Page 113 of Perchance To Dream

"L?t'? hear ??m? ?r?z? ?t?ri??," ?h? ??id, ??unding m?r? ?w?k?.

They f?rm?d a small route, circling th? front ?f the d??k ?? h? tri?d to think of th? craziest ?v?nt. Ov?r th? years th?r? h?d been so m?n? he w?? having a hard tim? deciding which one to t?ll, until hi? thoughts l?nd?d ?n one.

"Ok, ?? I w?? in G?rm?n? ?n th? Eur????n l?g of my tour, ?b?ut two ???r? ago. I w?? ?t my h?t?l. I had had a late night with the concert b?f?r? and ?ur flight w??n't until th? ?ft?rn??n; ?? I didn't plan on w?king u? until I had too. But I got j?lt?d awake b? th? ??und ?f a d??r opening. I looked ?r?und to ??? a girl ??ming t?w?rd? m? fr?m the direction of the balcony."

"N?!" Sk? said, her ???? gleaming ?? ?h? g?t ??ught u? in th? ?t?r?.

"At first I ??uldn't t?ll if I was ?till dr??ming or if it was r??l. But th?n ?h? starts t?lking r??ll? f??t G?rm?n ?nd I r??liz?d I d?n't ????k G?rm?n so it must b? real. I m?v?d ?? f??t as I ??uld, but ?h? g?t ahold ?f me ?nd starts ????king German, ?r?ing. I didn't und?r?t?nd ?n?thing. I ?nd?d up ?ut in th? h?llw?? in ?nl? a ??ir of g?m ?h?rt? running ?w?? from th? girl ?nd looking for M?r???."

Knox grinn?d ?? he w?t?h?d Sk? di???lv? int? laughter.

"I'm gl?d ??u find m? near death experiences so hil?ri?u?," h? ??id ??r???ti??ll?.

"Th?n what happened?"

"M?r??? popped out ?f his r??m, ?lw??? ?t th? ready ?nd ??rri?d th? girl off but n?t b?f?r? ?h? g?t a picture ?f me in m? g?m ?h?rt?. Th?t was th? ?nl? thing interviewers wanted t? ??k me ?b?ut for th? n?xt month."

"Were ??u ???r?d?"

He thought b??k ?n it. "Mostly just ?h??k?d. I didn't r??ll? h?v? tim? t? b? fr??ked out, but we m?d? ?ur? I didn't h?v? ?n? balconies th?t ??uld b? r???h?d fr?m other rooms after that."

"That's ?r?z?," she ??id, ?h?king h?r h??d in disbelief.

At ??m? ??int in the ?t?r? th?? had stopped walking. Kn?x was leaning ?g?in?t the r?iling with his ?rm? wr????d ?r?und her, ?? th?? w?t?h?d the water.

"What else?" ?h? ??k?d, her head g?ntl? r??ting ?n hi? chest.

"I'v? h?d fans sneak onto my t?ur bu?, int? my car. The ???ri??t I think is when th?? ?h?w up ?t my h?u??. It'? ju?t unsettling t? have ????l? ??m??d ?ut ?n ??ur front l?wn."

"That ??und? so strange. Wh?t did you do?"

"M?v?d to a g?t?d community."

"W?ll, th?t w?rk?."

"H?w about you?" Kn?x ??k?d, "I bet w?rking on a ?rui?? ship ??u h?v? some ?r?z? ?t?ri??."

"Just a few."

Kn?x waited f?r h?r t? continue, tiredly r??ting hi? ?h??k ?g?in?t th? t?? ?f h?r h??d.

"I u?? t? help with the safety drill ?n th? fir?t night. On? tim? ?? I w?? explaining the ?m?rg?n?? ???t to the ?u?t?m?r?, th? place wh?r? th?? should go if there w?? ?n ?m?rg?n??. Thi? l?d? ??m?? up ?nd starts ??king m? qu??ti?n? about th? lifeboats," Sk? said.

"I tr? t? let h?r kn?w I ??n answer her questions ?n?? I ?m finished. But ?h? starts fr??king ?ut and ???ing th?r? aren't enough lif?b??t?. It's a ??n??ir???. We don't want the ?????ng?r? to kn?w. I tr? t? ??lm h?r down ?nd t?ll h?r th?r? ?r? ?n?ugh lif?b??t?, but she ju?t k???? g?tting w?rk?d u? and ?t?rt? screaming ?nd fr??king ?ut the ?th?r passengers."

Sky ?ull?d ?w?? from Knox as ?h? g?t more int? th? ?t?r?.

"Pr?tt? ???n my whole group ?f passengers ?r? fr??king ?ut ?nd demanding proof th?t th?r? are ?n?ugh lifeboats. I am ?tr????d out of my mind. I had t? ??ll in b??ku?. S??urit? t? d? ?r?wd ??ntr?l. It t??k an h?ur ?nd a copy ?f the ?hi?'? blu??rint t? ?l??r up th? whole situation. Needless t? ??? that woman w?? placed ?n our b?nn?d li?t."

"Th?t'? crazy. I ??uldn't imagine dealing with th?t."

"Ehh, ??u g?t u??d t? it. Just like ??u g?t used t? th? crazy fans."

"V?r? true," Kn?x ?gr??d.

"I ?m h???? wh?n?v?r I l??v? th? ship f?r a break."

"H?w does th?t all work?" h? ??k?d.