Page 89 of Perchance To Dream

"Will ??u be able t? find your way?" Knox asked, dr???ing his h?nd? fr?m her f???. He f?ught ?g?in?t a wide ?mil?. Sh? chuckled.

"I think I can h?ndl? it," she ??id, ???ming h??it?nt t? l??v?. "Night."

Sh? gave him a qui?k ki?? on th? cheek b?f?r? she turn?d ?nd w?lk?d ?w??. Kn?x w?t?h?d her l??v?. He w?v?d when she twisted ?r?und t? look ?t him. Turning the ??rn?r, ?h? w?? g?n?. A ?l?w grin ??r??d across his f???. A? h? dug in his ???k?t? f?r hi? r??m k??, he h??rd ??m??n? ??ming u? b?hind him.

"Wh?t h????n?d t? l??ving," h? asked.

H? turned ?r?und ?nd f?und Bi?n?? behind him. She w?? leaning on th? w?ll ??r??? fr?m him, most of h?r l?g spilling out of th? slit in h?r dr???.

"I w??n't leaving, I ju?t got h?r?," ?h? ??id in a low ??du?tiv? v?i??.

"Bi?n??!" Kn?x said ?ur?ri??d, gl?n?ing up ?nd down th? h?llw??. "H?w did ??u g?t h?r??"

S? m?n? different thoughts ru?h?d thr?ugh hi? mind.

"C?m? ?n Knox, did ??u ??ri?u?l? think a ?im?l? r??m k?? was going t? keep me ?w???" ?h? asked, m?ving t?w?rd? him. "I know h?w ??u held m? h?nd t?d?? wh?n I got hurt. H?w you ?r?t??t?d m? during th? ?h??? of th? parade. I wanted t? show ??u m? appreciation."

Sh? m?v?d to wrap h?r ?rm? around Knox's n??k.

"A ?im?l? th?nk ??u would have b??n fine," h? ??id, stepping out ?f Bianca's gr???.

"But where’s the fun in th?t?" ?h? asked, und?t?rr?d.

"It'? just a little late"

"Wh? n??d? ?l???," she said, ?l??ing in ?n him ?g?in.

"Bi?n??, h?w ni?? it i? t? see ??u," M?r??? ??id, stepping ?ut of hi? r??m.


"Morning skipper," Kn?x ??id when M?r??? came int? hi? r??m th? n?xt m?rning. M?r??? froze and studied him, giving him a w?ird l??k.

"Wh? ?r? ??u ?? ?hi???r thi? m?rning?" M?r??? ??k?d. H? ??t d?wn ?n th? ??u?h.

"Oh, ??u kn?w," Knox answered v?gu?l?.

"This w?uldn't h?v? ?n?thing t? do with a ??rt?in girl w?uld it? Did ??m?thing h????n l??t night?" Marcos ??k?d.

"Y?u'r? right," Kn?x ??id. He h?d been searching th? r??m f?r his ?h?? but h? ?t????d. His face g?t ??ri?u?. "Bi?n?? showing up h?r? last night ju?t ?ut m? in the b??t m??d ?v?r!"

M?r??? g?v? him a fl?t look. "I wouldn't ??ll th? l??k on your face excitement when I f?und ??u pinned int? a ??rn?r b? last night."

"I w?? not ?inn?d int? a corner," Kn?x ??unt?r?d.

"L?t? ju?t ??? ??u w?r? a minut? away fr?m panic wh?n I f?und ??u."

"Wh? wouldn't b?? Bianca is t?rrif?ing," Knox ??id, trying t? justify hi? t?rr?r. M?r??? just l?ugh?d.

"You w?r? ?r?tt? ?m??th getting rid of her," Kn?x ?dmitt?d. "S?m? of your best work."

"Thank you," Marcos said. H? ?t??d and t??k a b?w.

Once Knox w?? ready, th?? m?d? th?ir w?? towards the St?rlight Lounge for Knox's ??ng writing ?v?nt.

"G??d morning Mr. H?milt?n," a t?ll gu? with short, buzz?d h?ir gr??t?d th?m at the ?ntr?n?? to the l?ung?.

"Hey," Kn?x said. He r???gniz?d th? guy. "You h?l??d with ?n? ?f my ?v?nt?, right?"