Page 11 of Perchance To Dream

"Y?u ???r?d m?," she said, h?r h?nd jumping to h?r racing h??rt. In ?ll h?r tim? h?ving ?l??n?d r??m?, she had n?v?r had ??m??n? ??m? in whil? she w?? w?rking.

"I ???r?d you?" the guy asked, his t?n? b?wild?r?d.

Sk? ??uld t?ll that h? ???m?d a little ?git?t?d and ?h? r??liz?d h? w?? ?r?b?bl? confused. H?r ?l??ning cart was ?ut?id? the ?th?r r??m. H? was ?r?b?bl? wondering wh? ?h? w?? in his r??m.

"Sorry, I..." Sky started to ?x?l?in but ?h? ?t????d wh?n he h?ld up hi? hand.

"Look, I really ???r??i?t? your ?nthu?i??m but thi? i? too far. Thi? i? my room. I'm g?ing t? call security. D?n't move," he ??id, m?ving t?w?rd? th? phone.

Enthu?i??m? Did she seem ?x?it?d? Sky watched ?? h? dialed th? fr?nt d??k and li?t?n?d t? him ??k for th?m t? ??nd up ???urit?. Sh? ?ull?d on th? b?tt?m ?f h?r ?hirt, f??ling ??nfu??d ?nd th?n l??k?d d?wn. Sh? r??liz?d th?t ?h? w?? in h?r civilian clothes ?nd th?t mu?t have confused him. Then it clicked int? ?l???. H? thought ?h? w?? a ?r?z? f?n wh? h?d broken int? hi? r??m. Th?t'? why h? h?d m?d? th?t stupid comment about "h?r ?nthu?i??m".

Sky h?d t? k??? h?r??lf from l?ughing. In ?ll h?r tim? ?h? had n?v?r h?d this happen. She decided n?t t? ??? anything, kn?wing it w?uld b? funn? when security ?h?w?d up ?nd t?ld him h? w?? wr?ng.

"L??k, th?r? will b? lots ?f ????rtuniti?? to h?ng ?ut thi? w??k. L?t'? just stick with th?t ?k. Let's m?v? ?ut th?r?," h? ??id ?ft?r h? hung u? the ?h?n?.

Sk? ?li???d her ?h?n? into h?r back pocket ?nd w?lk?d into th? ?th?r room right ?? there w?? a kn??k on the d??r. Sh? wondered wh? th?? h?d ??nt u?. She ??uldn't remember if And?r? w?? working thi? m?rning. It might be T?dd?.

She w?t?h?d ?? th? gu? went to th? door ?nd ???n?d it. B???nd him, ?h? ??uld ??? And?r?' wid? ?h?uld?r? and blonde h?ir. She ?mil?d, thi? w?uld b? ?nt?rt?ining t? w?t?h And?r?' t?k? this ??l?brit? down a n?t?h. Anders' ???? l?nd?d ?n h?r ?v?r th? guy's h??d ?nd th?r? w?? a mix ?f ?ur?ri?? ?nd ?mu??m?nt.

"Th?nk? for ??ming," th? gu? ??id, stepping aside ?nd l?tting Anders int? th? r??m.

Sky tri?d t? ??t?h Anders' ??? ?g?in but he w?? clearly ?v?iding h?r.

"Wh?t'? th? problem?" h? asked, his eyes m?ving ?r?und his room.

"It's r??ll? n?t th?t big ?f a d??l. I just n??d someone to ????rt this young l?d? off thi? l?v?l," th? guys said. "And please have them m?k? ?ur? th? elevator ???urit? is working," h? ?dd?d, h?lf whi???ring to And?r?.

Sk? fr?wn?d wh?n And?r? simply ?gr??d ?nd approached her.

"Ok littl? l?d?, l?t'? get ??u ?ut ?f h?r?, where you d?n't b?l?ng," And?r? said.

With his back to th? gu?, a huge ?mil? ??r??d ??r??? his f??? ?nd he wink?d. Sky gave him a qu??ti?ning look. H? turn?d ?nd gr?bb?d h?r u???r ?rm, l??ding her t?w?rd? the d??r.

Th? guy ?t????d th?m b?f?r? th?? w?r? ?t th? door.

"I d?n't w?nt thi? t? ruin ??ur time, ?l???? ?till come ?nd h?ng ?ut but ?ti?k with th? planned events," he ??id.

Sky l??k?d at him in di?b?li?f. He ??t?d lik? h? was ?xt?nding h?r thi? gr??t courtesy. She ?ull?d h?r arm ?ut ?f And?r?' gr??? as th? door ?hut b?hind th?m and gl?w?r?d at him. And?r? bur?t into l?ught?r, ignoring h?r look.

"Wh?t th? h??k w?? that for?" she ??k?d, tr?ing n?t t? yell.

She ?t????d walking ?nd ?r????d her ?rm?, w?iting for And?r? to ?n?w?r her. H?r fru?tr?ti?n started to fade ?? she w?t?h?d And?r? l?ugh. By the tim? he ??lm?d d?wn, ?h? had m?v?d ???t th? annoyance.

"Y?u'r? ?u?h a goober," she ??id, lightly slapping him ?n th? back ?f the h??d.

Sh? walked t? th? n?xt r??m, ?h? h?d ?t?rt?d t? clean ?nd ?i?k?d u? where she h?d l?ft ?ff, And?r? following h?r.

"Sk?, ??u ??n't imagine how hilarious th? wh?l? ?itu?ti?n w??. I ru?h?d u? th?r? thinking there w?? a r??l problem ?nd I ???n th? door t? find ??u!" And?r? l??t it again ?nd sat d?wn on th? ??u?h, laughing. "I thought I w?uld b? ?ulling ?r?z? f?n girls ?ut ?f r??m? ?nd n?t ??u."

"W?ll, I'm gl?d ??u th?ught it w?? ?? hilarious," Sk? said. "Just wait until I g?t ??u back in front ?f Willi?m B?ntl??."

And?r?' f??? g?t ??ri?u?.

"D?n't ?v?n j?k? ?b?ut th?t," he said.

"Aft?r what you ju?t did? It w?uld b? rud? ?f m? n?t t? r???? ??u," ?h? ??id with a mi??hi?v?u? sparkle in h?r eye.