H? turn?d to see Claire Reed walking t?w?rd? him, a big ?mil? ?n her f???.
"H??, h?w ?r? you?" ?h? ??k?d wh?n ?h? r???h?d him. She m?v?d in f?r a hug.
"G??d, h?w ?r? ??u?" h? ??id.
Kn?x had m?t Claire a f?w tim??, mostly in passing at ?w?rd ?h?w? or ??rti??. H?r ??ng had ju?t hit numb?r one ?nd th? whole ??untr? seemed to b? w?nd?ring wh? she w??. Knox h?d h??rd a DJ on the r?di? dub her Am?ri??'? girl next door ?nd he thought the n?m? rightly fit her. She had w?v? bl?nd? h?ir and a h??rt shaped, inn???nt f???.
"How i? th? cruise g?ing f?r you? I h??rd it g?t a little ?r?z? at the ???l yesterday," ?h? said, w?lking b??id? him.
"It'? b??n g??d. A little ?r?z? but M?r?? i? g??d ?t h?ndling crowds," he ??id.
"I?n't it great t? ??? ?ll these ?th?r ??l?briti??? I r?n into Margo J?nning? yesterday ?nd w? ??uldn't ?t?? t?lking ?b?ut f??hi?n. Sh? ??id she h?d t? design m? next r?d ??r??t l??k."
"Th?t'? ?r?tt? ???l. It's b??n fun t? ??? th? L??t C?ll gu??."
"They ?r? hil?ri?u?. I r?n int? th?m l??t night. W? ended u? g?ing t? ?n? ?f th? bars ?nd h?ving a few drink?," ?h? said. "Th?? m?nti?n?d th?t ??u guys ki?k?d ?r?und th? idea ?f touring t?g?th?r."
"Yeah. B?f?r? I g?t m? big br??k, w? t?lk?d ?b?ut it. I w?nt th?m t? tour with m? n?w, but I d?n't think they will," Kn?x was distracted, tr?ing t? find hi? w?? towards th? front d??k. H? didn't r??ll? w?nt t? b? talking to Claire. Sh? was nice, but h? could ??? th? ?t?r ?tru?k l??k in h?r ????.
"Th?? w?uld b? crazy n?t to t?ur with ??u. I think it would be the ????rtunit? of a lifetime," she ??id . "I mean, if you ??k?d me, I w?uld drop anything t? m?k? ?ur? it happened." Kn?x k??t w?lking, kn?wing thi? was the reason Claire h?d ??m? to talk to him. Sh? kn?w he w?? g?ing on tour right ?ft?r thi? and she w?nt?d t? get on th? tour.
"I know ??ur t?uring right after thi?. Wouldn't th?t b? a gr??t ?h?w?" ?h? ??id. "Kn?x Hamilton and Claire R??d. It w?uld b? Am?ri??'? ?w??th??rt? t?uring t?g?th?r."
Kn?x ??uld ??? th? h??dlin??. The ?r??? w?uld ?ut?m?ti??ll? link th?m t?g?th?r. He could t?ll Cl?ir? w?? ?lr??d? hinting at that ?nd when he didn't g? f?r it, he w?uld b? pegged as th? guy wh? broke the girl next doors heart. "I ?lr??d? h?v? my ???n?r?," h? said.
"I know, but come on. It would be ?u?h good ?r???. C?n ??u imagine? We would have ?v?r??n?'? ?tt?nti?n f?r th? length ?f th? t?ur."
"Th?t'? n?t really what t?uring is about."
"People w?uld always be w?nting t? kn?w what w? were d?ing. It w?uld be gr??t f?r b?th ?ur careers."
"M?r? lik? gr??t for ??ur career," Kn?x th?ught. He finally r???gniz?d wh?r? they were ?nd r??liz?d they h?d been walking in circles. H? l??k?d ?r?und trying t? find a worker when he spotted Sky. "Sk?!" he ??ll?d ?ut. She turn?d and w?lk?d t?w?rd? th?m.
"Th?nk? so much f?r ??ming to get m?," Knox said. H? m?v?d n?xt t? Sk?. "I t?t?ll? w?uld h?v? f?rg?tt?n ?ll about that event if ??u h?dn't ?h?wn u?."
"N? ?r?bl?m. Just wanted to make ?ur? you didn't mi?? it," Sky ??id, n?t missing a b??t. "If ??u will ??m? with me, I ??n ?h?w you where to g?." Th?r? w?? a ??nfu??d l??k ?n Claire's f??? ?? ?h? tri?d t? k??? u?.
"Cl?ir?, it w?? gr??t talking to you. I'm ?ur? I'll ??? you ?g?in before th? ?rui?? i? over," Knox ??id.
Sk? started t? w?lk ?w??. Knox caught u? to h?r a m?m?nt l?t?r. "Th?nk? f?r th?t," h? ??id.
"No ?r?bl?m. But, w??n't th?t Cl?ir? R??d?" she ??k?d.
"Aren't you gu?? lik? ??-??l?briti?? ?r something?"
"Co-celebrities?" Kn?x l?ugh?d. "I'm pretty ?ur? th?t'? n?t a thing."
"I don't know. Y?u'r? b?th f?m?u?. Doesn't th?t mean you d?n't h?v? t? run away fr?m ???h other?"
"Sh? wants to tour with me," h? ??id. "Sh? think? 'Am?ri??'? ?w??th??rt?' t?uring t?g?th?r w?uld b? g??d ?r???."
"You’re Am?ri??'? ?w??th??rt ?nd you didn't even t?ll m?!" Sky said it dramatically, slapping hi? ?rm.
"Vi?l?nt mu?h?" h? ??k?d. H? j?kingl? m????ging hi? ?rm.
"It'? just a littl? ??? back for ?ll th? tim?? I have h?d to rescue ??u," ?h? said.