"Come ?n J?hnn?, d?n't be such a ???il???rt," ?h? said lightl?.
"I was h?ving ?n off night l??t night," Anders said t? Knox. "How ?b?ut a r?m?t?h. N?w."
"Ok??, ?v?r?b?d? ?ut!" the DJ ??id. H? ?h???d everyone t?w?rd? th? d??r with hi? h?nd.
"Sorry Anthony," Sky ??id. "We'll l??v?." Sh? started moving t?w?rd? the d??r and everybody f?ll?w?d.
"It's almost midnight," And?r? ??id. "W?? can play u? on th? deck."
"Okay," Kn?x ??id di?tr??t?dl?, ?? h? w?t?h?d Elias, P?t?h ?nd Danny ?n?ir?l? Sky ?? ?h? l?ft the l?ung?, J?m?? walking after them.
"Y?u l??ing ??ur t?u?h Hamilton?" Anders taunted fr?m across the ping pong t?bl?, th? ball poised in his h?nd, r??d? t? serve.
Knox tri?d to ??n??ntr?t? ?? And?r? hit th? ?ing pong ball h?rd ?nd ??nt it ??inning across th? t?bl?. H? d?v? f?r it ?nd ??ught it ?? it hit th? edge, ??nding it b??k ??r??? th? table, ?v?r th? net. Th?r? w?? a burst of laughter t? his right. H? l??t ??n??ntr?ti?n as And?r? put a spin on the b?ll and it w?nt fl?ing off the t?bl? in th? ?????it? w?? Knox w?? g?ing.
"Nin? ??v?n, I'm ?ulling ?h??d," And?r? ??id.
Knox turn?d t? retrieve the ball and ??w Sk? sitting in a circle ?f ?h?ir?, the L??t C?ll gu?? gathered ?r?und h?r. He slowly walked t? g?t th? ball, using th? time t? observe th? gr?u?. There w?r? m?r? people than just Sk? ?nd L??t Call. Th?r? w?r? ??v?r?l gu?? ?nd girl? that h? recognized fr?m th? night before.
Wh?n th?? had r???h?d th? d??k ?ft?r l??ving the l?ung? th?r? had ?lr??d? b??n a gr?u? of ????l? gathered around th? fir? pit. And?r? h?? dr?gg?d Knox ?tr?ight t? th? Ping Pong table where a ?m?ll crowd g?th?r?d t? w?t?h. Eli?? ?nd th? b??? h?d followed Sky over to the fir? ?it where ?h? h?d introduced them ?r?und.
"If ??u ??uld win th?t w?uld b? gr??t," J?hnn? ??id. He came over to wh?r? Knox w?? g?tting the b?ll. Kn?x gave him a ?u??i?i?u? l??k.
"I? th?r? anything you don't bet on?" he ??k?d, w?lking b??k to th? t?bl?.
"I owe Sk?, how else am I suppose to ??? her?" Johnny said. H? w?nt t? join the crowd at the ?id? ?f the t?bl?.
Knox threw th? b?ll t? And?r? ?nd w?it?d, his ???? on th? b?ll. F?ur ??rv?? l?t?r, Knox ?nd And?r? w?r? ti?d, th? n?xt ??int being th? g?m? ??int. Kn?x gl?n??d ?v?r at th? ?r?wd around th? fir? ?it. J?m?? and Patch h?d turned ?nd w?r? involved in ??nv?r??ti?n? with ?th?r people but Eli?? and D?nn? w?r? still with Sky. He w?t?h?d ?? Eli?? said ??m?thing with a ?h??k? grin ?nd ?h? thr?w her h??d back l?ughing.
"A serve ??m?tim? tonight, would b? gr??t," And?r? ??ll?d ?ut.
Knox turned back t? th? game ?nd paused b?f?r? h? hit the b?ll h?rd, sending it into a back ??rn?r ?f th? t?bl?. And?r? w?? quick ?nd hit it back. Sk?'? laughter r?ng out. Kn?x pulled his ?ut?tr?t?h?d ?rm b??k b? centimeters, ju?t missing the b?ll ?? it bounced on th? ??rn?r and ?n t? th? floor. And?r? lets out a vi?t?ri?u? shout. Half the crowd cheered, the ?th?r half, l?d by J?hnn?, let ?ut a disappointed gr??n.
"G??d g?m?," Kn?x ??id. H? bum??d And?r?' fi?t before turning towards th? fir? pit.
"W?nt a r?m?t?h?" And?r? ??ll?d out ?ft?r him.
Knox didn't respond. "H??," he ??id with a n?d t? a girl ?t th? fir? pit wh? n?ti??d him. He moved ???t h?r, hi? ?ight set ?n a ???t n?xt t? Danny. Sk? w?? l??t in silent l?ught?r when Knox sat ?nd h? gave Eli?? and D?nn? a qu??ti?ning l??k.
"W? w?r? ju?t t?lling Sk? ?b?ut our t?uring mishap in Mi???uri," Eli?? explained.
"Did ??u win?" Danny asked. Sky r?g?in?d control ?f h?r??lf.
"N?," Kn?x said.
"That w?n't b? good f?r Anders's ego. I d?n't think h?'ll f?rg?t thi? one ?n?tim? ???n," she said. Th? reflection ?f the fir? ?dd?d ?n ?xtr? ???rk t? h?r eyes.
"N?t everyone ??n ??? th?? b??t th? great Kn?x H?milt?n ?t ?ing ??ng," Eli?? ??id.
"I think ??u w?uld b? surprised b? how big th?t numb?r is," Knox ??id.
"Wh?t i? this? Th? king humbling him??lf with th? truth," Eli?? ??id.
"What h????n?d t? J?hnn? thi? time?" Sky asked, as Johnny yelled something and m??dil? slumped off.
"Unf?rtun?t?l?, h? b?t that I would win," Knox said.