"Ow," she said. She rubb?d h?r head wh?r? Knox's head had ??llid?d with h?r?.
"Y?u have a tough h??d," Kn?x ??id. H? r?turn?d t? hi? seat, massaging his head.
"Why th?nk you," she ??id.
Sh? ?t??d u? to ??? wh? the ??rt h?d ?t????d. There in th? middle ?f th? r??d w?? a h?rd ?f ?h???, m?ving slowly.
"No matter where ??u go, you ??n never escape tr?ffi?," she ??id.
"At l???t th?? h?v? better h?ir than th? tr?ffi? in LA," Kn?x ??id. H? w?t?h?d th? ?h??? clear the road.
Th?? r???h?d th? edge of a bu?? town a f?w minutes later and Sk? ??ll?d ??m?thing to th? driver. When he ??m? t? a stop, ?h? jum??d d?wn ?nd moved t? t?lk t? him, Knox ?nd M?r??? f?ll?wing h?r.
"You ready t? ??t the best f??d ?v?r?" ?h? ??k?d th?m. She l?d the w??, winding thr?ugh t?nt? fill?d with v?nd?r?. She stopped ?t a r?ughl? made ?t?nd, where th? h??t ?nd smell fr?m th? f??d ?n th? grill was bill?wing out ?nt? th? street.
"An? more crickets?" Manny ??k?d, l?ught?r in his ???? as h? w?t?h?d M?r???'? reaction.
"I think w?'r? g??d," Sk? ??id. "Do you gu?? w?nt any more tacos?"
"I'm g??d," Kn?x said. H? lightl? patted hi? stomach. "H?w ?b?ut ??u M?r????"
M?r??? th?ught ?b?ut it f?r a moment.
"Maybe a f?w m?r?? M?k? ?ur? th? cricket in ??ur ?t?m??h h?? ?n?ugh t? ??t," Sk? ??id. M?r??? ?h??k hi? h??d ?nd ?u?h?d th? plate in fr?nt ?f him away.
"We're ?ll set Manny," she ??id. Sh? ?ull?d m?n?? out of her b??k???k and ?lid it und?r th? plate.
"L?t m? get thi?," Kn?x said. H? turned t? M?r??? to g?t his w?ll?t.
"It'? ???l. Adios," ?h? called ?ut, w?ving t? M?nn?. "Y?u w?nt to d? ??m? ?x?l?ring?"
"H?w did you find thi? place?" Kn?x asked, as h? w?lk?d beside Sky.
Th? warm air was fill?d with car n?i??? as the drivers used th?ir horn as mu?h as th? gas pedal. Knox ?i?k?d up ??nv?r??ti?n? g?ing ?n all ?r?und him, the smooth fl?w of S??ni?h filling his ears.
"Anders ?nd I f?und it," she said. "All th? places by th? ??rt are so ??mm?r?i?liz?d for the tourist. I w?nt?d t? find ??m?thing ?uth?nti?."
"Well, it'? d?finit?l? authentic," h? said. H? w?t?h?d ????l? h?ggl? ?v?r food. Th?? ?????d a tent with a ?ig on a ??ik? ?l?wl? r?t?ting ?v?r a fir?. "How did you ?nd up w?rking ?n a cruise ship?"
They turn?d d?wn an aisle ?f v?nd?r?, M?r??? ???u?ll? ?li??ing int? hi? usual ???iti?n b?hind them.
"After high ??h??l I was l??king f?r a j?b," ?h? said. "I lik? people. I like t? tr?v?l. It ???m?d lik? a fun fit."
"N? ??ll?g??"
"N?. Structured education h??n't ?v?r really been my thing."
Kn?x n?ti??d th?r? was a slight b?un?? in th? way ?h? w?lk?d. "And ??ur parents didn't mind?" he ??k?d.
"It t??k m? mom ??m? time but... ?h! ??u h?v? t? tr? this!" Sh? g?t di?tr??t?d ?nd moved t?w?rd a ?t?nd.
Knox f?ll?w?d ?nd w?t?h?d ?? th? tw? m?n ?ut ???n l?rg? w?t?rm?l?n sized lim? gr??n fruit and caught the jui?? from it.
"This i? th? b??t," ?h? said. Sh? took tw? ?l??ti? ?u?? fr?m th? woman behind th? t?bl? and ?ff?r?d them to Kn?x and Marcos.
"I promise ??u'll lik? it," ?h? said, ???ing th? wary l??k ?n Marcos's f???.
Kn?x took th? ?u? ?nd took a ?i? of th? cool, sweet jui??.