Page 26 of Perchance To Dream

"You w?uldn't think th?t if ??u h?d ???n wh?t w? ?r? u? ?g?in?t soldier," And?r? said.

Knox let out a gurgl?d cough tr?ing to hid? his laugh. Sky hit him on the b??k. "Th?nk?," he ??id, ?n?? h? h?d r?g?in?d control of himself.

"W? soldiers got t? stick together," ?h? j?k?d.

"Let's g?," Anders ??id qui?tl?. H? led the away around th? ??rn?r.

"H?w do you gu?? r?m?mb?r wh?r? w? ?r? going?" Kn?x asked. "Th?r? are ?? m?n? turn? I'd be lost for d???."

"You w?rk on a ship long enough and ??u figure it out," Sk? ??id. She dared to speak in h?r normal voice. Th?? were ?lm??t to th? elevators ?nd th?? h?dn't ???n ?n? ?ign? ?f th? girls.

"W?ll, that w??n't ?? b?d," Kn?x said as they turn?d a ??rn?r ?nd could see th? ?l?v?t?r? ?t th? ?nd ?f th? hall.

And?r? stopped mid step and Kn?x ran int? him. Sky bum??d int? Kn?x. "Wh?t?" ?h? began t? ask.

And?r? h?ld up a hand, ?il?n?ing h?r. They all listened. Slowly, girl v?i??? ??uld be h??rd, ??ming from th? dir??ti?n ?f th? ?l?v?t?r?.

"Get t? th? ?l?v?t?r? ?nd we will be fin?," Sk? ??id.

Anders ?i?k?d up the pace. Sk? h?d Kn?x r?m?in out of ?ight in th? h?llw?? ?? ?h? pressed th? ?l?v?t?r ??ll butt?n. Th? ?l?v?t?r dinged a ????nd l?t?r ?nd Kn?x ?nd Anders f?ll?w?d Sk? onto it. Th? girl'? v?i??? were g?tting l?ud?r but th?? w?r? cut ?h?rt as the doors closed.

"G??d work t??m!" And?r? ??id. H? ?ff?r?d Sk? ?nd Kn?x high-fiv??.

"G??d job t??m l??d?r. Wh?r? t??" ?h? asked. Her h?nd h?v?r?d near th? elevator butt?n?.

Kn?x th?ught ?b?ut it f?r a m?m?nt. "I d?n't kn?w. D? ??u guys h?v? any ?ugg??ti?n? f?r ??m?wh?r? I won't b? mobbed?" h? ??k?d. "I th?ught th? gym w?uld be a ?m?rt ?l??? but that didn't g? so well."

"I don't think th? bing? ?r?wd is big ?n m?bbing ????l?," Sky ?ff?r?d.

"I do ?nj?? a g??d bing? g?m? but I don't think t?night," h? j?k?d. "I w?? h??ing t? ju?t r??m th? ?hi? but that doesn't ???m lik?l?."

"F?r ??ur ??r??n?l ??f?t?, I think it's b??t ??u didn't," And?r? said.

"W? w?r? g?ing t? m??t ??m? ??w?rk?r? up ?n d??k if you w?nt t? ??m?," Sk? said. "Th?r? might b? a f?w girls wh? g?t ?x?it?d, but And?r? could t?k? them. I ?r?mi?? everyone else w?n't b? ?? w?ird as And?r?."

"Hey," Anders ??id. H? ?l????d th? b??k ?f Sk?'? h??d.

She swiped h?r ???urit? ??rd ?v?r the ?l?v?t?r scanner ?nd hit the t?? l?v?l. Sh? h?d thrown out th? ?ugg??ti?n without ?x???ting mu?h ?nd it w?? ?r?b?bl? best if Kn?x didn't come, Jul?? w?uld b? a h?ndful.

"Wh? not," Kn?x said, ?ur?ri?ing h?r.

"R??ll??" she ??k?d.

"Are ??u t?king back the invite?" h? asked. There was something playful d?n?ing in hi? ????.


"C??l," Anders ??id. "Are you ?n? g??d at ?ing-??ng? I n??d a worthy ????n?nt."

"I've ?l???d m? f?ir ?h?r? ?f games," Kn?x ??id.

Introducing Kn?x to th? ?r?wd w?nt smoother th?n Sk? th?ught it would. S?m? ????l? barely paid him any attention. There w?r? always n?w ????l? ??ming ?nd g?ing ?? ??u n?v?r knew everyone th?t ?h?w?d up. Kn?x took ?n And?r? at the ?ing ??ng table ?nd th?? played an int?n?? r?und. Kn?x w?n best three out ?f fiv?.

When th? game was ?v?r, Kn?x slipped into a conversation with J?hnn? and Sk? f?rg?t he was ?v?n th?r? until Jul?? showed u?. Sh? had b??n ?v?rfl?wing with ?t?ri?? fr?m h?r f??hi?n ?h?w, and ?h? ??uld barely ?l?w d?wn l?ng ?n?ugh t? form coherent ??nt?n???. P???l? ?t?rt?d to g?th?r around as her l?ud voice caught their ?tt?nti?n.

Sk? l??k?d u? t? ??? Kn?x listening in. When Jul?? ???tt?d him, h?r l??k was ?tr?ight ?ut ?f a cartoon. H?r ???? gl?n??d ?v?r him b?f?r? h?r head whi???d b??k ?r?und ?nd she ?t????d mid ??nt?n??. But h?r r???ti?n got ?ut short wh?n someone ?ugg??t?d a g?m? of N?v?r H?v? I Ever.

"N?v?r h?v? I ever kissed a f?r?ign?r," Johnny ??id. His ???? w?r? aimed ?t Jul??. Sh? l?t out a ?m?ll ?qu??l b?f?r? ?h? took a drink fr?m her ?u?.