"F?und you!" Jules ??id ?x?it?dl?, b?ginning to try t? m?k? h?r w?? in.
"Stop!" Ni?? said. Sk? w?? ?qui?h?d u? ?g?in?t him ?nd Knox's ?lb?w in hi? rib?. "And?r? you switch with Sky, th?n Cara, Jul?? and Sk? ??n be in th? front." Ni?? dir??t?d everyone's movement and a minute l?t?r th? ?l???t w?? d?rk ?g?in ?nd ?v?r??n? was ?il?nt. Sk? w?? back in h?r fir?t spot, Knox to her l?ft ?nd Jules directly in fr?nt ?f h?r.
"H?w long d? th??? games u?u?ll? l??t?" Knox ??k?d, br??king the ?il?n??.
"All night," Sk? ??id flatly.
"Well, thi? is fun," he ??id.
C?r? ?nd Jul?? tri?d t? stifle their l?ught?r. Sk? could h?r? Nico mutt?ring t? him??lf ?b?ut h?w nobody understood th? seriousness of th? g?m?.
When th? n?xt person f?und th?m th?? ran ?ut ?f ?????. The n?xt two ????l? tri?d t? hid? with th? d??r open, causing th? g?m? t? fall ???rt.
Sky w?? blind?d wh?n she fin?ll? ?t????d ?ut ?f th? ?l???t and into th? bright r??m. Nico ?nd Kn?x stumbled ?ut after her. Sh? h?lf li?t?n?d as Jules r???ll?d h?r ?x??t m?v?m?nt? thr?ugh?ut the g?m? ?? ?v?r??n? m?d? th?ir w?? b??k t? the dining h?ll. Knox w?? ?urr?und?d by ????l?, di??u??ing th? g?m? ?nd his great hiding spot. Sh? was h???? to ??? him accepted b? ?v?r??n?.
Cara was th? fir?t to leave for bed ?nd people qui?kl? followed ?uit.
"L?t'? go," And?r? said. H? tir?dl? thr?w hi? arm around Sk?'? shoulder and g?ntl? l??n?d ?n h?r. Sk? l??k?d u? t? ??? Kn?x w?t?hing h?r. Sh? gave him a tir?d ?mil?.
"Are ??u leaving?" h? asked ?? h? w?lk?d u?.
"Yeah. If I don't go now, And?r? might f?ll ??l??? h?r? ?n th? floor," ?h? said.
"Ok. I'll w?lk with you," he ??id.
Sk? ?h??k off Anders' ?rm ?nd l?d the w?? ?ut th? d??r. Th?? w?lk?d silently thr?ugh the h?ll?, ?ll ?f th?m t?? tired for conversation. When th?? reached th? m?in lobby, Anders blindl? ??ntinu?d w?lking as Sk? and Knox slowed n??r th? ?l?v?t?r.
"Thanks f?r t?king me ?l?ng," Kn?x ??id with a ?mil?.
"I think ??u made quit? th? impression ?n Nico. H? takes hi? Sardines games very ??ri?u?l?."
"Yes, h? was di??u??ing hiding ???t t??ti?? with me," he said. Th? elevator dinged ?nd th? d??r? ?lid? ???n. Kn?x l??k?d ?t them for a moment b?f?r? turning back to Sk?. H? ?tudi?d h?r f?r a m?m?nt. "Will I ever find out wh?t ??u and Jules were t?lking ?b?ut?" he ??k?d.
"I t?ld ??u," ?h? ??id.
"Sh? r??ll? think? Bianca ?nd I h?v? ??m?thing going ?n?" She just g?v? him a shrug. "And ??u w?r? t?lling h?r th?r? was nothing going on b?tw??n us?"
"Exactly," she said.
"G??d. I w?uldn't w?nt people to think I lik?d Bianca," he said. "Especially ?in?? I lik? you."
Sky couldn't fight th? ?mil? ??r??ding across h?r f???. Sh? saw th? ?mug l??k ?n Kn?x'? face wh?n he ??w hi? words cause the reaction he wanted.
"The f??ling? mutual," ?h? said. The ?l?v?t?r doors began to ?l???, br??king the moment, ?nd ?h? ?tu?k h?r hand out to ?t?? th?m.
"G??d night Sk?," h? ??id. H? l??n?d d?wn ?nd giving her a ??ft kiss ?n the ?h??k before w?lking ?n t? th? ?l?v?t?r.
"G??d night Kn?x," she ??id with a ?mil?. Sh? w?it?d until th? doors had shut, b?f?r? ?h? ??ntinu?d ?n t? h?r room.
Sk? knocked loudly ?n th? d??r a third tim? ?nd h???il? heard a ?l???? murmur b?f?r? someone ?tumbl?d out ?f bed.
"Morning Juli? B??," Sky ??ng ?ut when a half ??l??? Jul?? ?r??k?d open h?r door. The look ?f Jules's f??? w?? the closest thing t? ?ng?r Sky h?d seen h?r wear.
"I brought br??kf??t," she said. She ?l?wl? ?u?h?d ???n th? d??r as Jul?? seemed t? ?l?wl? w?k? up. Sky ?u?h?d th? ?m?ll f??d ??rt ?v?r t?w?rd? th? b?d. Sh? poured Jules some ??ff?? before ?h? did ?n?thing ?l??. Ju?t the ?m?ll of the ??ff?in?t?d drink ???m?d to bring Jul?? to life.
"S? wh?t'? u??" Jul?? ??k?d. She ?i???d ?n her ????nd ?u? ?f ??ff??. Th?? w?r? b?th seated on the end of her bed, Sky nibbling on a ?i??? ?f t???t.