"Never have I ever..." Jules said.
"N?v?r have I ever b??n mi?t?k?n for a ?r?z? f?n girl breaking into ??m??n?'? h?t?l room," And?r? ??id. The ?mil? ?n hi? f??? was dir??t?d at Sk?. Kn?x laughed ?nd watched ?? she t??k a ?i?.
"H? ??id mistaken Jul??, I don't think br??king in to Kade M?tth?w?' room t? steal something ??unt?," J?hnn? ??id.
"Inn???nt until ?r?v?n guilty," Jules said.
"I think the ?hirt th?? f?und in ??ur purse w?? ?n?ugh ?vid?n?? to convict," J?hnn? ?rgu?d.
"N?v?r have I ?v?r worked in th? b?t cave," Jul?? ??id. She smiled with r?v?ng? as ?h? w?t?h?d Johnny t?k? a drink. Sk? ?nd several other ????l? in the gr?u? j?in?d him.
"I'll giv? Knox here a chance to enjoy hi? drink and ??? n?v?r have I ?v?r ?l???d to a ??ld ?ut ?r?n?," And?r? ??id. Knox l?t ?ut a small laugh and took a ?i? of hi? drink. Sk? j?in?d him in t?king a sip.
"Sky, did you h??r wh?t Anders ??id?" C?r? asked.
"Y??h. I'v? played t? a ??ld out arena," she ??id.
"Wh?t?" Jules said. Sh? ??und?d w?? t? ?x?it?d.
"M? f?urth grade b?nd ?l???d th? n?ti?n?l anthem at a ??ll?g? b??k?tb?ll g?m?," Sk? ?x?l?in?d. "And?r? didn't giv? ?n? ????ifi??."
"You learn ??m?thing new ?v?r? d??," Anders said. "Kn?x, ??ur turn."
"Never h?v? I ever w?rk?d on a ?rui?? ship," Kn?x ??id with a ?l? ?mil?.
"Ch??? shot," J?hnn? called ?ut. Sky laughed, taking a ?i? with ?v?r??n? ?l??.
Th? g?m? ?f N?v?r H?v? I Ever fell ???rt after And?r? ?nd J?hnn? turn?d it int? ?n ?x?u?? g?t everyone to drink by m?king g?n?ri? statements. Sky ?nd?d u? ?n a l?ung? ?h?ir ?nd Kn?x j?in?d h?r. "I didn't r??liz? I was in the presence ?f ?n?th?r performer," h? j?k?d. "Wh? knew w? h?d ?? mu?h in ??mm?n?"
"I am full of surprises. It was a gl?ri?u? ??r??r," she ??id dr?m?ti??ll?. "Although, short liv?d."
"But ?u?????ful?" he ??k?d.
"The ?r?wd ?h??r?d v?r? l?ud f?r u?," ?h? said. "But, looking back, I think they ?h??r?d m?r? for th? f??t that w? h?d finally ?t????d playing. We were't th?t good"
"I b?t your w?r? th? best."
Sk? ?mil?d at his ?tt?m?t t? ??m?lim?nt h?r. "N?, I w?? ?wful. Pr?b?bl? the w?r?t," ?h? said. He l?ugh?d.
"Wh?t did you ?l???" he asked. H? took a sip ?f hi? drink.
"Th? clarinet."
"Y?u ??uldn't h?v? b??n th?t b?d."
"N?. I was probably th? w?r?t ?l?rin?t ?l???r ?v?r," ?h? ??id. Sh? ??uld ??? Jules giving th?m 'n?t ?? ?ubtl?' l??k?, her ???? full of qu??ti?n?, but Sky ign?r?d h?r.
"Did you lik? it?" Kn?x ??k?d.
"N?t ??rti?ul?rl?. I ?l???d it b???u?? it was the only available in?trum?nt," ?h? said.
"Your lif? calling wasn't to ?l?? th? ?l?rin?t?"
"D?finit?l? not." Sh? l??n?d b??k on h?r hands ?nd looked up ?t th? ?k?.
"How did ??u ?nd up in b?nd?"
"It'? r??ll? the classic love story between ?l?rin?t ?l???r ?nd tuba ?l???r," ?h? ??id. She ?mil?d ?? she l??k?d b??k at Kn?x.