Page 32 of Perchance To Dream

Th?? f?ll quiet as th?? watched the int?r??ti?n?.

"I'm v?ting f?r th? brunette across th? ?i?l? from Kn?x. Sh?'? ?ut?, n?t ?lutt? ?nd k???? m?king him laugh," Sk? said.

"Sh?'? too ni??," K?nn? said. "Sh?'ll never m?k? it. I choose th? bl?nd? b?hind h?r. I think ?h? i? g?ing t? sneak u? ?nd ?ur?ri?? u?."

"Th?r? i?n't ?n? ?n??king u? wh?r? h?r boobs ?r? concerned," Sk? ??id.

Bee tri?d t? l?ugh quietly into her h?nd?.

"I ??? th? brun?tt? with the ??n? t?il t?w?rd? th? b??k," B?? ??id. "All these girl? ?r? ?h?wing th?ir tru? colors fast but boys lik? some m??t?r?. Sh?'? g?ing to play it right ?nd ultim?t?l? win Kn?x'? h??rt."

"And the winn?r?" K?nn? asked.

"In a surprise twi? b?d?gu?rd will be th? ?nl? one Kn?x k???? ?r?und," Sky ??id.

"I'm ?till b?tting on th? bl?nd?," K?nn? ??id. H? ign?r?d Sky and B??'? l?ught?r.


"And wh?n I g?t t? th? bottom of th? m?unt?in I tried t? ?t?? but m? board ju?t fli???d ?r?und ?nd kept moving," Liz ??id. She g?v? a ?m?ll ?mb?rr????d l?ugh. "I ??il?d straight thr?ugh th? doors in t? th? lobby. Th?nk g??dn??? th?? had m?ti?n sensors."

"I h?d a h?rd time ?t???ing m? first tim? snow b??rding t??," Knox said. "Marcos ?v?r h?r? w??n't m?d? for snow boarding. He i? t?o t?? h??v?." H? ?r?t?nd?d t? whi???r behind his h?nd t? Liz. All the girl? ?l??? enough t? h??r, l?ugh?d.

"Th? fir?t tim? I went ?n?w b??rding, Sh?un Whit? t?ld m? it was all in th? kn???. That r??ll? h?l??d," Bianca ??id. Sh? was tw? r?w? up, h?lf leaning ?ut ?f h?r ???t in order t? ?t?? a ??rt ?f th? ??nv?r??ti?n. "Sh?wn u?u?ll? ?t??? ?t our ??bin whenever he is in V?il."

"W?w! L??k at th?t!" ??m??n? ??id. Kn?x looked out th? window t? a ?ight ?f whit? ??nd and bright blu? w?t?r. A? they drove thr?ugh Mexico, they h?d ?????d ??v?r?l littl? vill?g?? with bright colored houses and dirt roads.

The conversation with th? girl? had m?v?d from one v???ti?n ?v?nt to th? n?xt. Kn?x liked th?t ?v?r??n? w?? participating ?nd it w??n't ju?t him t?lking.

H? l??k?d t?w?rd? the front ?f th? bus ?nd ??w Sk? l?ughing with th? ?th?r cruise w?rk?r?. A f?w minut?? l?t?r, h?r v?i?? came ?v?r th? speaker. "Ladies ?nd gentlemen, we are n??ring the Run??." H?r v?i?? w?? ?h??r?. "On? thing, it i? a very warm d?? ?? make ?ur? ??u don't ?u?h ??ur??lf to? h?rd. W? h?v? ??m?lim?nt?r? B?li Crui?? Lin? water b?ttl?? f?r ??u, but you h?v? t? ??? f?r th? water." Sh? l?ugh?d at her j?k?. "Just kidding, th?t i? ?l?? fr??. M?k? ?ur? ??u ?r? drinking plenty ?f water ?nd ?t?? hydrated."

Wh?n th? bus ??m? t? a ?t??, everyone started m?ving. They grabbed b??k???k? ?nd b?g? th?? h?d brought ?nd made ?ur? they h?d ?unbl??k on.

"Do ??u w?nt t? ?dd ?n?th?r layer?" Knox ??k?d, looking at Marcos's r?d shoulders.

"I d?n't think m? ?kin ??n ?b??rb ?n? m?r?," M?r??? ??id. H? tried t? rub th? white cream int? his ?kin.

"H?l?!" Sk? ??id. Sh? h?d a bright ?mil? ?? she gr??t?d th? t?ur guid?. Ov?r th? years ?h? h?d b??n w?rking on th? ?rui?? ship, she h?d b??n able t? ?i?k up S??ni?h. "¿Comó ??tá??"

"B?in, b?in. ¿Y tú?" th? t?ur guide ??k?d. Th? t?ur guid? h?d gr?wn up in th? ?r?? hearing ?t?ri?? ?b?ut th? Runes th?t had b??n ?????d d?wn f?r g?n?r?ti?n? ?nd n?w shared th?m with th? tourist. "So many ??ung girl?," the tour guid? ?x?l?im?d. Sh? w?t?h?d with big ???? ?? th? girl? g?t ?ff th? bu?. Th? ?r?wd ?f tourist Sk? u?u?ll? br?ught were families ?nd middl? ?g?d ??u?l??.

"Sí. It'? b???u?? of him," Sky ??id. She ??int?d t? Kn?x.

"H? i? very h?nd??m?," the tour guid? ??id.

"And very famous," Sky added.

Sh? w?it?d until everyone was off the bu? before ?h? intr?du??d th? t?ur guid?. "Sh? will b? our t?ur guid? today. She gr?w u? in thi? vill?g? ?nd has ??m? ?m?zing ?t?ri?? t? share with u?," ?h? ??id.

The t?ur guide made a small intr?du?ti?n and th?n l?d th? w?? t? th? b??? ?f th? Run??. She shared ?t?ri?? ?b?ut th? ?rigin?l M?xi??n tribes ?nd th? hi?t?r? before ?h? l?d th? way t? th? small ?ntr?n?? ?t th? b??? ?f th? l?rg? ?t?n? pyramid. Th? gr?u? w?? r?l????d t? ?x?l?r?.

"I w?lk?d int? a ??id?r w?b!" a girl ??r??m?d.

"It smells," a girl close t? Sk? ??m?l?in?d. Sk? walked ???t h?r, wondering why th?? bothered coming if th?? w?r? just g?ing to ??m?l?in. She g?t h?r answer wh?n Knox ??m? to ?t?nd by her ?? ?h? ?tudi?d a ?t?n? w?ll covered in ??mb?l?.

Sh? gave him a quick sideways glance. "What d? ??u think so f?r?" ?h? ??k?d.

"It'? ?m?zing! We lik? to b???t ?b?ut h?w ?dv?n??d we ?r? today, but I see thing? like thi? and I'm n?t ?? ?ur? h?w advanced w? ?r?," h? said. His voice full of w?nd?r.