Page 33 of Perchance To Dream

"It is ?r?tt? amazing. This ??mb?l right here," ?h? ??int?d to a swirl with tw? d?t? above it, "m??n? ?t?rm? weather. And th? ?n? next t? it, m??n? h?rv??t. Th? tour guid? t?ld me ?h? think? thi? i? a record of th? ?????n?. Th??? symbols w?uld m??n th?? h?d ?t?rm? during the h?rv??t that ???r."

"I'm im?r????d," h? ??id. "Y?u play th? flut? ?nd you r??d ancient Mexican runes. H?w do ??u k??? the b??? ?w???" He gave her a joking smile.

"It'? a battle. A burden I mu?t ??rr?," ?h? said ??r???ti??ll?.

"D? you know what ?n? m?r? ?f th??? m??n?" H? ??int?d to the w?ll.

She m?v?d ?l?ng th? wall, tr?ing t? r?m?mb?r wh?t th? tour guide h?d t?ld h?r. "I think this one m??n? g?dd???." Sh? ??int?d t? one with points. "And this one m??n? record k????r, lik? someone who ??uld r??d and write these symbols" She ??int?d to ?n? with ?l?ud?. "Th? one next to th?t is a symbol f?r a flut? like in?trum?nt they use t? h?v?. So, wh?n ??u ?ut it t?g?th?r, it m??n? who ?v?r ??n ?l?? th? flut? and r??d these ??mb?l? i? on the level of a g?dd???."

"S?, if w? go ?ff of wh?t it says h?r?, ??u ?n are th? l?v?l ?f a goddess," h? said, feigning ?m?z?m?nt.

"I don't want to b???t but it's written right there. I m??n, I ??uld b? a littl? off. M? ?n?i?nt rune reading i? a little ru?t?."

Kn?x laughed. "If the ancient trib? wr?t? it, th?n it must b? tru?, your highn???." He g?v? h?r a slight b?w.

"I ?r?f?r w?r?hi?fuln???, but I'll f?rgiv? you thi? time," ?h? ??id in a superior v?i??.

"Y?u'r? t?? kind."

"Th?r? ??u ?r?!" Sky ?nd Kn?x turn?d t? see th? t?ll brunette w?lking t?w?rd? th?m. A? the girl g?t ?l???r, she du?k?d dramatically, avoiding a ??id?r w?b.

"W? will b? wr???ing u? ???n, ?? m?k? ?ur? ??u ??? all th? r??m?," Sk? said. Sh? t??k a ?t?? back, r?turning to h?r ?r?f???i?n?l ?rui?? v?i??. She g?v? a ?m?ll n?d b?f?r? ?h? turned to walk away, leaving Kn?x with a ?l??ding l??k on hi? face as th? girl draped ?n ?rm ??r??? his shoulders.

"And th?n M?rg? Jennings stormed ?ff, furious with th? dir??t?r. It w?? something ?b?ut ?rti?ti? int?grit? ?r something," B?? said. Sh? ?nd Sk? w?r? ?ut?id? th? Run??, h?nding out w?t?r t? ????l?. Sky li?t?n?d as B?? d???rib?d her l?t??t ?v?nt with the fashion designer ?n b??rd th? ?rui??. "I h?v? never b??n ?? ?wkw?rd in m? life. I didn't kn?w if I ?h?uld f?ll?w her ?r stay ?nd ?r?t?nd lik? I h?dn't h??rd their fight."

"Wh?t did ??u d??" Sk? ??k?d.

"H?? Sk?," Kn?x ??ll?d ?ut.

Sk? ?nd Bee b?th turned in hi? dir??ti?n. "H? kn?w? ??ur n?m??" B?? qui?tl? qu??ti?n?d. H?r f??? filled with curiosity ?? h? walked up t? th?m.

"H??," h? ??id. H? g?v? Bee a quick n?d. "C?n w? ?limb that furth??t run??" H? pointed towards the ?ir?ul?r run?. Th?r? was a gr?u? ?f girls a f?w f??t away, w?t?hing him ??k.

"Unf?rtun?t?l?, th? stairs on th? inside h?v? deteriorated," Sk? ??id. "It'? no longer possible t? climb."

"Bumm?r," h? ??id.

"Kn?x, we ?r? going t? ?limb th? other one," a girl ??ll?d ?ut. "C?m? with u?!"

"Ok??," h? called ?ut. H? g?v? Sk? a quick ?mil? b?f?r? w?lking ?w??.

"What w?? th?t?" B?? ??k?d. Sh? looked directly ?t Sk?.

"H? w?nt?d to kn?w if h? ??uld ?limb the ?ir?ul?r run?." Sh? gave B?? a worried l??k. "I ?w??r, ??u w?r? ?t?nding here th? whole tim?. Maybe ??u ?h?uld have your ears checked ?ut."

"I'm talking about th? ?mil? and th? f??t th?t he knows ??ur n?m?," Bee ??id excitedly.

"I think it ??uld be ?rgu?d th?t the smile was dir??t?d in ?ur general area, m?r? th?n dir??tl? ?t m?," ?h? countered. "Wh?t'? th?t?" Sh? l??k?d ?r?und as if ??m??n? had ??ll?d h?r and walked off t?w?rd? a gr?u? ?f ????l?.

"We aren't fini?h?d here," Bee ??ll?d ?ft?r her. "We h?v? the bu? ride h?m?. Y?u'll h?v? t? f??? m? sometime." Sk? ign?r?d her ?nd k??t w?lking.

"Gracias," Sky t?ld th? tour guide ?? the ?r?wd ?l?wl?, ?t?rt?d to file back ?nto the bus ?ft?r three h?ur?. Sh? w?t?h?d as girls tri?d t? position themselves n?xt to Kn?x, h??ing they ??uld sit n?xt t? him on th? rid? back. But Kn?x had ?m?rtl? b??rd?d th? bus first ?nd w?? in th? b??k with M?r??? ?nd th? girl? who h?d g?tt?n ?n first.

"I? th?t everyone?" Sk? asked. Sh? ?limb?d ?b??rd th? bus.

K?nn? checked ?ff each ?????ng?r. "It is. We ?r? g??d to go."

"T?k? it ?w?? Erni?," she ??id in a funny accent to th? driver. Th? driv?r ignored her ?nd ?ull?d the d??r? ?hut.