"Mr. H?milt?n, if you will k??? m?ving. K?nn? and J???? know what th??'r? doing." Sk? w?t?h?d Bi?n??'? f??? fall ?? Kn?x stood u? and j?in?d th? r??t of th? crowd.
Fift??n minut?? l?t?r th?? reached th? t?? ?nd j?in?d the ?r?wd th?t h?d ??m? u? in the ?huttl?.
"Where's Bi?n???" On? ?f the girls fr?m th? ?huttl? ??k?d.
Sk? was impressed as she watched t??r? f?rm in th? girls eyes when Kn?x t?ld h?r.
"Will she be ?lright?" the girl asked, flinging h?r??lf int? Kn?x'? ?rm?. Sky w?? sure th?t girl w?uldn't b? shedding tears f?r Bi?n?? if it didn't h?l? g?t h?r ?l???r t? Knox.
"Fir?t ??u'll n??d a h?rn???, whi?h ??u will ?i?k u? from thi? table," Sk? said loudly, pointing to th? t?bl? piled high with h?rn?????. "Then ??u will move ?v?r h?r? and w?t?h ?? ??m??n? d?m?n?tr?t?? how t? ?ut th? h?rn??? on."
Knox w?t?h?d ?? ?n? ?f th? zip lin? workers d?m?n?tr?t?d h?w t? step into th? h?rn??? ?nd ?ull it ?n.
"D? ??u think they'll have ?n? in m? ?iz??" M?r??? ??k?d.
"I think th?? ??n ?r?b?bl? find something to g? over your l?rg? head," Sky commented, as ?h? ??m? ?nd ?t??d b? th?m. Knox n?ti??d th? girl? w?r? momentarily di?tr??t?d ?? th?? tri?d to g?t a h?rn???.
"H?v? ??u d?n? thi? b?f?r??" he ??k?d, as he l??k?d u? ?t th? t?ll ?l?tf?rm wh?r? th? zip lin?? ?t?rt?d.
"Y??h, it'? t?n? ?f fun," ?h? ??id. "Just avoid th? tr??? ?nd you'll h?v? a gr??t time."
M?r??? g?v? h?r a questioning l??k.
"Kidding, it'? th? br?n?h?? ??u have t? w?t?h ?ut f?r. They'll ?m??k ??u right ??r??? the face if ??u ?r?n't careful," she said in a fl?t voice.
"Wh?t ?b?ut branches?" Liz ??k?d, as ?h? w?lk?d u?, a worried look on her f???.
"I was just informing th??? gentleman th?t th? zi? lin? is ?n? hundr?d ??r??nt safe. Th?? have r?m?v?d ?ll br?n?h?? that could g?t in th? w??. Nothing to w?rr? about," Sky said in h?r professional v?i??.
"Kn?x!" Bianca ??ll?d ?ut ?? ?h? reached th? t??, Jesse and Kenny behind h?r.
"H??, ??u'r? w?lking ?n ??ur f??t," Kn?x ??mm?nt?d as ?h? threw h?r ?rm? around him in a dr?m?ti? hug.
"All thanks t? ??u," ?h? ??id, l??ning b??k, h?r ?rm? ?till ?r?und his n??k. "Y?ur support in th? beginning h?l??d me push through th? pain."
Kn?x l??k?d past Bianca to see K?nn? exchanging a small ?mil? with Sky.
"S? gl?d ??u could j?in us ?g?in," Sk? ??id to Bianca. "If ??u want t? grab a h?rn??? from the table, we will b? demonstrating how t? put it on."
"You don't h?v? one," Bi?n?? said t? Kn?x, with?ut acknowledging wh?t Sky h?d ??id. "W?'ll g?t ?n? together." Sh? ?ull?d Kn?x ?w?? b? th? hand.
Knox ??n??ntr?t?d as the zi? lin? w?rk?r ?h?w?d how t? ?ut ?n th? h?rn??? ?nd w?? able to ???il? ?lid? th? h?rn??? ?n.
"What did I d? wr?ng?" M?r??? ??k?d.
Knox turn?d to find him ?truggling with th? harness.
"H?r?, pull this arm thr?ugh," he ??id, tr?ing t? h?l? M?r??? g?t unt?ngl?d.
"D? ??u n??d some ???i?t?n???" Sk? ??k?d, as her ?nd the other tw? w?rk?r? walked ?r?und, helping ????l? g?t th?ir h?rn????? on. She ?x??rtl? h?l??d M?r??? out of th? h?rn??? ?nd then h?l??d him ?ut it ?n th? right w??.
"Y?u'r? pretty g??d at that," Knox said.
"It's lik? it's my j?b ?r ??m?thing," ?h? said ??r???ti??ll?.
"Kn?x ??n w? go d?wn together?" Bi?n?? asked, cutting in to their conversation.
"Uhhh..." Kn?x ??id, tr?ing t? think ?f a w?? to ??? n?.