Kn?x was aware of Sky smoothly moving away ?? Liz and th? rest ?f th? girl? ?urr?und?d him. He w?t?h?d ?? ?h? tri?d on v?ri?u? styles ?f h?t? with K?nn? ?nd J????.
"Ar? ??u ??ri?u?l? tr?ing th?t ?n?" Bianca asked, as Knox tri?d ?n a ?tr?w hat with a wid? brim.
"W?ll, it is ?n m? head," h? ??id. H? m?v?d t?w?rd? th? mirr?r n??r wh?r? Sk? w?? ?t?nding t? l??k ?t him??lf.
"Wh?t do you think?" h? asked. Sh? turn?d and ?mil?d.
"I lik? it. N?t ?nl? i? it ??nv?ni?nt f?r k???ing th? ?un ?ut ?f your ????, but it says 'I'm a m?n ?f high f??hi?n.'"
"H?r?, tr? ?n? on?" He gr?bb?d a ?tr?w h?t from th? t?bl? and plopped it on h?r h??d.
"I like it," Kenny ??id. H? came ?v?r t? wh?r? th?? w?r? standing in fr?nt ?f th? mirror.
"I want one," J???? ??id, grabbing ?n? off th? t?bl?.
"How ?b?ut thi??" K?nn? asked. H? ?ull?d th? br?wn ?tring tight, ?ulling the edges around his f???.
"It looks like a b?nn?t," Sky l?ugh?d. "All ??u'r? missing i? ??m? fake flowers."
"You gu?? l??k lik? th? straw h?t g?ng," Marcos said.
"J?in us," Kn?x ??id. H? tri?d to ?ut a hat ?n Marcos but h? was too quick.
"Smooth m?v??," Sky said. Sh? t??k h?r hat ?ff ?nd returned it t? the t?bl?. K?nn?, J???? ?nd Kn?x ?ll r?turn?d th?ir h?t? ?nd m?v?d t?w?rd? th? exit. Bi?n??, R???? and Ev?l?igh w?r? ?wkw?rdl? ?t?nding in a tight circle.
"There ??u ?r?!" Bianca said. Sh? looped her arm through Kn?x'?. Liz boldly t??k hi? ?th?r ?rm before either ?f th? ?th?r girl? could claim it.
"Ar? w? r??d? to go b??k to th? ?hi??" Bi?n?? asked.
"We just g?t h?r?," Kn?x ??id. "If this i? t?? mu?h f?r ??u though, I'm ?ur? Marcos w?uld gladly accompany you l?di?? b??k t? the ?hi?." H? ??uld ??? Bi?n?? w?? seriously thinking ?b?ut it ?? ??m??n? with a large ?t??k ?f h?t? bum??d in t? her. But ?h? r?m?in?d silent, ?lth?ugh h?r gr??? on him tight?n?d.
There was a l?ud bur?t ?f music from b?hind ?nd Knox turn?d t? ??? th? b?ginning? ?f a ??r?d? m?king it? way down th? ?tr??t. Sk?, J???? ?nd K?nn? w?r? right in fr?nt of them ?nd th?? turn?d wh?n th?? h??rd th? l?ud bl?r? of trum??t?.
"Sk? you're crazy!" Knox heard Kenny ???. He l??k?d ?v?r t? ??? her m?ving to the b??t ?f the music, completely caught u? in the ?x?it?m?nt ?f th? crowd.
"H??, ??u gu?? work on th? ?hi?, right?" Liz ??id wh?n she n?ti??d Sk?'? gr?u? standing right b??id? th?m.
"Yeah." Sk? ?mil?d, linking h?r ?rm thr?ugh K?nn?'? ?nd m?king him dance with h?r.
F?ll?wing th? b?nd m?mb?r? dressed in green uniforms with stripes of ??ll?w d?wn th? ?id?, ??m? a gr?u? ?f dancing girl?. They're dr????? w?r? th? bright J?m?i??n ??l?r?. Th?n th?r? were ?m?ll girl? with l?rg? baskets ?f fl?w?r? th?t they w?r? h?nding ?ut to people in th? ?r?wd. Knox ?????t?d a bright red flower fr?m th? girl? ?nd watched ?? Sk? t??k ?n? ?nd put it up in h?r h?ir.
A? the ??r?d? came t? ?n ?nd, the people lining th? street j?in?d in, dancing ?l?ng to th? mu?i? ?? th?? followed the last ?f th? parade. Knox ?mil?d as h? watched Sk? dr?g Kenny and J???? ?l?ng t? join th? ?r?wd.
"That was ?? mu?h fun!" Liz said. Sh? ???k? loudly t? be h??rd above ?ll th? noise. He ?gr??d ?nd turned t? ??? Bi?n?? and th? ?th?r girl? ?t?nding rigidly.
Sk? laughed ?nd ?u?h?d th? h?ir that had fallen l?o?? fr?m her pony t?il out of h?r face. Kenny ?nd J???? had qui?kl? l?ft h?r ?l?n? in th? dancing ?r?wd but ?h? didn't mind. Sh? w?uld find th?m l?t?r. Sh? saw a ?m?ll group ?f littl? girl? dancing ?r?und in a circle ?nd gl?dl? accepted their invit?ti?n t? join. She gr????d th?ir small hands in h?r? ?nd b?un??d ?l?ng with th?m. As th?? broke ?ut of th?ir ?ir?l?, th?? ?t?rt?d a line and ?h? led th? w??, b?un?ing ?l?ng t? th? mu?i?.
She f?lt someone gr?b her h?nd ?nd w?? ??inning before ?h? ??uld ??? wh? it w??. She stopped to ??? a t?ll m?n pulling h?r ?l???. She ?mil?d. Sh? tri?d t? follow along with the m?n'? l??d, mostly moving her b?d? t? th? beat. Aft?r a few more ??in?, she w?? out of br??th, ?nd ?h? spun ?w?? from h?r partner to th? ?dg? ?f the crowd. Sh? laughed ?nd w?t?h?d ?? the crowd ??ntinu?d down th? ?tr??t. The air th?t h?d ???m?d ?r?wd?d ?nd l?ud before the ??r?d? n?w feeling ?m?t? ?nd qui?t as it di??????r?d ?r?und a corner.
"Y?u'r? crazy," K?nn? ??ll?d ?ut. H? and J???? jogged to where ?h? w??.
"That w?? so mu?h fun!" she ??id. Sh? w?? ?till slightly m?ving to th? mu?i? th?t w?? gr?wing f?int?r.
The ?tr??t fill?d with people ?g?in. Th?? moved fr?m ?n? v?nd?r to the n?xt and th? ?m?ll ?f food ???king h?d gr?wn ?tr?ng?r. Sky ???tt?d Kn?x with a ?m?ll gr?u? ?f girl?, m?ving h?r way.
"Are ??u h?ving fun?" ?h? ??k?d Liz wh?n th? group r???h?d h?r.
"Th?t w?? ??rf??t," Liz ??id. "I'm ?? h???? w? ?nd?d u? b?ing here f?r their Independence Day."