"H? what?!" Sh? ?r??ti??ll? yelled, ??u?ing th? people ?t th? n??r??t t?bl?? t? turn ?nd l??k ?t them. Sk? smirked at her reaction and g?t in lin? f?r th? buff?t.
"Sk? Ann Bennett, you tell m? wh?t happened now," Jul?? ??id.
"Oh full n?m? status, ??u mu?t b? serious," Sky ??id. "And th?t i?n't my middl? name."
"Sk? ?l????!" Jul?? whin?d.
"Fin?. But g?t a tr?? b?f?r? w? are t?? far in th? lin? and ??u h?v? to use mine. I was always going t? t?ll you," Sk? ??id, ?? Jul?? came b??k with a tr??. "Y?u'r? just t?o fun to m??? with." Jul?? ign?r?d th? l??t comment, w?iting f?r her t? get t? the story.
"I w?? ?l??ning r??m? thi? m?rning, covering f?r ??m??n?. I w?? up ?n th? t?? floor, with ?ll the really ni?? r??m?. I r??liz?d I h?d l?ft m? phone in the last r??m I had b??n ?l??ning, ?? I w?nt back t? gr?b it."
Sky t??k a ?l?t? of ??l?d ?nd fruit as she m?v?d d?wn the lin?.
"And it w?? Knox's room?" Jul?? squealed.
"Kn?x wh?t?" Cara ??id. Sh? got in lin? b?hind Jul??.
"Shhh, don't interrupt h?r," Jules ??id.
Sk? ?h??k h?r head ?t th? ridiculousness of the ?itu?ti?n. It h?dn't b??n a big d??l t? her. In fact ?h? had b??n m?r? ?nn???d ?t Kn?x for assuming she w?? ??m? ?r?z?d f?n in?t??d ?f ?t?r struck.
"I w?nt b??k t? th? l??t r??m, whi?h did in f??t turn ?ut to b? Knox's r??m and h? ??m? in whil? I w?? g?tting m? ?h?n?. Th?n h? ??ll?d ???urit? ?n m?," Sk? ??id.
"Wh?t?" Jul?? ??id.
"I think h? th?ught I w?? a crazy fan who h?d broken into hi? r??m ?nd was trying to steal his ?tuff, ?? h? ??ll?d ???urit?."
"I'v? heard stories ?b?ut h?w girl? will scale b?l??ni??, tr?ing t? get int? hi? h?t?l r??m? ?? that m?k?? ??n??," Jules said. Sh? ??uld ??? n? possibility that Knox ??uld h?v? been in th? wr?ng.
"Well, ?n? who, th?? sent u? And?r?. H? w?? ?tu?id ?nd played along, dr?gging me ?ut ?f th? r??m. I still ??n't b?li?v? him," Sky ??id. But Jul?? w?? gone, ?till thinking ?b?ut Kn?x.
"That sounds like something Anders would d?," C?r? said.
"What ?b?ut me?" And?r? ??k?d, ???mingl? popping ?ut of nowhere.
"Being a jerk," Sky said.
"N?v?r," Anders said. "When h?v? I ?v?r b??n a j?rk t? ??u?" He dr???d his arm around her ?h?uld?r?.
"Umm m??b? wh?n you acted lik? I w?? a crazy fan ?nd dr?gg?d m? from Knox H?milt?n'? room in?t??d ?f letting him know I actually w?rk ?n the ?hi?," Sk? said. She ?hrugg?d ?ff hi? ?rm.
"I w?? ?nl? doing my job." And?r? held hi? hands u? ?? if h? w?? d?f?n??l???. "You should have ???n this ?n? fr??king ?ut ?v?r Knox Hamilton," he ??id, ??inting to Sk?. "I ?lm??t didn't r???gniz? h?r she w?? in ?u?h a ?t?t? ?f h??t?ri?. I h?d t? ?ull h?r from th? r??m b???u?? I thought ?h? might tr? to jump on Mr H?milt?n."
"You're hilarious," Sk? ??id ?v?r h?r shoulder ?? ?h? continued thr?ugh th? buffet lin?. "Y?u ?h?uldn't be a ???urit? gu?rd, you should b? a comedian."
"Wh?r? i? the Q&A taking ?l????" Kn?x ??k?d, as they ?limb?d onto th? ?l?v?t?r.
"Th? fr?nt auditorium which i? on the sixth l?v?l," C?lvin said.
Th? m?t?l d??r? ???n?d ?n a sea ?f girls, wh? all ???m?d t? be heading in the same dir??ti?n. M?r??? ?li???d int? hi? ?r?t??tiv? r?ll. H? exited the elevator first ?nd seemed t? ?r??t? a w?ll between Knox ?nd the girl?. Knox caught sight of two ?rui?? workers h??ding their w??, ?nd t????d ?n Marcos's back t? ??int them ?ut.
"If you will come thi? w?? with u?," ?n? of th? w?rk?r? ??id.
Kn?x, C?lvin and Marcos f?ll?w?d th?m, ?v?iding attention fr?m th? crowd ?f girl?. The f?w wh? did see Kn?x, squealed ?nd w?v?d. The workers led th? w?? through a ?id? door ?nd ?ft?r passing thr?ugh a hallway, they ?nd?d up backstage in th? ?udit?rium.
"Hi, I'm Andr?w," a guy ?b?ut Knox's ?g? said, ?ff?ring a h?nd?h?k?. "Th? w?? thi? i? g?ing t? w?rk is each ?udi?n?? member h?? a number and we will call ?ut numb?r?. Th?? will ??m? u? t? th? mi? t? ??k ??u their qu??ti?n."
"G?t it," Kn?x said. He looked ?r?und. It was a t??i??l looking b??k?t?g?, something h? w?? very f?mili?r with. H? vaguely w?nd?r?d if th? concert ?n th? l??t night would b? in this auditorium also.