b??t fri?nd," h? ??id. He put ?n a pouty f???.
"I d?n't b?li?v? ??u," ?h? ??id. "N?w, g?t out of h?r? b?f?r? I push ??u int? th? pool."
"Alright, I ?h?uld get b??k ?ut there," Kn?x ??id, l??king ?t the gr?wing ?r?wd ?r?und th? ???l.
"Try th? h?t tub," Marcos ?ugg??t?d. "Limit?d amount ?f space."
"Sm?rt thinking," Kn?x said. H? thr?w hi? t?w?l down on the ?h?ir next t? wh?r? M?r??? w?? sitting.
"Do you want m? t? come?" M?r??? asked. H? stood up, ready t? f?ll?w.
"I d?n't think th?r? is ?n?ugh room in th? h?t tub f?r ??ur mu??l?? ?ki???r," Kn?x j?k?d. "I think I g?t thi?. If it gets bad, I'll give the ?ign?l ?nd ??u ??n come ?nd rescue me."
"What's th? ?ign?l?" M?r??? asked.
"I don't know. S?m?thing th?t fit? th? ?itu?ti?n." Kn?x tried to think ?f something.
"How about 'm?n ?v?r b??rd'," Marcos said with a ?mil? l?ugh.
"Y?u'r? hil?ri?u?," Knox ??id fl?tl?.
"H?w about, I ju?t f?ll?w th? ??und of girl? fighting?" M?r??? ??t back d?wn ?nd ?t?rt?d getting ??mf?rt?bl?.
"Wish m? luck," Kn?x ??id. H? ?ur????l? ?v?id?d th? ?id? ?f th? ???l wh?r? th? girls h?d surrounded him. H? didn't w?nt t? ?ttr??t t?? much attention before h? g?t to the h?t tub. H? l?t out a ?igh ?f r?li?f wh?n h? ??w ?nl? a few ????l? in the h?t tub.
"H?ll?," h? ??id, nodding hi? head ?t th? people in th? hot tub. Th?r? w?? a ??ung couple who ??id h?ll? b??k, a f?w ?ld?r w?m?n and a gr?u? of f?ur younger girl?, wh??? f???? lit u? wh?n they ??w him. Th? gr?u? ?f girl? whi???r?d l?udl? in ?ir?l? for a f?w minut?? b?f?r? they pushed ?n? girl fr?m th? huddle ?nd t?w?rd? Knox.
"Hey Kn?x," she ??id timidl?.
"H??, h?w ?r? ??u?" h? asked with a smile. He ??uld ??? th? girl relax ?nd she took a spot n?xt t? him. "How are ??u liking th? ?rui?? ?? far?" He could ??? th? ?th?r girl? ?l?wl? m?king th?ir way ?v?r to them.
"I r??ll? like it! I ?m ?x?it?d for th? ?ll th? ?v?nt?!" ?h? ??id, g?tting excited.